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1 | P a g e [ G e n e r a l S u r g e r y ] © Copyright www.plab1keys.com (Constantly updated for online subscribers) Copyrights @ Plab1Keys.com General Surgery Version 5.2 PLAB 1 Keys is for PLAB-1 and UKMLA-AKT (Based on the New MLA Content-Map) Corrected, Updated, Lighter With the Most Recent Recalls and the UK Guidelines PLAB 1 Keys is For PLAB and UKMLA-AKT (Based on the New MLA Content-Map) ATTENTION: This file will be updated online on our website frequently! (example: Version 2.7 is more recent than Version 2.6, and so on) Key 1 Paget’s Disease of the breast and nipple ◙ A rare breast malignancy. ◙ With a better prognosis than the infiltrating ductal carcinoma. ◙ Features: Plab1keys.com Strict Copyrights! No Sharing or Copying Allowed by any means Compensations and Penalties Worldwide System is Active
2 | P a g e [ G e n e r a l S u r g e r y ] © Copyright www.plab1keys.com (Constantly updated for online subscribers) Copyrights @ Plab1Keys.com ♠ Dry skin around the areola resembling eczema with scales + erosions. ♠ Itching in the area. ♠ Discharge per nipple sometimes bloody. ♠ Ulcerated and/or inverted nipple. ◙ Diagnosis → Punch Biopsy Differential Diagnoses of Breast Lesions 1 ◙ Painful, fluctuating mass over the breast or near the nipple → Nipple Abscess (Pus Collection). 2 ◙ Brown/ Green/ Coloured discharge per Nipple → Duct Ectasia. 3 ◙ Hx of Trauma to the Breast (redness or bruises around the lump) + firm, round, solitary and localized lump. → Fat Necrosis. 4 ◙ Bleeding per nipple in 20-40 YO ♀ ± skin changes → Ductal Papilloma → Galactogram.
3 | P a g e [ G e n e r a l S u r g e r y ] © Copyright www.plab1keys.com (Constantly updated for online subscribers) Copyrights @ Plab1Keys.com 5 ◙ Bleeding discharge per nipple in an Old woman with eczema-like changes in the nipple ± areola ± Ulcers → Paget’s disease (Malignant) → Punch Biopsy 6 ◙ Firm, non-tender, mobile mass in a breast of a young ♀ (15-30 YO) → Fibroadenoma → Clinical + Ultrasound + FNA 7 ◙ Breast pain (Mastalgia), ↑ breast size, lumpiness (nodularity) of the breast, ♀ in the reproductive age ± tend to appear just before or during menstrual cycle and disappear after it → Fibroadenosis. 8 ◙ Fixed, irregular, hard, painless lump ± nipple retraction ± fixed to skin (Peau d’orange) or muscle (+) Local fixed, firm axillary LNs. → Breast Cancer → Core biopsy 9 ◙ Offensive yellow discharge from an area near the nipple + Hx of Abscess near this area → Ductal Fistula (Mamillary Fistula). 10 ◙ Prolonged Redness around the areola. Hx of using antibiotics which improved symptoms slightly. Greenish discharge per nipple. ± nipple retraction ± small lump around the nipple is felt. → Periductal mastitis. (Commonly young age, smoking is a risk factor, treated with antibiotics, if left untreated it may develop into an abscess that needs drainage by fine needle).