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herald tribune the vP The Official Publication of St. Therese Educational Foundaton of Tacloban, Inc. Volume 1, Issue 1 April 12, 2024 News Bits KEEPING JOURNALISM ABLAZED Over 1, 301 campus journalists from 11 District Learning Centers (DLC) in Region VIII gathered for the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) 2024 at St. Therese Christian Development Center Foundation (STCDCFI)- Abucay Campus on April 12, 2024. 1,392 journalists, coaches, and school paper advisers attended the DSPC 2024 What is inside? EMBRACING CHANGE by ASIA by GIOVANNI CELEBRADO Former RAESPA President discusses MATATAG at DSPC 2024 ACLOBAN CITY --- Group Categories from 10 District Learning Centers (DLC) in Region VIII gathered for the Divisions Schools Press Conference (DSPC) 2024 at St. Therese Christian Development Center Foundation (STCD- CFI)-Abucay Campus on April 12, 2024. T The Mini Press Conference began with a discussion on the MATATAG Curriculum from former President of the Regional Association of the Elementary School Paper Association (RAESPA) and Guest Speaker Harold M. Naputo. He clarifies that the MATATAG is an enhancement of the K-12 curriculum. Naputo said, “The MATATAG Curriculum is a K-12 Curriculum which is an enhanced version. So, the K-12 Curriculum now which is being enhanced has been called the MATATAG Curriculum.” “MATATAG” is a revised basic education curriculum under the K-12 program that covers kindergarten up to the tenth grade. It aims to produce competent, job-ready, active, responsible, and patriotic citizens. In the MATATAG Curriculum, Naputo explains that instead of the accustomed 80 learning competencies in a year, these competencies will be put together and incorporated as one competency. Under the memorandum signed on December 20, 2023 by Edu- cation Undersecretaries Gina Gonong & Wilfredo Cabral, it states that the series of trainings by teachers and school leaders ensures an in- depth understanding of the revised curriculum for Kindergarten, Grades one, four, and seven. The Curriculum will focus on foundational skills, specifically: Language, Reading and Literacy, Mathematics, Makabansa, and Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC). Sarah Duterte launched the MATATAG Curriculum on August 10, 2023, in Pasay City. DepEd introduces improved K-12 curriculum, MATATAG Vice President and Department of Education Secretary (DepEd Sec.,) Sarah Duterte launched the MATATAG Curriculum on August 10, 2023 in Pasay City. Alliance of Concerned Teachers stated that “The MATATAG Curriculum is premature, -- following the “problematic” K-12 program introduced in 2012.” In connection with VP and & DepEd Sec., Sarah Duterte “The [current]curriculum required instructors to teach an excessive number of learning competencies – with very limited time available for instruction.” The rollout will start this School Year 2024-2025, Kinder, grades 1, 4, and 7 will be the first. Followed by grades 2, 5, 7 and 8 in 2025; then 3, 6, and 9 in 2026, and grade 10 by 2027. DepEd’s target date for full implementation is 2028. The senior high school curriculum is also being reviewed and updates might be introduced in 2024. One of the main aims for this curriculum is to prepare students for jobs and make them competitive worldwide after 12th grade. News Side Story News Feature Poa: ‘MATATAG for learner’s overall performance, not just PISA’ ens scribbling, keyboards clacking, and papers sheath- ing as Department of Educa- tion (DepEd) Officials clarified that the MATATAG Curriculum, which aims to decongest basic was established not just to improve Filipino learners’ performance in international assessments as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), but to improve their overall performance. DepEd Spokesperson Undersecretary Michael Poa stated that the revised curriculum is a product of a review of the current K-12 curriculum made by more than a thousand basic education experts from the government, private sector, and abroad. Poa responds to the question if the establishment of the MATATAG Curriculum was timely con- sidering that the number of subjects decreased. The Philippines ranked the 77th out of 81 countries in the recent PISA 2022 with scores of 355 in Math, 347 in Reading, and 373 in Science. Insisting that the estab- lishment of the MATATAG Curriculum is timely, DepEd Undersecretary Gina Gonong points out that it is not about the number of competencies but selecting the important ones that learners uses to master. P 02 OPINION 03 FEATURE 04 SPORTS SWEEP by GIOVANNI CELEBRADO by GIOVANNI CELEBRADO COMBATING MEDIOCRITY ST NDING INTOLERABLE IN THETolerable LET IT BEGIN! As the second day of the DSPC commences, Harold M. Naputo takes the microphone as the guest speaker, enlightening students on the MATATAG curriculum. Photo by KHOLEY CAESAR
