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UNIT 3 : HEALTHY LIVING FOR TEENS PHONETICS 1. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. 1. A. habit B. hour C. human D. healthy 2. A. really B. ready C. learner D. worry 3. A. honour B. happy C. hurry D. ahead 4. A. several B. start C. regular D. parent 5. A. where B. honest C. homesick D. chorus II. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress. 1. A. anxiety B. assignment C. distraction D. counsellor 2. A. delay B. mental C. deadline D. balance 3. A. accomplish B. minimize C. physical D. liveable 4. A. additional B. optimistic C. priority D. appropriate 5. A. fattening B. happiness C. anxiety D. negative VOCABULARY-GRAMMAR III. Use the correct form of the word in bracket to complete each sentence. 1. You should improve your time ______ to keep up with the school deadlines. (MANAGE) 2. Jogging is a popular activity to maintain ____ health among young people nowadays. (PHYSICALLY) 3. We have to complete different kinds of____ at the end of this semester. (ASSIGN) 4. Smartphones have brought about a number of _____ to young users. (DISTRACT) 5. My first _______ is to have a balanced diet and do regular exercise. (PRIOR) IV. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. We feel so______ about the green projects with the participation of many volunteers. A. mental B. sure C. ready D. optimistic 2. Her personal trainer helps her to set up ______ meals and healthy habits. A. well-balanced B. well-organised C. well-designed D. well-structured 3. She has tried so hard to ________ the 10-km running route. A. begin B. accomplish C. shorten D. delay 4. Nam has got too much homework to do this week and he's completely A. optimistic B. stressed out C. relaxing D. burned out 5. If you have some problems with your study, the school _____ will listen and give you some advice.
A. doctor B. teacher C. counsellor D. trainer V. Match the first half of the sentence in A with the second half in B. 1. If you want to have good mental health, 2. If Lan doesn't want to get tired, 3. They must get rid of all the distractions 4. You can meet the school counsellor 5. If you drink too much coffee, a. if they want to manage your time effectively. b. if you don't know how to balance your study and relaxing time. c. she shouldn't stay up late. d. you should have a well-balanced life. e. you may not sleep well. 1…. 2. …. 3. … 4. … 5. …. VI. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Correct it. 1. He can brush his teeth every day if he wants to have good teeth. A B C D 2. If you skip breakfast, you might feel tiring and hungry. A B C D 3. Sarah might improve her time management skills if she wants to join in our team. A B C D 4. If we don't improve our physical health, we can have a well-balanced lifestyle. A B C D 5. If you spend too much time play computer games, your health might get worse. A B C D VII. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. If they spend more time reading materials, they _____ understand the topic more. A. should B. could C. might D. would 2. Minh _____ help you with your homework, if you ask him nicely. A. can B. should C. would D. may 3. Teenagers _______ drink coke if they don't want to gain weight. A. should B. shouldn't C. can D. can't 4. If you join in cooking courses, you ______ prepare your own food. A. must B. should C. will D. can 5. If you have many assignments at the end of this semester, you ______ go to the self- study room. A. will B. should C. may D. might READING
X. Circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Many teenagers admire sports heroes and display their posters in bedrooms. However, there are concerns about whether these teenagers (1)____ the athletes' healthy examples. British parents worry that today's youth are not as fit and healthy as previous generations. (2)____ could be the reason for this? According to the British Heart Foundation, teenagers from 13 to 15 are (3)______ a great amount of time watching TV or playing video games. A special report describes this generation (4)________"couch potatoes" spending their time indoors, growing up in their bedrooms, relying on cars, and facing potential heart disease risks as they get older. Is this their fault? Are young people simply lazy? Many parents don't (5)____ their children play outside or walk to school alone. Because they think it is unsafe. Some teenagers blame their overprotective parents for their lack of fitness. Encouraging an active (6) ____ and protecting their hearts is increasingly challenging for young people. Schools have also reduced the time for sports in recent years. Many students don't have time for sports due to exam preparations. (Adapted from https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk) 1. A. manage B. follow C. set D. give 2. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Why 3. A. spending B. using C. killing D. saving 4. A. in B. as C. at D. with 5. A. allow B. make C. let D. take 6. A. mood B. health C. lifestyle D. feeling II. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Teenagers can live a balanced lifestyle by getting enough exercise, eating healthily and having enough rest. They need to be involved in a fair level of physical activity to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle. Physical activity can include a variety of activities such as cycling, playing sports, or walking a dog. Teenagers should aim to perform two or more of these activities regularly. Healthy eating is also an important part of a teenager's life. A human needs food to create energy so that they can function. Eating healthily consists of eating a balance of the five food groups. These include: fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy and a small amount of sugary foods. Having a balanced diet will result in better brain function, healthy weight gain and greater fitness. Finally, a person needs to stop work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself and recover. Many people think that rest and sleep are the same thing but they are not. Sleep is when your body shuts down to repair and refresh itself. Rest is a time where your body relaxes such as when you go on a holiday or engage in activities that make you happy and give you pleasure. When you rest, you relax and relieve your mind and body of all the things in life that may cause you stress. 1. How can teenagers keep fit? A. Balance their lifestyle B. Play many sports
C. Do enough physical activity D. Create enough energy 2. What is the benefit of a balanced diet? A. Gaining more weight B. Functioning better brain C. Making greater brain D. Forming better bodies 3. What does 'These' refer to? A. Sugary foods B. Fruits C. Physical activities D. Five groups of food 4. What is the difference between sleep and rest? A. The state of your body B. The time when your body shuts down C. The happiness you receive D. The stress you release 5. Which has the closest meaning to 'engage' ? A. include B. participate C. jump D. register 6. What is the best title for this text? A. Ways of balancing lifestyle B. Benefits of physical exercise C. How to get enough rest D. Life with stress XII. Read the text and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE. Many studies have emphasised the importance of physical health in preventing anxiety and depression. There is a strong connection between the mind and body. All of us can make simple changes to our lifestyle to add in more exercise, healthier eating, enough sleep, and exposure to sunlight. Research on exercise has shown that it positively affects mood. Physical activity helps release more endorphins in the brain, which create feelings of happiness. Sleep is crucial, especially for children and teenagers, as it helps improve concentration and prevents bad temper. Good relationships play a significant role in bringing happiness to people. A study discovered that most happy people often have close bonds with their friends and family, and regularly spend quality time together. It is essential to have at least one person whom you can openly talk to and share your personal feelings with. Having many friends to hang out with or talk about music and sports cannot make us happy. Building deeper connections is more important. Some people may need to learn effective listening skills to develop stronger relationships with others. TRUE FALSE 1. Physical health has no effect on anxiety and depression, 2. It doesn't require much effort to include more exercise and enough sleep in our lifestyle. 3. Our brain releases endorphins when we do exercise. 4. Teenagers can focus better if they get enough sunlight. 5. A large number of happy people spend regular time with their friends and family. 6. Talking to many friends can help develop stronger relationships. D. WRITING.

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