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IX–Chemistry (Vol–I) 110 Narayana Group of Schools Olympiad Class Work Book T h e r m o d y n a mic s Is oth erm al Pro c es s P ath F u n ctio n s Is o b aric C y clic A dia b atic State o f a S y ste m Is o c h oric State F u n ctio n s (O R) State V aria bles T erm s U s ed T h erm o d y n a mic Pro c es s T h erm o d y n a mic V aria ble s E x; P, V, T, H E ntro p y S y ste m O p e n Clo s e d Is olated H o m o g e n o u s H etero g e n o u s E nth alp y S urro u n din g s H e s s L a w o f C o n sta nt H e at S u m m atio n H e at C a p a city B o u n d ary CONCEPT FLOW CHART
IX–Chemistry (Vol – I) Olympiad Text Book 111 Narayana Group of Schools Olympiad Class Work Book ANDERS CELSIUS: Anders celsius was a swedish astronomer who is known for inventing celsiustemperature scale. celsius also built the uppsala astronomical observatory in1740, the oldest astronomi- cal observatory in sweden. Celsius was an avid adimirer of the gregorian calendar, which was adapted in sweden in1753,just nine years after his death.”degree Celsius” the unit of temperature,has been named after this bril- liant scientist. ANDERS CELSIUS [1701– 1744]
IX–Chemistry (Vol–I) 112 Narayana Group of Schools Olympiad Class Work Book THERMODYNAMICS Terms used in Thermodynamics: Introduction and Concepts of Thermodynamics:  The subject dealing with quantitative relation between heat energy and other forms of energy in physico - Chemical process is called Thermodynamics. Chemical Thermodynamics:  The branch of thermodynamics which deals with the study of process in which chemical energy is involved is called chemical thermodynamics.  These results are formulated into four law’s namely zero, first, second and third laws of thermodynamics.  These laws are based on experimental facts but not on the theoretical facts. Application of thermodynamics: Thermodynamics in chemistry: 1) Thermodynamics predicts the energy transformations and feasibility of a process. 2) If a reaction takes place then what are the energy changes involved during the reaction. 3) If in a chemical reaction, equilibrium is going to get attained then what will be the equilibrium concentrations of different reactants & products, can be calculated with thermodynamics. 4) Thermodynamics deals with heat changes occurring between system and surroundings. Limitations of thermodynamics: 1) The law of thermodynamics apply only to the matter in bulk i.e., macroscopic system and not to individual atoms or molecules of the microscopic system. 2) Thermodynamics can only predict the feasibility or spontaneity of a process under a given set of conditions but does not tell anything about the rate at which the given process may proceed. 3) It is not concerned with the total energy of the body but only with energy change. The terms used in Thermodynamics System  It is any part of universe that is under thermodynamic study at that instant. System Surroundings Universe
IX–Chemistry (Vol – I) Olympiad Text Book 113 Narayana Group of Schools Olympiad Class Work Book Example: Air in a room, water in a bottle, any living body. Surroundings: The remaining part of the universe other than system. Universe = system + surroundings Boundary: Any thing which separates system and surrounding is called boundary. Boundary may be real or imaginary; it may be rigid or non-rigid; Example: Air in a flexible balloon (flexible boundary) while air in a room (fixed boundary). Boundary can be adiabatic (non-conducting;  q = 0) or diathermic (conducting;  q  0 ;  T= 0).  Systems are classified on the basis of their interaction with the surroundings as follows: (i) Open System: The system where matter and energy are exchanged with surroundings. Boundary is not sealed and not insulated Surroundings Energy Liquid Vapour Example: All living beings, (any living organism) are open systems, air in an open room ; water flow in pipe. (ii) Closed system: The system where only the energy but not the matter is exchanged with the surroundings. Boundary is sealed but not insulated Surroundings Energy Water Vapour Example: A closed steel container with hot water.

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