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PAPER 1 (1.) Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Group‐15 elements? [Page: 170] (1) In Group‐15, nitrogen and phosphorus are non‐metals. (2) As we go down the group, there is shift non-metallic to metallic from character. (3) Arsenic and antimony are typical metal. (4) both (a) and (b) (2.) By percentage molecular nitrogen comprises in atmosphere. [Page: 170] (1) 65% (2) 76% (3) 78% (4) 48% (3.) Nitrogen occurs in the Earth’s crust in the form of. [Page: 171] (1) sodium nitrate (2) potassium nitrate (3) nitric acid (4) both (a) and (b) (4.) Which of the following is a synthetic radioactive Element? [Page: 171] (1) Arsenic (2) Antimony (3) Moscovium (4) Bismuth (5.) Which is the following depicts the correct order of melting points for Group‐15 elements [Page: 171] (1) N P As Sb Bi     (2) N P As Sb Bi     (3) N P As Sb Bi     (4) NSb>Bi (6.) The correct order of ionic radii for 3 3 Sb ,Bi + + and 3 As + is: [Page: 172] (1) 3 3 3 As Sb Bi + + +   (2) 3 3 3 Bi As Sb + + +   (3) 3 3 3 Sb Bi As + + +   (4) 3 3 3 Bi Sb As + + +   (7.) Arsenic forms covalent bonds with: [Page: 172] (1) carbon (2) oxygen (3) hydrogen (4) all of these. (8.) Ionisation enthalpy decreases down the group due to gradual increase in: [Page: 172] (1) atomic radii (2) atomic size (3) electronegativity (4) lanthanide contraction. (9.) It is to and that Group‐15 elements have some common oxidation states. The most common oxidation states of this group are: [Page: 172] (1) − + 3and 3 (2) + + 3and 5 (3) − + 5and 5 (4) + − 3and 5 (10.) In Group‐15, the melting point increases up to — and then decreases up to — [Page: l73] (1) bismuth, arsenic (2) arsenic, bismuth
(3) arsenic, antimony (4) phosphorus, bismuth (11.) The anomalous behavior of nitrogen from other members of the family in several properties due to its: [Page: 173] (1) small size (2) high ionization enthalpy (3) high electronegativity (4) all of the above (12.) Which of the statement regarding nitrogen is/are Incorrect? [Page: 173] (1) Due to its small size and high electro‐ negativity can from pπ pπ − multiple bond with itself and with other elements. (2) Elements of Group‐15 from hydrides of EH3 type. (3) The stability of hydrides increases from NH3 to BiH .3 (4) Oxides formed by the elements of nitrogen family have general formula E2 3 O and E O2 5 where EN1 family elements. (13.) Nitrogen is restricted to a maximum covalence of. [QR Code, NCERT Exemplar, Page: 173] (1) 6 (2) 5 (3) 3 (4) 4 (14.) Nitrogen exists as a diatomic molecule with a: [Page: 173] (1) double bond (2) triple bond (3) single bond (4) all of these (15.) The reason for not forming pentahalide of nitrogen is: [Page: 174] (1) availability of d‐orbitals in its valence shell (2) availability of d‐orbitals in its valence shell (3) non‐availability of p‐orbitals with valence shell (4) non‐availability of d‐orbitals in its valence shell. (16.) In case of nitrogen, which of the following is known to be stable [QR Code, NCERT Exemplar, Page: 174] (1) NF3 (2) NO2 (3) NH3 (4) Ca N3 2 (17.) The compound having −3 oxidation state to form their binary compounds in: [Page: 174] (1) Mg Bi 3 2 (2) HNO3 (3) H O2 (4) NO (18.) Match the following columns and choose the correct option from the codes given below. [Page: 168] Column‐I Column‐II

(3) Reaction with oxide (4) Reaction with hydroxide (26.) ( ) 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 2 AgCl s 2NH aq Ag NH Cl aq + → the colour of ( 3 )2 Ag NH Cl complex is: [Page: 176] (1) deep blue (2) white (3) light green (4) colourless. (27.) Why liquid ammonia is used as refrigerant? [Page: 176] (1) Due to its basicity (2) Due to its stability (3) Due to its dipole moment (4) Due to heat vaporisation (28.) Ammonia in liquid form is a good cleansing agent because it is: [Page: 176] (1) weakly basic (2) leaves no residue when wiped out (3) emulsified grease (4) all of the above (29.) Consider the following reaction conversion: 3 4 l0 3 2 5 4HNO P O 4HPO 2N O + → + [Page: 176] N O2 5 obtained as: (1) colourless gas (2) colourless solid (3) colourless liquid (4) neutral (30.) Among the following which one is wrong statement? [Page: 177] (1) PH5 and BiCl5 do not exits (2) pπ dπ − bonds are present in SO2 (3) SeF4 and CH4 have same shape (4) 3 I has bent geometry (31.) Which of the following statement is correct regarding phosphorus [Page: 180] (1) Phosphorus is found in many allotropic forms. (2) White phosphorus is a translucent white waxy solid. (3) White phosphorus is chemiluminescene. (4) All of the above. (32.) Consider the following reaction: 3 4 l0 3 4HNO P O 4HPO + → Here X is: [Page: 178] (1) N O2 5 (2) NO3 (3) N O2 4 (4) H N O 2 2 2 (33.) Which of the following statements are correct? [Page: 178] (1) All the three N O− bonds lengths in HNO3 are equal. (2) P4 molecule in white phosphorus have angular strain. (3) PCl5 is ionic in solid state in which cation is tetrahedral and anion is octahedral (4) Both (a) and (b)

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