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1 Ôn tập Nói 01. (Phần 1-câu hỏi không được phát) N0.01 Country 1. Which part of the country do most people live in? -Most people in VN live in the North, the South and the centre. They live in any place where the economy develops and has good living conditions. -In fact, most people in Viet Nam live in plains like North Vietnamese plain, the Mekong delta. In addition, civilians settle in beach plains. That there are favorable living conditions galore in plains attracts people to live there. 2. What are the main industries in your country? -I think, in VN the main industries now are farming, forestry, tourism and service industry …. -Some of the major industries in the plain are farming, forestry, mining, and the oil and gas industries to consume domestic and export. These occupations provide the people with good paying jobs and good lifestyles. So they help to reduce social evils. 3- How easy is it to travel around your country? - It is quite easy to travel around VN. You can go by different transportations like motorbike , grab bike, taxi, car, train, bus/ It depends the place you go so you can choose the most convenient way to travel. -It is very convenient to travel around my country, providing that you can afford to pay for expenses. You just need to phone the ticket agency to book a seat in advance and the drivers will pick you up at any time you request. Furthermore, transportation system in my country is getting more and more improved. You can travel by air route, roads, railway, tunnels, waterways and so on.. Clothes/ Fashion 1. Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes? -I love fashion but I don’t think it is necessary to wear fashionable clothes. -No, fashion is not always my cup of tea. Actually, I don’t care much about fashion. It is not so important to me. I‘d prefer casual clothes because it makes me feel comfortable. However, I always dress fashionable when I attend a party/ meeting. 2. What item of clothing do you most like wearing? - I often wear casual clothes when I go out. But, I always wear formal clothes when I am at work. N0.02 Part-time job 1. Do you have a part-time job? -At present, I don’t. But maybe in the future I would find a part-time job to have extra income. You see I am now working as a/ an……. I have been working for …..years. 2. What do you like about the job you are doing? -What I love about my job is the collaborative environment/ good working environment -My job offers a wide variety of opportunities./ many chances -I love to work in small companies that are growing and give me opportunity to grow as well. -I love the people interaction too, and the opportunity to work flexible hours! -It's hard to say but I think in my job I like freedom the most. I can find a part time job to earn extra pocket money 3. Is there anything you dislike about it? -It is quite a busy job. I sometimes/ often have to work late and at the weekends -The thing I don’t like about it is it is a low salary job.. Besides, I have no chance to travel a lot. TV 1. How often do you watch TV? -Mostly every day. I often spend one hour a day watching TV. I watch the news to get up-to-date information. --In the past, I watched TV almost every day. But at present, I rarely watch TV. - Well, now I have to work all day so I don’t have many free time to watch TV. However, sometimes or at weekend, when I have free time, I also enjoy TV programs. The channel I’m really keen on is HBO which is full of movies. I find them really relaxing and interesting. 2. What is your favourite TV program?/ Which TV channel do you usually watch? -I love the news. Also, game shows are my favourite programe. - I like current affair (news) on TV. I often watch news on VTV1 at 7 pm. -I like watching VTV news because it provides me with useful knowledge of all fields in life -Honestly, there is quite a mixed variety of TV programs that I like watching, but in particular, I do get
2 - I am not the person who is always on trend. I still wear the regular jeans and shirts for casual days or formal clothes for business events. 3. Should children wear fashionable clothes? Why? Why not? -I don’t think it is necessary for kids to wear fashionable clothes. However, they should have a choice of what they wear every day. For examples, casual clothes like T-shirts and jeans may be comfortable for them into the sitcom programs with many witty scenes which make me laugh a lot. 3. Do you enjoy the advertisement on TV? Why? Why not? - Yes. I used to love it when I was small. I loved the music of advertisement. -Actually, I don’t. It is a waste of time. Sometimes, it doesn’t tell the true value of the products and it is not advertised on the right moment. It makes me frustrated. N0.03 Hometown 1.What do you like most about your hometown? - It is tourist attraction ….HN / Ha long Bay is a good tourist destination. Thousands of tourists visit every summer. There are more and more international tourists visiting because lots of scenes from the TV show -Well, people coming to my hometown can visit Tay Phuong Pagoda which is an ancient pagoda in Ha Noi. It was built in the 17th century and it’s famous for its outstanding architecture especially the 64 statues. People have to climb up 237 steps to the Pagoda. 