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Contenido transmedia inspirado en los principios de la NEM Libro digital con planeación docente Enfoque por progresiones Alineado con el programa de Dirección General de Bachillerato Semestre INGLÉS I Blanca Eugenia Romero Soto MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA
Av. 27 Pte. 2511, Col. Benito Juárez Puebla, Pue. C.P. 72410 Dirección editorial Sarahí Gaxiola Jarquín Autor Blanca Eugenia Romero Soto Coordinación editorial Juan Carlos Castañeda Pérez Edición Andrea Estefania Rosas Montes Juan Carlos Castañeda Pérez Coordinación de diseño Lucía Hernández González Diseño editorial Corintia Hernández Pérez Itzel Roldán López Diseño de portada Verónica Rodríguez Zárate Coordinación pedagógica Vanessa Rodríguez Pérez Revisión disciplinar Banea Jasi Vázquez Encinas © D.R. 2024 CBIM, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Impreso en México ISBN en trámite Queda prohibida la reproducción o transmisión total o parcial del contenido de la presente obra en cualquiera de sus formas, sean electrónicas o mecánicas, sin el consentimiento previo y por escrito del editor. Las imágenes empleadas en la obra son utilizadas con fines didácticos. Búscanos en nuestras redes sociales k-tdra.com MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA
13 14 18 44 65 76 81 82 106 Table of contents Partial /Block I Lesson 0 Progression 2 The learner can identify the imperative form to promote communication in the classroom in a foreign language in order to give and follow instructions. Lesson 1 Progression 1 The learner can understand the verb “to be” (affirmative, negative, and interrogative) and personal pronouns to introduce information about self and others. Lesson 2 Progression 3 The learner can comprehend the use of the verbs “to be” and “have” to describe people, places or things and can use the qualifying adjectives and definite articles to explain in detail the characteristics. Lesson 3 Progression 4 The learner can understand the use of demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those) in its affirmative, negative and interrogative form to point at someone or something based on its location (close or away) and its quantity (singular or plural). Final project Partial /Block II Lesson 4 Progression 5 Comprehend the use of there is and there are in its affirmative, negative, and interrogative form, and the prepositions of place to name the existence or nonexistence of people or things in a specific place. Lesson 5 Progression 6 Comprehend the use of possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, and theirs) to pro- mote the value of honesty recognizing what belongs and does not belong to oneself. MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA
Progression 7 Analize and comprehend that possessive adjectives are used to indicate the sense of belonging of someone or something. Therefore, they are used to indicate family ties and sense of belong- ing when a genealogy is made. Lesson 6 Progression 8 Selects the Wh- questions to make an interview and to be interviewed by elaborating simple dialogues. Also, uses the conjuntion “because” to give reasons. Progression 9 Utilizes affirmative and negative ideas in present simple to express self and other people habits and routines. The above allows to identify the actions that can be modified in order to improve his/hers physical and emotional wellbeing. Progression 10 Comprehends the usage of the yes/no questions and the wh- questions in present simple to ask and give specific information. Partial /Block III Lesson 7 Progression 11 Distinguishes the frequency adverbs (always, usually, often, sometimes, never, among others) to express self-routines and others routines. Progression 12 Uses the prepositions of time in, on, at, and the connectors and, but, and then, to speak of the moment an event happens and to contrast, connect and enlarge ideas by elaborating a journal of weekly activities. Lesson 8 Progression 13 Identifies the uses of the modal verb can (positive, negative, and interrogative) and comprehends its use to express physical, cognitive or social abilities. Progression 14 Comprehends the use of the modal verb can (positive, negative, and interrogative) to make requests and ask for, or, give permission. Lesson 9 Progression 15 Comprehends the use of countable and uncountable nouns (singular and plural) to apply them in specific situations. Progression 16 Comprehends the use of much, many, a lot, a few, a little and some to describe his/hers eatwell plate. Final project Annexes 120 147 148 168 180 201 205 MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA MATERIAL DE MUESTRA