OPINION 02The Official Publicatio St. Therese Educational Foundaton of Tacloban, Inc. Volume 1, Issue 1 | April 12, 2024 Editorial COMBATING MEDIOCRITY MATATAG Curriculum is to be implemented with the objective of decreasing workload for both teachers and students, with a better education in mind. Aiming for the students to acquire all the necessary learning competencies and decrease the number of subjects at the same time, what is with all the opposition when the purpose of MATATAG is to address the problems regarding the education system? Overloaded with too many subjects in a day, MATATAG aims to merge subjects and lessons to accommodate the limited time for instruction. This will ensure that the students better acquire the needed learning competencies. Not only that, but with the implementation of MATATAG, the excessive number of lessons that instructors are required to teach would be lessened. As the revised curriculum will focus more on foundational subjects, this will be easier for students to remember and comprehend the skills they need to acquire. Some people may say that MATATAG is being rushed and that teachers do not even possess the skills required for next school year’s pilot implementation. However, DepEd has reviewed and conceptualized the MATATAG curriculum since 2019, and series of trainings for teachers concerned are being conducted. Therefore, the implementation of MATATAG will be successful as these trainings will ensure that teachers have an in-depth understanding of the revised curriculum. Education Undersecretary Gina Gonong pointed out that it is not about the number of competencies, but about selecting the important ones that learners need to master. Through MATATAG, competencies’ relevance, the delivery of basic education, learner’s well-being, and support for teachers will be of utmost priority. After all, education is for everyone, it should be able to cater everyone’s needs. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, STUDENT JOURNALIST ID NO: 1234 I feel uneasy about how the adjustments I must make when the MATATAG curriculum is fully implemented. Much of my life is revolved around my education, thus my unease. What kind of changes does this MATATAG curriculum entail? STUDENT JOURNALIST ID NO: 5678 Dear Sender, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Fear not, the MATATAG curriculum is only an extension of the already in place K-12 curriculum. In this curriculum, these learning competencies are enhanced with focuses on Mother Tongue Based Multilingual learning to allow each one of the Philippines local languages to thrive. Fret not about the adjustment to the new curriculum, rest assured that the implementation of this curriculum will take place over time, slowly but surely. Sincerely, Sender Sincerely, Editor-in-Chief Are we succumbing to China? o maintain the peace or to submit to unlawful power? China continues to assert property on the West Philippine Sea despite the Philippines’ rightful claim over its territory. The possibility of a war hinders the Philippines from fully attaining control and access to its waters. Why does the Philippines cower in the face of unlawful use of power, when in fact, we have the right to claim what’s promised and ours in the first place? T To maintain the peace or to submit to unlawful power? China continues to assert property on the West Philippine Sea despite the Philippines’ rightful claim over its territory. The possibility of a war hinders the Philippines from fully attaining control and access to its waters. Why does the Philippines cower in the face of unlawful use of power, when in fact, we have the right to claim what’s promised and ours in the first place? An agreement had been made that 200 km from the Philippine coast is of Philippine territory. And yet, China crosses our borders and even have put-up facilities that are within our waters. Indeed, our country had been negligent, and now it has borne irreversible and dire consequences. Even the recent encounter of 50 Chinese Coastal Guard Vessels against 1 Philippine fisher boat proves the defiance of China. Does that mean we are not allowed or permitted to fish on our own waters? Does our government plan to evade and ignore the disruption onto our countrymen and their livelihood? Power truly influences people. We should not cower, but rather take a stand against people who abuse their power. Does our government plan to wait until China finally seizes the West Philippine Sea? Just because we may be inferior to China should be more of a reason for the government to act. The West Philippine Sea has been proven multiple times to be rightfully our territory and waters. The government should address the Chinese illegal occupation, and unlawful establishment of infrastructures on our waters. If we remain stagnant, the West Philippine Sea would be taken from its rightful owners. Editorial board Heinrich Bautista Layout Artist Giovanni Celebrado News Writer Liane Belle Nayad Editorial Writer Kholey Caesar Photojournalist Irene Dolima Feature Writer Khiara Reynera Cartoonist by LIANE BELLE NAYAD by LIANE BELLE NAYAD Allen Molina Sports Writer Cartoon by KHIARA REYNERA
