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(6.) Fructose reduces Tollen's reagent due to [2010] (1) enolisation of fructose followed by conversion to aldehyde by base (2) asymmetric carbons (3) primary alcoholic group (4) secondary alcoholic group (7.) The cell membranes are mainly composed of [2005] (1) fats (2) proteins (3) phospholipids (4) carbohydrates (8.) Number of chiral carbons in  − − + D ( ) - glucose is [2004] (1) five (2) six (3) three (4) four (9.) Glycolysis is [2003] (1) conversion of glucose tohaem (2) oxidation of glucose to glutamate (3) conversion of pyruvate to citrate (4) oxidation of glucose to pyruvate (10.) Phospholipids are esters of glycerol with [2003] (1) Three phosphate groups (2) Three carboxylic acid residues (3) Two carboxylic acid residues and one phosphate group (4) One carboxylic acid residue and two phosphate groups (11.) Cellulose is a polymer of [2002] (1) Glucose (2) Fructose (3) Ribose (4) Sucrose (12.) Which of the following gives positive Fehling solution test ? [2001] (1) Protein (2) Sucrose (3) Glucose (4) Fats (13.) Which is correct statement? [2001] (1) Starch is a polymer of  -glucose (2) In cyclic structure of fructose, there are four carbons and one oxygen atom (3) Amylose is a component of cellulose (4) Proteins are composed of only one type of amino acids (14.) Mg is present in which of the following: [2000] (1) Starch (2) Chlorophyll (3) Both (4) None (15.) Which of the following is the sweetest sugar? [1999] (1) Sucrose (2) Glucose (3) Fructose (4) Maltose
(16.) In cells, the net production of ATP molecules generated from one glucose molecule is [1999] (1) 46 (2) 32 (3) 36 (4) 40 (17.) The number of molecules of ATP produced in the lipid metabolism of a molecule of palmitic acid is [1998] (1) 130 (2) 36 (3) 56 (4) 86 (18.) Glucose molecule reacts with ' X ' number of molecules of phenylhydrazine to yield osazone. The value of ' X ' is [1998] (1) four (2) one (3) two (4) three (19.) Sucrose in water is dextro-rotatory, [ ] 66.4  D = + . When boiled with dilute HCl , the solution becomes leavo-rotatory, [ ] 20  D = − . In this process, the sucrose molecule breaks into [1996] (1) L-glucose + D-fructose (2) L-glucose + L-fructose (3) D-glucose + D-fructose (4) D-glucose + L-fructose (20.) The  -D glucose and  − D glucose differ from each other due to difference in carbon atom with respect to its [1995] (1) Conformation (2) Configuration (3) Number of OH groups (4) Size of hemiacetal ring (21.) On hydrolysis of starch, we finally get [1991] (1) Glucose (2) Fructose (3) Both (a) and (b) (4) Sucrose (22.) Which of the following is a basic amino acid ? [2020] (1) Alanine (2) Tyrosine (3) Lysine (4) Serine (23.) Which structure(s) of proteins remain(s) intact during denaturation process? [NEET Odisha, 2019] (1) Tertiary structure only (2) Both secondary and tertiary structures (3) Primary structure only (4) Secondary structure only (24.) The non-essential amino acid among the following is: [2019] (1) valine (2) leucine (3) alanine (4) lysine (25.) Which of the following compounds can form a zwitterion? [2018] (1) Aniline (2) Acetanilide (3) Glycine (4) Benzoic acid (26.) Which of the following statements is not correct :[2017] (1) Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve ineggwhite
(2) Blood proteins thrombin and fibrinogen are involved in blood clotting (3) Denaturation makes the proteins more active (4) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of a human body (27.) In a protein molecule various amino acids are linked together by [2016] (1)  -glycosidic bond (2)  -glycosidic bond (3) peptide bond (4) dative bond (28.) Which of the statements about "Denaturation" given below are correct ? [2011 M] (A) Denaturation of proteins causes loss of secondary and tertiary structures of the protein. (B) Denturation leads to the conversion of double strand of DNA into single strand (C) Denaturation affects primary strucrture which gets distorted (1) (b) and (c) (2) (a) and (c) (3) (a) and (b) (4) (a), (b) and (c) (29.) Which functional group participates in disulphide bond formation in proteins? [2005] (1) Thioester (2) Thioether (3) Thiol (4) Thiolactone (30.) Which one of the following structures represents the peptide chain? [2004] (1) (2) (3) (4) (31.) The correct statement in respect of protein haemoglobin is that it [2004] (1) functions as a catalyst for biological reactions (2) maintains blood sugar level (3) acts as an oxygen carrier in the blood (4) forms antibodies and offers resistance todieases

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