2. Are there things you dislike about your hometown? -The things I don’t like is the road systems. It has not been upgraded yet. However, it has changed a lot since I was a child. There are now many high-rise buildings 3. If you could change one thing in your hometown, what would it be? -The road system should be upgraded and widened. -More hospitals and school should be upgraded and rebuilt. The people’s lives should therefore be improved Neighbor 1. How well do you know the people who live next door to you? I know my neighbours quite well. They're really nice people, and I always stop to talk whenever I see them. I get on well with them. 2. How often do you see them? Why? You see, I live in a flat so I sometimes see them because we are all busy working. 3. What kinds of problem do people sometimes have with their neighbours? I think the most common problem is probably noise. It's difficult to live next to people who have a dog that barks at night, or who play loud music. N0.04 Movies 1. Do you enjoy watching movies? Yes I do. I like watching all kinds of movies. 2. How often do you go to the cinema/ watch movies? - I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends at weekend. -Actually, I’m really into watching films at the cinema once a week. It provides me with more exciting atmosphere. Besides, the surrounding sound system at the cinema brings the characters to life and enhances special effects. Even I can enjoy a night out with my friends. -I probably only go once every two or three months . I also have less time now, so when I do have free time, I usually want to hang out with my friends and have a chat, rather than sit down and watch films 3. What kind of film/ movie do you like most?/ What is your favourite movie? - I often watch action film/ romantic film, sci-fi (science fiction ) film - Well, I enjoy watching all kinds of movies but I interested in action movies most, especially American ones. They involve a lot of thrilling actions that make me so excited. -I enjoy watching all kinds of movies but I interested in action movies most, especially American ones. They involve a lot of thrilling actions that make me so excited. Watching movies is a popular mean of entertainment for everyone, especially young people. There are various kind of movies but some researchers showed that young people and children tend to have more interest towards violent film for reasons such as its fantastic action scenes and dramatic sound effects. Musical instrument 1. Which instrument do you like listening to most? Why?
3 -I love guitar/ (piano/ flute) most. It makes me relaxed and enjoyable when I feel tired. -I think, piano sound is good for people because it helps me to reduce stress, relax after work and helps me cheer up, change our mood when we are upset. 2. Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument? Which one/? -No I haven’t. But I hope I would take up playing the piano in the future. It makes me relax. It is quite good if I could play the piano by Mozart , Beethoven…. 3. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument with a teacher? -I think, it is better and faster to have a teacher. But if you have a great passion for music you can learn by yourself. Everything is possible. N0.05 Mass media 1. What kinds of things do you watch on TV? -Well, I prefer watching popular science. It is not only a way to learn a lot of things but a way for great entertainment. I love the technology so every movie for things and devices in this area is something very good for me. - I love to watch movies and game show on VTV 3. It makes me relax after a day of hard working. 2. When did you first start reading newspaper? What different kinds of newspaper are there in your country? -I started reading newspaper when I knew how to read. -In VN, there are a lot of newspapers like Nhan dan, HN moi, An Ninh Thu do …But nowadays, online newspapers are more popular like VN Express, Dan chi… 3 How important is it for people to read news rather than watch it on TV? Why? -I think, we can read news from internet, smart phone….rather watch it on TV because sometimes news online is more updated . faster and various than TV. We can get news from different sources with many comments about the news. -I commonly get news from TV and Facebook because these two forms of media are very much accessible for me and gives me the freshest updates about fashion trends, politics and the society in general. Friends 1. Do you prefer to have one particular friend or a group of friends? N0.06 Local area 1.Where is your hometown? -My hometown is in QN….I have lived for…..years…My childhood is there. There are some tourist destinations in my hometown such as Ha Long Bay… It welcomes many tourists to there every year. -My hometown is Thach That district, Hanoi which is about 30 kms far from the city centre. It’s very quiet and peaceful with rice fields like other villages in Vietnam. My hometown is famous for Tay Phuong pagoda which is an ancient pagoda in Hanoi. 