FEATURE 03 ST NDING INTOLERABLE IN THETolerable er eyes are incomparable to the all of sundry. Not once did her eyes set a distinct and brutal boundary between the dichotomy of the privileged and the powerless. Her palms are as caring and open as the oceans. Though rough, they bore the gentle touch of utmost integrity and vulnerability. Her mind and heart are as gallant and committed as the souls of the heroes of our country. The disposition in which she portrays (and I deem her to be) is my epitome of the Filipino National Hero. ‘‘ H Born, raised, and abandoned in the humble city of Tacloban, she had books as her companion — her jovial light in the bleak crevices of her home. In between the rousing lines of the esteemed works of national artists, N.V.M Gonzales and Nick Joaquin, she swallowed in heaps and ingrained onto her character the notion of liberty and integrity. Despite her report cards marked with the bloodiest red of tres’, she surpassed the daunting entrance examination of the University of the Philippines, and trekked the cerebral domains of Psychology and Communications. At the uncertain age of 24, she decided to marry a man raised by carabaos in distant, vast rice paddies. Her choice led to the halt of her saccharine reveries and my birth. At the certain age of 27, with her long-known notion on liberty and integrity, she served for the welfare of her country and her fellow common Filipinos. On the dismal year of 2021, she gambled her luck in the inauspicious roulette of the bar examination — satisfying her hunger to instigate change in the tranquil pearl of the orient. She triumphed exceedingly. At present-day, she has a notarial firm that caters to the marginalized and rejected of our nation. Her valiant voice acts as the silver lining that was incessantly sought by the people of my town. She may not know, but my mother has taught me everything I know of integrity, democracy, and being. She has strongly impelled me to be better than the men in barongs in senate courts through her stories of the powerless at daily evening dinners. She has taught me to become intolerable in a nation wherein everything is tolerable. t was nine in the evening and eight back in the country where I came from. My toes and fingers were numb despite the heavy armor of my wool gloves and socks, and Imy stomach, famished, churned in loud plea Despite the moon making its bed in the crib of twinkling stars, the train station was flooded with commuters walking in a steadfast manner to catch their trains. In all the fuss and disarray, my family and I sat unperturbed on the cold, metal chairs of the train station, unwearyingly waiting with shaking hands. When the train TRAIN STATION 64.1% of the total Filipino population struggle to efficiently access various forms of public transportation everyday - According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) was five minutes away, a large man in a blue uniform stood behind the yellow line to wait for his train. His giant physique implored the eyes of those that set on his figure to look at him once more and regard and acknowledge his excellency. My father deduced he was a man of politics. I strongly agreed. Later on, the man austerely rode the train and packed himself along with his people. The whole panorama was similar to the tight position of sardines in a can. Then, our train arrived. During dinner, I pondered on how well and effective the transportation system was that all were welcome to board. THE ART OF J URNALISM Redirection of a passion does not put the flame out ‘Dishes cannot be created without its ingredients, what would a dish be without its contents?’ is what a young college student in culinary arts thought to herself, while the background noise of a knife slicing through an apple played in the background. She was watching a tutorial video that came across her social media, intrigued by the ‘Best Apple Pie Recipe!’ in the caption. As she closed her phone and placed it on the table, next to her mug of black, bitter coffee, there was another thought that popped for her to ponder on after the video had ended. ‘Journalists are the deliverers of truth, what would a journalist be without their facts?’ she thought, while staring at the almost empty mug. She had a passion for journalism, but it was not to be pursued for the sake of finances. The press conference for the tertiary schools had just ended, and she unfortunately did not make it to the RTSPC. This made her look back at the high school times. As if on cue, she hears a ‘ding!’ from her phone, it was a Facebook memory. It was the season of finding the best journalist in the category through press conferences, so it wasn’t a shock to her when she saw that it was from the DSPC of last year, her last year of high school, after being a writer since she was in 5th grade. This made her realize how driven she is in relaying the truth for the media. It was a spark in her heart that pushed her to be honest, curious, and hardworking, an everlasting flame that keeps her going for the truth of the people, a passion that was not pursued, yet always valued within. ‘Once a journalist, always a journalist!’ is what motivates her in the redirection of her passion, always seeing the light in the dark, just like a journalist. Body Aboard! All by IRENE DOLINA by IRENE DOLINA by KHOLEY CAESAR
