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TEST 1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. grammar B. damage C. mammal D. drama Question 2: A. thought B. thumb C. then D. think Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. reduce B. retail C. repair D. relate Question 4: A. chemistry B. origin C. employer D. emphasis Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5: When her husband was in the army, Mary ____ to him twice a week A. wrote B. was writing C. was written D. had written Question 6: He’d better leave a message, ____? A. didn’t he B. hadn’t he C. had he D. did he Question 7: Why don’t we go on the coach? It is ____ cheaper than the train. A. a hit quite B. quite bit C. quite a bit D. a quite bit Question 8: Why doesn’t he fancy_______with us to the pub? A. coming B. having come C. to have come D. to come Question 9: My big brother always _____ for me when my mom yelled at me. A. stuck up B. blocked up C. hooked up D. stood up Read the following advertisement/school announcement and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks. The Valley Activity Summer Camp. While we offer accommodation, many of our students choose the option of living (10) ____, with local families. Great exam preparation classes, (11) ____ into account your special needs. We also offer the best climbing walls in England and sports facilities include a pool and tennis courts. Excursions over the weekends are included in (13) ____ booking fee. Question 10: A. in B. around C. at D. out Question 11: A. taken B. taking C. takes D. take Question 12: A. a B. an C. the D. Ø Dear students, We are excited to announce that our annual school fair will (13) ____ on Friday, February 2nd, 2024. The fair will start at 9:00 AM and end at 4:00 PM. There will be a variety of games, food (14) ____, and performances for everyone to enjoy. We encourage all students to participate and make this event a success. Please note, (15) ____ it rain on February 2nd, the fair will be postponed to the following Friday, February 9th, 2024. Question 13: A. be celebrated B. celebrate C. have celebrated D. celebrating Question 14: A. riots B. supplies C. stalls D. carts Question 15: A. Should B. Were C. Had D. If Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.
Question 16: a. “The city was bustling with activity.” b. “I decided to visit the local museum.” c. “After a day of exploration, I returned to my hotel, feeling content.” d. “I started my day with a hearty breakfast at a café near my hotel.” e. “The museum had a fascinating collection of artifacts.” A. d - a - b - e - c B. a - d - b - e - c C. d - a - e - b - c D. a - d - e - b - c Question 17: a. “I hope this letter finds you well.” b. “I wanted to share some exciting news with you.” c. “I look forward to hearing from you soon.” d. “I have been promoted at work!” e. “It’s been a challenging journey, but I’m thrilled about this new opportunity.” f. “Please write back when you get a chance.” A. a - d - e - b - f - c B. a - b - e - d - f - c C. a - d - b - e - f - c D. a - b - d - e - f - c Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks Tourism, the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes, is a major source of income for many countries. (18) _____, tourism plays a crucial role in the economy of many regions. With numerous tourist destinations, attractions, and experiences, planning a trip could become overwhelming for individuals. Hence, travel advisors can step in (19) _____. Moreover, understanding tourism also helps individuals appreciate the diversity and richness of different cultures and natural beauty. (20) ______ individuals are guided to explore various tourist destinations and the experiences they offer, they can develop strategies to make the most of their trips. Thus, individuals are more likely to (21) _____. In addition, providing information about tourism is the professional service that must be provided by travel agencies. (22) ______ individuals often rely on online reviews, leading to a limited understanding of the destination. As a result, the importance of professional travel advice must not be overlooked. To sum up, with the rapid changes in global travel trends, though planning a trip has become more complex, (23)______. Question 18: A. Consequently B. Primarily C. Evidently D. Positively Question 19: A. to help individuals plan their trips effectively B. to provide unbiased assessments of different tourist destinations C. to encourage individuals to visit the most popular tourist spots D. to use their expertise to guide individuals on their travel journey Question 20: A. Until B. In case C. Once D. If only Question 21: A. face challenges in their travel planning B. be assigned tasks irrelevant to their travel plans C. navigate potential challenges in their travel D. plan trips that meet their needs and interests Question 22: A. Where formal travel advice is not easily accessible B. While travel advisors provide insights into travel trends C. Though chances of finding a suitable travel advisor are quite small D. If travel agencies raise awareness and understanding of tourism Question 23: A. travel advice empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their trips B. numerous individuals struggle with travel confusion, finding themselves not reaching their potential C. travel advice might be needed to clear the confusion and distractions along the way D. travelers may feel comfortable discussing their travel challenges with travel advisors Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks Left-handers are the odd ones out. Sure, lefties (24) ______up about 10 percent of the population - but, frankly, it seems like society has forgotten about them. Just consider all of the righthanded gadgets, awkwardly
designed desks, and cooking tools that fit comfortably only in your right hand. What (25) _____ someone to become a lefthand? Scientists aren’t exactly sure, but research points to a complex (26) _____ between genes and environment While no exact set of “leftie genes” have been discovered, people who dominantly use their left hands do have more left-handed family members. And researchers have found different brain wirings in righties vs. lefties. But no matter (27) _____ it is that drives someone to use their antipodal paw, science has also uncovered a particular set of personality traits that left-handed people tend to have. So for all of you lefties, leftie-loving righties, and ambidextrous folks out there - it’s time to brush up on your left-handed knowledge and help (28) _____ an end to leftie discrimination once and for all. Question 24: A. consist B. account C. hold D. make Question 25: A. causes B. makes C. gets D. does Question 26: A. collaborate B. collaboration C. collaborating D. collaborated Question 27: A. which B. who C. what D. that Question 28: A. put B. bring C. make D. take Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Mandatory volunteering made many members of Maryland high school class of 1997 