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Nội dung text 07. TDS25 (300723) LITERASI B. INGGRIS - PA WILMAN.pdf

PAKET SOAL PRETEST UTBK-SNBT KELAS XII SAINTEK/SOSHUM The following text is for number 1—5. (1) You’ve always heard that calcium is good-especially for women, who can lose as much as 20 percent of their bone mass in the decade after menopause. The mineral can help prevent osteoporosis and has also been linked to better blood pressure, lower risk of colorectal cancer, and easier weight loss. (2) However, what headlines are saying now is that calcium might he had for your heart, at least if you get (1) it from a pill. A recent analysis of seven years of data from more than 36.000 postmenopausal women (2) finds that starting daily supplements (1000 mg of calcium plus 400 IU of vitamin D) increased the risk of heart problems by up to 22 percent. The numbers were a shock: When combined with other data, they suggest that if 1000 people began taking calcium supplements, the pills (3) prevented three fractures-but six heart attacks or strokes. (3) Calcium supplements have lost some of their special quality though no one doubts the benefits of high-calcium floods. What’s more, it seems that people are doing a better job of getting the mineral in their diet than previously thought. To keep your bones strong and your body healthy, do lots of weight-bearing exercise and (4) eating plenty of low-fat dairy products, says cardiologist Nieca Goldberg, Author of Dr. Nieca Goldberg’s Complete Guide to Women’s Health. (4) The bottom line according to Aurelia Nattive, MD, director of the UCLA Osteoporosis Center: The best way to get calcium is through food- and if a supplement is needed, most people (5) should take no more than 600 mg daily and get enough vitamin D (it helps you absorb calcium). SOAL C1 1. The word “it” refers to .... (A) weight loss (C) calcium (E) a pill (B) headline (D) heart SOAL C2 2. The underlined word “finds” should be .... (A) as it is (unchanged) (B) replaced by “find” (C) replaced by “will find” (D) replaced by “would find” (E) replaced by “would have found” SOAL C2 3. The underlined word “prevented” should be .... (A) unchanged (B) replaced by “prevents” (C) replaced by “will prevents” (D) replaced by “would prevent” (E) replaced by “would have prevented”
SOAL C2 4. The underlined word “eating” should be .... (A) unchanged (B) replaced by “eat” (C) replaced by “to eat” (D) replaced by “you eat” (E) replaced by “you eating” SOAL C1 5. The underlined word “should” shows .... (A) permission (C) ability (E) possibility (B) certainty (D) necessity The following text is for number 6—10. [1] These days, many tourists are tires of just sitting on the beach or looking at paintings in museums. Many enjoy getting back nature in undeveloped parts of the globe. In fact, the most rapidly growing (6) segment of the tourist industry is "eco-tourism" tourism in site that gave ecological significance such as national parks and nature preserves in rain forest, deserts and mountainous regions. [2] Eco-tourism is having significant positive results on these previously remote areas, first and foremost, eco-tourism serves as substitute for dorms of developments that would be much more damaging to the environment, such as jogging, farming, and manufacturing. And eco-tourism encouraged (7) conservation. Let's say there is a rainforest in a country that (8) several rate species of Birds and mammals live. Now, the government could allow loggers to cut down this rain forest and could sell (9) the wood and could allow developers to build on this site. But suppose the government decides to preserve this national treasure and to develop this area for eco-tourism, there would (10) then be a steady dream of revenue from tourists. SOAL C2 6. The word "growing" should be replaced by the following.... (A) NO CHANGE (B) to grow (C) grown (D) grow (E) that grows SOAL C2 7. The word "encouraged" should be replaced by the following.... (A) NO CHANGE (B) encourages (C) in encouraging (D) was encouraging (E) had encouraged SOAL C2
8. The word "that" should be replaced by the following.... (A) NO CHANGE (B) how (C) which (D) where (E) what SOAL C2 9. The words "could sell" should be replaced by the following.... (A) NO CHANGE (B) is selling (C) sell (D) selling (E) sold SOAL C1 10. The word “would” shows.... (A) future (B) possibility (C) permission (D) intention (E) plan

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