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TEST 6 A: LISTENING Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ggd_BAdLR5cX-ZGYASyT9Zyn17l- jiX7/view?usp=share_link Directions: This is the listening test for levels from 3 to 5 of the Vietnam’s 6-level Language Proficiency Test. There are three parts to the test. You will hear each part once. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have 5 minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet. PART 1 There are eight questions in this part. For each question there are four options and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You now have 48 seconds to look through the questions and the options in each question. 1. How will Mary travel to Scotland? A. bus B. car C. train D. plane 2. Where are the shoes? A. under the window   B. under the table   C. on the chair       D. by the door 3. When will the football match start next week? A. 11.45 a.m B. 12.15 p.m   C. 02.00 p.m       D. 04.25 p.m 4. What is Sarah’s mother doing? A. going out B. cooking C. washing-up D. cleaning the house 5. What luggage is the man taking on holiday? A. two suitcases and a bag B. two bags and a suitcase C. two suitcases D. one suitcase and a bag 6. Where will the woman go first after work? A. the restaurant B. the market     C. the cinema       D. tennis court 7. What can festival visitors see everyday? A. plays B. paintings           C. films D. concerts 8. What souvernir will the boy’s mother bring? A. a T-shirt B. baseball cap C. a taxi D. sports car PART 2
You will hear three different conversations. In each conversation there are four questions. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the conversations only once Conversation 1. You will hear part of a local radio programme in which someone is talking about a shopping center 9. When was the center first opened? A. three years ago B. three weeks ago C. two months ago D. two weeks ago 10. How can you get to the center? A. by car and taxi B. by train and taxi C. by car, taxi and train D. by car, train and coach 11. What time do the shops close on Saturday? A. 9:00 am B. 10:00 am C. 8:00 pm D. 9: 00 pm 12. What should people do before shopping in the center? A. collect money from the bank B. Watch a movie C. Rest by the lake D. Buy a map Conversation 2. Listen to an interview with a representative of a wildlife park called Paradise Wildlife Park 13. Why did Serengeti lions die? A. attacked by domestic dogs B. infected with a disease from domestic dogs C. killed by other wild animals D. sent to villages 14. What events are NOT organized in the park? A. product introduction B. charity events C. family camping D. barbecue 15. You can try this when coming to the park A. introducing programs on the radio B. deliver discounted tickets C. organize competition D. host an event 16. Which one is not a programme of the park? A. Project Life Lion B. Atlantic Rainforest Project C. Discounted Tickets D. None of the above
Conversation 3. Listen to a conversation between a man who owns a holiday home talking on the phone to a woman who is staying there. 17. How many main controls are there on the heater? A. two B. three C. four D. none 18. What is the reason for the problem of the heater? A. the switch doesn’t light up B. the little square is black C. the switch is off D. the switch is on 19. When does the woman have to restart the heater? A. When there isn’t enough water B. when the water is too hot C. when the heater is switched off. D. When there is no light 20. How does the woman feel after listening to the instruction? A. confused B. motivated C. interested D. encouraged PART 3 You will hear three different talks or lectures. In each talk or lecture there are five questions. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. You will hear the talks or lectures only once. Talk/Lecture 1. You’ll hear someone talking to a group of students about a visit to an Arts Centre 21. There are still tickets for ……… A. The piano concert.     B. The movie. C. Twelfth Night        D. Spider and Rose 22. The coach will leave at 3.30 because ………….. A. It’s the earliest. B. They don’t want to miss the shows. C. They want free time at the Arts Centre. D. It’s long journey to the Arts Centre. 23. You have to pay to see ……………… A. The Russian ballet exhibition. B. The shoes store. C. The Scottish jewellery. D. The South American photographs. 24. You can buy clothes …………. A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor.
C. In the souvenir shop.     D. Close to the Arts Centre. 25. If you want a snack and a hot drink, try …………………… A. The nearby café. B. The fountain. C. Charlie’s. D. The cinema kiosk. Talk/Lecture 2. You’ll hear part of a radio programme about bags for walkers. 26. Rod’s shop sells bags and ……………. A. Camping equipment. B. Hiking clothes.      C. Walking holiday stuffs. D. No information 27. A 35- litre bag is good for ……………………… A. a day trip B. four day trip C. five day trip D. six day trip. 28. The bag that allows you to separate your belongings …………………… A. One with a solid bottom. B. One has a leather base. C. One has two compartments inside. D. One has pockets bags outside. 29. It’s important that shoulder straps are …………………… A. Light. B. Flexible. C. Fashionable. D. Strong. 30. Another essential part of the bags includes ……………………. A. Straps. B. Air holes. C. Sweat absorption D. Cooler tool. Talk/Lecture 3. You will hear a representative from a holiday company called PS Camping giving a talk about the holidays the company organizes. 31. PS Camping has been organising holidays for ………………….. A.15 years. B.20 years. C. 25 years. D. 30 years. 32. The company has most camping sites in …………… A. France. B. Italy. C. Europe D. Switzerland. 33. Which organized activity can children do every day of the week? A. Singing and dancing. B. Football. C. Drama. D. Model making. 34. Some areas of the sites have a “no- noise” rule after ………………. A. 9.30 pm B. 10.00 pm C. 10.30 pm D. 11.30 pm 35. Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive ………………….

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