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VOCABULARY SET 13: GRAND PARENTS VS CHILDCARE CENTRES Vocabulary: 1. a fraction (n): một phần nhỏ, một chút 2. assure (v): đảm bảo, cam đoan, trấn an 3. balanced meal (s) (np): bữa ăn cân bằng (về dinh dưỡng) 4. be in favour of (collocation): yêu thích, ủng hộ, thiên vị 5. be/get exposed to (collocation): được tiếp xúc với 6. comprehensive development / all-rounded progress (np): phát triển toàn diện 7. detriment (n): tổn hại 8. foster (v): nuôi dưỡng, nhận nuôi 9. monitor (v): theo dõi 10. negotiate (v): thương lượng, đàm phán 11. norm (n): quy phạm, chuẩn mực 12. nutrient need(s) (np): nhu cầu dinh dưỡng 13. physical and intellectual growth (np): tăng trưởng về thể chất và trí tuệ 14. ratio (n): tỉ lệ 15. standardise (v): tiêu chuẩn hóa 16. tailor (v): điều chỉnh Exercises: Task 1: Write sentences from given cues. Make changes to the cues when needed. 1. Standardised / English test / believe / ensure / fairness / test-taker. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. Neglected child / remove / her home / and / place / foster family. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 3. Comprehensive development / mean / provide / children / opportunity / learn / what / they / want. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. Ratio / men / women / the conference / ten / one. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. Although / sexual / violent / crimes / increase 113 percent / they / remain / small / fraction / total number / crimes / commit / each year. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English 1. Nhu cầu dinh dưỡng ở mỗi lứa tuổi là khác nhau, bởi vậy, thực đơn cần được điều chỉnh để cung cấp cho trẻ em những bữa ăn cân bằng và tốt cho sức khỏe. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2. Một cách để nuôi dưỡng tình yêu âm nhạc của trẻ là cho chúng theo học các lớp nhạc cụ. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________
3. Mỗi quốc gia có chuẩn mực xã hội riêng, bởi vậy, khi một cá nhân bước vào một đất nước khác, việc họ nên làm là tự thương lượng giữa giá trị văn hóa cũ và mới. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 4. Những tổn hại mà cơn bão gây ra cho các làng ven biển là không thể đong đếm được. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 5. Thủ tướng cam đoan với người dân sẽ không tăng thuế sau kì bầu cử. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Task 3: Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases a fraction (n) monitor (v) assure (v) negotiate (v) balanced meal(s) (np) norm (n) be in favour of (collocation) nutrient need(s) (np) be/get exposed to (collocation) physical and intellectual growth (np): comprehensive development / all-rounded ratio (n) progress (np) standardise (v) detriment (n) tailor (v) foster (v) Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centres provide the best care. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. It is a social 1___________that both parents pursue their career paths outside of the home, and their children are taken care of either by teachers at nurseries or by grandparents. While the latter option is advantageous to some, I strongly believe nursery schools provide the best preparation for children. There are reasons why some parents 2___________having their children being looked after by grandparents. First, unlike childcare centres, grandparents do not usually demand a payment for their service. To some financially disadvantaged families, this can be the most economical choice. Furthermore, with grandparents' support, the children-caretaker 3___________can be just 4___________of that at a nursery. This means there will be more eyes to 5___________every step the child takes, to 6___________ an environment free of any 7___________. On the other hand, I am of the opinion that sending children to preschools is a more beneficial solution for a more 8___________. With 9___________educational methods, these schools may 10___________both the 11___________of children. For instance, children can 12___________a diversity of opinions and backgrounds, thus developing their social skills by 13___________with other kids. Moreover, at these places, healthy and 14 ___________for children can be provided, according to menus that are 15___________ to fit the 16___________of different ages. As a result, preschool children may progress faster than those who are home-schooled, both psychologically and physically. In conclusion, even though some parents still choose to have child care support from grandparents, I believe that kinder garten is the right place for a greater 17___________of a child. 270 words, written by Tu Pham
Key: Task 1: 1. Standardised English tests are believed to ensure fairness to test-takers. 2. The neglected child was removed from her home and placed with a foster family. 3. Comprehensive development means providing children with opportunities to learn what they want. 4. The ratio of men to women at the conference was ten to one. 5. Although sexual and violent crimes have increased by 13 percent, they remain a small fraction of the total number of crimes committed each year. Task 2: Answers may vary 1. Nutrient needs of different ages are not similar; therefore, menus need to be tailored to provide children with balanced and healthy meals. 2. One way of fostering a love for music in children is to let them take musical instrument courses. 3. Each country has its own social norms; therefore, when a person steps into a new country, what they should do is self-negotiating between old and new cultural values. 4. The detriments that the storm caused to coastal villages are uncountable. 5. The Prime minister assured citizens that taxes would not be increased after the election. Task 3: Nowadays, many families have both parents working. Some working parents believe other family members like grandparents can take care of their children, while others think childcare centres provide the best care. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. It is a social (1) norm that both parents pursue their career paths outside of the home, and their children are taken care of either by teachers at nurseries or by grandparents. While the latter option is advantageous to some, I strongly believe nursery schools provide the best preparation for children. There are reasons why some parents (2) are in favour of having their children being looked after by grandparents. First, unlike childcare centres, grandparents do not usually demand a payment for their service. To some financially disadvantaged families, this can be the most economical choice. Furthermore, with grandparents' support, the children-caretaker (3) ratio can be just (4) a fraction of that at a nursery. This means there will be more eyes to (5) monitor every step the child takes, to (6) assure an environment free of any (7) detriment. On the other hand, I am of the opinion that sending children to preschools is a more beneficial solution for a more (8) comprehensive development. With (9) standardised educational methods, these schools may (10) foster both the (11) physical and intellectual growth of children. For instance, children can (12) be exposed to a diversity of opinions and backgrounds, thus developing their social skills by (13) negotiating with other kids. Moreover, at these places, healthy and (14) balanced meals for children can be provided, according to menus that are (15) tailored to fit the (16) nutrient needs of different ages. As a result, preschool children may progress faster than those who are home-schooled, both psychologically and physically. In conclusion, even though some parents still choose to have childcare support from grandparents, I believe that kindergarten is the right place for a greater (17) all-rounded progress of a child. 270 words, written by Tu Pham

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