by ASIA by ALLEN MOLINA BUCAY – Tacloban City Young Carlo Panane overpowers Norlito Abella, securing a decisive win during the DSPC Badminton match on Friday, April 12, 2024, on the STCDCFI Outdoor Covered Court. Not even breaking a sweat during his match with his upperclassman from JARMSES Central School. A As a novice to the sport, this win was a huge milestone in the 13-year-old Carlo’s journey as a badminton player, having only previously participated in the San Fernando Badminton Meet. Throughout the match, Panene repeatedly sent his shots to the back area of the badminton court, leaving it just out of reach for Abella. Norlito Abella had the chance to catch up to his underclassman in the later part of the set scoring consecutive points to close the score gap but was denied by Panene and his powerfully strategic smashes, ending the match at 15-12. Panene will reportedly go on to play Badminton for his school at JARMSES Central School and is anticipated to compete in the next annual District Meet for Singles Badminton in Tacloban City. scan this qr code herald tribune the SPORTS Panene pummels Abella in exhibition match; 15-12 SWEEP “I felt chill before, during, and after the game despite having to battle an upperclassman; but even after this win, I think there is still some things improve as I continue my journey as a badminton Player.” - Carlo Panene in a post-game interview with student journalists 15 12 FINAL SCOREBOARD Panene Abella for more updates from our publication Sports Editorial adminton is a beloved sport worldwide; it is highly respected by different demographics. Players have been inspired to play this sport and consider it an honor to be invited to a different school to play whether in a practice match, or an official tournament. However, is it much of an honor to be invited when your purpose was to be EXPLOITED against for a major school competition? During the DSPC meet in STCDCFI Abucay, Tacloban Leyte. A badminton game took place for the sports article writing on Friday, April 12, 2024, where 13-year-old Carlo Panene, and 12-year-old Norlito Abella from JARMSES Central School was invited to be put in the spotlight without warning. The two boys “felt happy and excited” to play badminton as both showed intense passion for the sport, only to be met with a court without a net, without line boundaries, without the proper attires, and with the wind altering the course of the shuttlecock. “This game is only for the purpose of compliance for your sports articles, so just play pretend that this game is actually intense.” Said the facilitator of the badminton match. At the end of the day, the event with much reach and ample funds, decided to instead exploit young boys with the idea of ‘playing badminton inside a private school’ but did not even give them the proper facilities to enjoy the game. Adding meaning to the statement ‘The poor is none the wiser’. As sports continue to soar in our society, we must consider how young aspiring athletes are used like puppets by powerful associations for nothing other than self-benefit, and how this mindset creates stigma and shame around starting a new sport. The False Truths of Athletic Glory B by ALLEN MOLINA PANENE-ndigan’s Smart Scoring The Badminton game being held out- doors contributed to Panene’s win, by altering the course of the shuttlecock to more unexpected directions, and by weakening Abella’s shots who was facing the windy source. Sports Bits Sports Feature River Currents suddenly go deaf, perhaps from the cheers of the crowd, but no victory is as loud as this defeat. My eyes dart across the grassy field, my vision blurry from the tears building in my eyes. I look down at my dirtied socks, and dull violet boots—I can recall when once they shined against the rays of the sun, when they weren’t overpowered by the shame of letting go of a lifelong dream. Encapsulated in grief, of what could’ve been, who I could’ve been. Now I am pulled back to the deep end after a lifetime of running against the river’s current wondering when to swim again. by ALLEN MOLINA by ALLEN MOLINA I SWEEPING PLAY! . Carlo Panane smashes the shuttlecock with confidence in a swift play, ending the game with a score of 15 against 12. Photo by KHOLEY CAESAR

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