Nội dung text SSAC-353 M.A 21-22
Model answer Semester : V (New) Aca. Year : 2021-22 Course No. : SSAC -353 Title : Manures, Fertilizers & Soil Fertility Management Credits : 2+1=3 Total Marks : 80 Day and Date 27.11.2021 Time : 3 hrs Section “A” Write Answer in 4-5 sentences Q.1 What are essential elements. Give classification of essential elements with examples Essential elements Plants (16): C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo, Cl and B. Basic Nutrients: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen Macronutrients: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S. Micronutrients: Fe, Zn, Cu, B, Mo and Cl. Q 2 Differentiate between Manures and Fertilizers Charecter Organic Manures Fertilizers Quantity Used in large quantities. Ex. 5000 to 10000 kg Used in relatively small quantity 20 to 200 kg Nutrient Content Provide all essential plant nutrients but in relatively low nutrient contents Fertilizer contains at one or two of the plant nutrients in chemical form Use Excessive use do not affect soil properties Excessive use can make soil poor Organic Matter Organic Matter No build-up of SOM water holding capacity water holding capacity No such effect
Physical properties Physical properties No such effect Q 3 Define composting and enlist different types of composting. Composting is a process of allowing organic materials to decompose in more or less controlled conditions to produce stabilized product that can be used as a manure or soil amendment. The Indore process (Howard and Wad) The Bangalore process (C.N.Acharya) The NADEP method Q 4 Define Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) and discuss components of INM INM means the supply of nutrients to the plant from various sources of nutrient INM an at maintenance or adjustment of soil fertility and of plant nutrient supply optimum level for sustaining the desired crop productivity through optimization of benefits from all possible sources of plant nutrients an integrated manner. Components: Organic manures, fertilizers, biofertilizers, crop rotation etc Q 5 Classify phosphatic fertilizers based on solubility with suitable examples 1.Water soluble phosphate :single super phosphate, diammonium phosphate 2. Citric Acid – soluble phosphates: basic slag, dicalcium phosphate, rhenania phosphate 3. Insoluble phosphates: rock phosphate, bone meal Q 6 Define organic manures and give significance of C:N ratio C:N ratio can be defined as ratio of weight of organic carbon to total nitrogen of soil or organic matter. There are two types of C:N ratio wide and narrow C:N ratio. When organic carbon content is more than total nitrogen the ratio is called as wide and when organic carbon content is less than total nitrogen then it is called as narrow C:N ratio. Wider C:N ratio results in slow decomposition rate and immobilization of nutrients Narrow C:N ratio facilitates faster decomposition and nutrient release
Q 7 Discuss mechanism of nutrient uptake by plants and explain mass flow. It is process by which the mineral element is taken up by plants and enters in cellular material 1. Passive uptake: mass flow, contact exchange theory, carbonic acid theory Donnan equilibrium Active uptake: Carrier concept, cytochrome phump theory Q 8 Give a brief note on oil cakes Oil cakes are concentrated organic manures These are plant originated concentrated organic manures Broadly classified as edible and non-edible oil cakes edible cakes ex. Neem cake, caster cake and non-edible oil cakes ex ground nut cake, linseed cake, sesame cake etc Q 9 Discuss micronutrient fertilizers with examples Fertilizers supplying micronutrients ferrous sulphate mangnous sulphate, borax, boric acid zinc oxide, zinc sulphate etc Q 10 Discuss in brief slow release nitrogen fertilizers Nitrogenous fertilizers coated with different materials to increase efficiency neem coated urea, sulphur coated urea etc Section “B” Answer the following in one sentence 1 Concentrated organic manures: Organic manures of organic origin having lesser volume of organic matter per unit nutrient content. 2 Give Nutrient content of Ammonium Nitrate 35% N Calcium Nitrate 15.5% N 3 Give name of two green leaf manuring crops: Glyricidia, Karanji (Pongamia glabra), Subabul 4 What is mass flow: Nutrients in the form of ion are absorbed by the plant roots with mass flow of water under the effect of transpiration 5 Enlist essential micro nutrients with their ionic forms Mineral element Ionic form Non-ionic form Iron (Fe) Fe2+, Fe3+ FeSO4 with EDTA
Manganese (Mn) Mn2+ MnSO4 with EDTA Zinc (Zn) Zn2+ ZnSO4 with EDTA Copper (Cu) Cu2+ CuSO4 with EDTA Boron (8) B4O72-, H2BO3-, HB032- Molybdenum (Mo) Mo O42- Chlorine (CI) Cl 6 Fertilizer: Fertilizer is any material of natural or synthetic origin added to the soil to supply one or more plant nutrients. 7 Manure: Manures are plant and animal wastes that are used as sources of plant nutrients. 8 Enlist organic nitrogen fertilizers: Urea [CO (NH2)2] Calcium cyanamide (CaCN2) 9 Enlist two minerals of potassium used as raw materials for K fertilizers : Sylvinite (KCl), Carnalite: KCl.MgCl2.6H2O, Kainite: KCl.MgS04.3H2O 10 Sewage: In the modern system of sanitation adopted in cities and towns human excreta is flushed out with water which is called sewage. 11 Night soil: Human excreta collected and dumped in trenches for manurial purpose is called as night soil. 12 Enlist two micronutrient fertilizers : Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4 7H2O) , Copper sulphate (CuSO4 5H2O) 13 Give two examples of complex fertilizers: Potassium nitrate, Ammonium phosphate, Diammonium phosphate 14 Vermicompost: Vermicompost also called worm castings, worm humus, worm manure, or worm faeces is the end-product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms. Section “C” Choose correct option 1 An element is essential for plants when it is--------- d. directly involved in the metabolism of the plant