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UNIT 8: BEING INDEPENDENT VOCABULARY 1. achieve(v) /ə't∫i:v/ đạt được, giành được 2. carry out: tiến hành 3. combine(v) /kəm'bain/ kết hợp 4. come up with nghĩ ra, nẩy ra 5. confidence(n) /'kɒnfidəns/  confident(a) /'kɒnfidənt/: tự tin sự tự tin 6. deal with giải quyết 7. desion-making skills (np)  decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ (a): quyết đooán kỉ năng đưa qua quyết định 8. get around đi lại 9. get into the habit of tạo thói quen 10. independent(a) /,indi'pendənt/  independence(c): sự độc lập độc lập, không phụ thuộc 11. learner (n) /'lɜ:nə[r]/ người học 12. learning goal (np): mục tiêu 13. life skill (n): kĩ năng sống 14. make use of tận dụng 15. manage (v):  manage + to Vb  management (n):  manageable (a): quản lí 16. time-management skill (np) kỉ năng quản lí thời gian 17. measure (v):  measurement /'məʒəmənt/ (n): sự đo lường measurable /'meʒərəbl/(a): đo được đo 18. money-management (np) kĩ năng quản lí tiền 19. remove (v) /ri'mu:v/ lấy ra, loại bỏ 20. responsibility (n):  responsible (a): sự chịu trách nhiệm,

- Cấu trúc: It + is / was + Adverbial phrase + that + S + V … - Ví dụ: + I met him in this restaurant. → It was in this restaurant that I met him. + My father bought a new car last Sunday. → It was last Sunday that my father bought a new one. --> a new one  4. Câu chẻ nhấn mạnh trong câu bị động (Passive voice) - Cấu trúc: It + is / was + Noun / Pronoun + Mệnh đề quan hệ (who, that,...) + be + V3/V-ed (past participle) - Ví dụ: + People talk about this story. → It is this story that is talked about. + Fans gave that actor a lot of gifts. → It was that actor who was given a lot of gifts. PRACTICE I. Fill “who, that, whom” into these sentences below 1. It is my brother _________ plays the guitar very well. 2. It is by using this software ________ you can kill computer viruses. 3. It is my sister ________ John falls in love with. 4. It was in this house ________ I was born. 5. It was Sue ________ he gave the whole confidential document. 6. It was the story _________ Thomas told me about yesterday. 7. It is my mother________ gives me a lot of support. 8. It is English _________ is the international language used by many countries in the world. 9. It is him ________ John helps in his study. 10. It was last weekend ________ we went out to eat dinner. II. Rewrite the following sentences, using the cleft sentences “It is/ was …… that” to emphasize the underlined words or phrases. 1. Many teenagers spend a lot of time thinking and talking about being in a relationship.  _______________________________________ 2. Welsh boys gave hand-carved wooden spoons to girls as a symbol of their love.  _______________________________________ 3. Dating is left for the college years in Japan.

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