rumble with indignation. They didn’t like a new requirement that made them take part in the school’s community service program. Future seniors, however, probably won't be as resistant now that the program has been broken in. Some, like John Maloney, already have completed their required hours of approved community service. The Bowie High School sophomore earned his hours in eighth grade by volunteering two nights a week at the Larkin-Chase Nursing and Restorative Center in Bowie. He played shuffleboard, cards, and other games with the senior citizens. He also helped plan parties for them and visited their rooms to keep them company. That experience inspired him to continue volunteering in the community. John, 15, is not finished volunteering. Once a week he videotapes animals at the Prince George County animal shelter in Forestville. His footage is shown on the Bowie public access television channel in hopes of finding homes for the animals. "Volunteering is better than just sitting around," says John, "and I like animals; I don't want to see them put to sleep. " He's not the only volunteer in his family. His sister, Melissa, an eighth grader, has completed her hours also volunteering at Larkin-Chase. "It is a good idea to have kids go out into the community, but it's frustrating to have to write essays about the work," she said. "It makes you feel like you're doing it for the requirement and not for yourself." The high school's service learning office, run by Beth Ansley, provides information on organizations seeking volunteers so that students will have an easier time fulfilling their hours. "It's ridiculous that people are opposing the requirements," said Amy Rouse, who this summer has worked at the Ronald McDonald House and has helped to rebuild a church in Clinton. "So many people won't do the service unless it's mandatory," Rouse said, "but once they start doing it, they'll really like it and hopefully it will become a part of their lives - like it has become a part of mine." Question 29: What is the main idea of the passage? A. Advantages of mandatory volunteering programs for students B. An obligatory volunteer program at high school in Maryland C. Students of 1997’s attitudes towards obligatory volunteering D. Volunteering at a variety of organizations in Maryland in USA Question 30: What is the word “footage” in paragraph 3 closest in meaning to? A. video B. animal C. volunteer D. footwear Question 31: The word “it” in paragraph 4 refers to ____. A. doing obligatory volunteer work B. writing essays on their volunteer work C. helping out the community D. completing a mandatory requirement Question 32: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about Melissa? A. She volunteers to help out at Larkin-Chase because it makes her feel good. B. She no longer volunteers at Larkin-Chase as she hates writing essays. C. She helps out at Larkin-Chase because it is a requirement of her course. D. She doesn’t like to volunteer there unless she is forced to do so by the school.
Question 33: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Students can work for a variety of different organizations. B. Students are required to perform community service jobs. C. Many high school students enjoy their volunteer work. D. Students with difficulties can choose not to volunteer. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions How long will a baby born today live? 100 years? 120 years? Scientists are studying genes that could mean long life for us all. There are already many, many people who have passed the landmark age of 100. In fact, there are now so many healthy, elderly people that there’s a name for them: the wellderly. These are people over the age of eighty who have no major illnesses, such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. There are many scientific studies of communities where healthy old age is typical. These include places like Calabria in southern Italy and the island of Okinawa in Japan. In Calabria, the small village of Molochio has about 2,000 inhabitants. And of these, there are at least eight people over a hundred years old. When researchers ask people like this the secret of their long life, the answer is almost always about food and is almost always the same: ‘I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.’ ‘I eat a little bit of everything.’ ‘I neither smoke nor drink.’ In the past, scientists looked at things such as diet and lifestyle for an explanation of long life, these days they are also looking at genetics. Researcher Eric Topol says that there must be genes that explain why people are protected from the effects of aging process. The new research into long life did scrutinize groups of people who have a genetic connection. One interesting group lives in Ecuador. In one area of the country there are a number of people with the same genetic condition. It’s called Laron syndrome. These people don’t grow very tall – just over one metre. But Laron syndrome also give them protection against cancer and diabetes. As a result, they live longer than other people in their families. Meanwhile, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, there’s another group of long-lived men, Japanese-Americans. They have a similar gene to the Laron syndrome group. Back in Calabria, researchers constructed the family trees of the 100-year-old people. They looked at family information from the 19th century to today. It is concluded that there are genetic factors that give health benefits to the men. This is a surprising result because generally in Europe, women live longer than men. So what really makes people live longer? It seems likely that it is an interaction of genes, the environment and probably a third factor – luck. Question 34: Which of the following is NOT true about the Laron syndrome? A. This syndrome is a health problem for groups of people in Ecuador and Hawaii. B. It is the result of a genetic condition. C. People diagnosed with this syndrome are prone to diabetes. D. Ecuadorians having Laron syndrome are approximately one metre tall. Question 35: Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. The Secrets of A Long And Healthy Life B. Tips To Increase Life Expectancy C. How To Live More Than 100 Years? D. Human Lifespan Is Determined by Genetics Question 36: Who are the wellderly? A. They are old people with health problems. B. They are young people with health problems. C. They are healthy young people. D. They are healthy old people. Question 37: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A. Different factors lead to a healthy old age. B. More European men live to a healthy old age than women. C. In the past, more people lived to a healthy old age. D. We will all live to at least 100 years. Question 38: According to paragraph 3, _________. A. scientists have been studying places where only one healthy old person lives B. scientists have been studying places where there is no healthy old person

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