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Nội dung text 21 CONDICIONALES.pdf

TIP OF THE WEEK ✅ ZERO CONDITIONAL IF + PRESENTE, PRESENTE -Cosas que son siempre ciertas, leyes físicas, hábitos -Se puede cambiar “if” por “when” If you don't drink water in a week, you die If you mix red and yellow, you get orange When you heat water at 100o, it boils ✅ PRIMER CONDICIONAL IF + PRESENTE, WILL + INF -Alta probabilidad de que ocurra si se da la condición -Utilizamos “unless” para indicar “a menos que, a no se que”. No es obligado que la oración sea negativa If you study hard, you will pass the exam She ́ll help you if you ask her You won ́t go out unless you finish your homework You ́ll get fat unless you stop eating fast food
✅ SEGUNDO CONDICIONAL IF + PASADO SIMPLE, WOULD + INF -Situaciones hipotéticas o imaginarias -En caso de aparecer el verbo “to be” en el 2o condicional, siempre será “were” independientemente de quién sea el sujeto If I won the lottery, I would travel a lot What would you do if you had more free time? I ́d leave the company if they didn ́t treat me well ✅ TERCER CONDICIONAL IF + HAD + 3/ED, WOULD + HAVE + 3/ED -Situaciones pasadas If I had known it was your birthday, I ́d have bought a cake We wouldn ́t have gone to the beach if you hadn ́t phoned us If Mr. Williams had heard the alarm, the house wouldn ́t have burnt RECUERDA 1) En el zero condicional podemos sustituir "if" por "when" 2) Cuando veas un "unless", sustitúyelo por un "if" (es la misma estructura) 3) Podemos cambiar los bloques en la oración condicional 4) En el 2° condicional, si aparece el "to be", siempre será "were" 5) En el segundo condicional, puede aparecer “could” (would + can)
6) “Unless” (a menos que) puede ir tanto en oraciones negativas como afirmativas PROHIBIDO EN EL BLOQUE DEL "IF" Will Would Was (2o cond) Would have + 3/ed

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