2.What is there to see and do in your hometown? - My hometown special food is green bean cake… -You know, my hometown is Thach That district, which is about 30 kms far from the city centre of Hanoi. It’s famous for Tay Phuong pagoda which is an ancient pagoda in Hanoi. Besides, like other villages, my hometown is surrounded by the rice fields so the air is really fresh. People living in the countryside are very friendly. 3.What improvement would you like to make in your local area/ hometown? - If I could change one thing about my hometown, I would like to build some useful and advanced facilities for its use. A modern library, an advanced broad band system and a modern gym may bring a lot of changes to people living in my hometown and keep them up with the latest information and technology.  Clothes 1.How important are clothes and fashion to you? Why? Why not? -Not really, I’m really a simple guy. -No, not really. It is not so important to me. I‘d prefer
4 -I prefer to have a few close friends because I am an introvert one (ng huong nội) -I like to have many friends because I am an out- going person. I like to meet a lot of people. 2. What do you like doing most with your friends? - I like hanging out. Sometimes we have some coffee talk, go to the movies together and so on. -I like chatting, going out to have dinner and watch films. We also help each other when one meets difficulties. 3. What makes a friend into a good friend? (xem them cau 3 đề 7) -I think a good friend is a person who you can share and listen to you patiently and encourage you when you get depressed . He/ she should be honest and have a lot of compassion. -There is an English saying that: “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. -There is an old saying that: “Tell me about your friends and I will tell you who you are”. casual clothes because it makes me feel comfortable. However, I always dress fashionable when I attend a party/ meeting. -No, clothes and fashions are not really important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable and practical rather than fashionable. 2.What kind of clothes do you like? -I often wear shirts with trousers. - I often wear casual clothes when I go out. But, I always wear formal clothes when I am at work. -Well, I have to dress quite formally for work, so I wear a shirt and trousers. At home I prefer to wear jeans and a T-shirt, and on special occasions I might wear a suit. -Probably my leather jacket. It cost a fortune and it makes me feel really confident when I go out in it. I normally get a few compliments also because it is quite slimming. 3.How different are the clothes you are wearing now from those you wore 10 years ago? - No different, because I don't follow fashion. I think I have dressed in a similar way for the last 10 years. N0.07 Friend 1. How important is friendship to you? - It is very important for me. It helps us to overcome difficulties in life. We could not live without friendship. - It really important to everyone. No one can live well without good friendship. It helps us to overcome difficulties in life. -Friends are like my chosen family. My friends help me whenever I need and are with me during my hard time. 2. Do you have friends who live in other countries? -No, I don’t have any. But I would find one to chat and talk in English. It is good to have one in different countries. -Yes I have one is in Japan now. she is a year younger than me.. but she act older when she advices me on my problems.. she’s a very nice girl… and I love her!!! I met her on a fan event. We share common likes! I consider her someone I can rely on, specially about love. She is married now that’s why I think she knows more than i do about love. - Its nice to exchange thoughts about each other’s culture, lifestyles, and you guys can exchange pictures of places, and how you spent some vacations and advices on how a foreigners should behave in each N0.08 Transport 1.How do you usually travel around your city? - I usually travel in a private car that my family owns whenever I need to move within the city. As renting a car from Grab is really convenient these days, I often book a car from Grab if someone else in my family needs to use our private car. However, I take a train or a bus when I need to travel to somewhere far away. 2.What do think about public transport in your city? -I think there is not enough public transport in my city. But I hope in the future there will be much more for the convenience of the users 3.How do you think that you could persuade more people to use public transport? -I would tell them about the convenience of public transport and encourage them to use more for the sake of environment protection and traffic congestion/ jam. Flower 1. Do you like to have flower in your house? Why? Why not? => I love roses because they are one of the most enduring symbols of love and appreciation. They also have a sweet and delicate fragrance that ease my mind.

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