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1. Fill in the gaps with the type 1 conditional sentences. 1. If you _________ (squeeze) an orange, you ___________ (get) orange juice. 2. You _______ (put) on some more weight if you _______ (eat) too much sugar. 3. If I ________ (study) a lot, I ________ (pass) the year. 4. If you __________ (press) that button, the machine _________ (stop) functioning. 5. If you __________ (not / apologise), she ___________ (not / forgive) you. 6. If you __________ (wash) the dishes today, I __________ (dust) the house. 7. What __________ (happen) if I _________ (press) this button? 8. If there ___ (not / be) enough water in the next few years, many people ___ (die). 9. If we __________ (not / recycle), we __________ (put) our own survival at risk. 10. It ________ (be) damaged if you _________ (press) it too much. 11. If you _____ (touch) the dog, it ______ (bite) you. 12. Students _________ (get) good marks if they ________ (study) regularly. 2. Fill in the gaps so as to build correct type 2 conditional sentences 1. If I __________ (be) you, I ___________ (study) for the final exam. 2. If my parents __________ (be) rich, I __________ (not / need) to work so much. 3. If Sara ___________ (have) a good handwriting, I could understand her texts! 4. If my computer __________ (function) properly, I __________ (use) it more often. 5. You __________ (be) healthier if you __________ (eat) less red meat. 6. If we __________ (eat) more vegetables, our body __________ (be) healthier. 7. If you ________ (tidy) up your bedroom every day, it ________ (not / be) in a mess. 8. I __________ (not / do) the chores myself if I __________ (have) more money. 9. We could stay in Tom’s house, if he ___________ (live) in a big house. 10. There _______ (be) confrontation if the two opposite cheerleaders ______ (appear). 11. 12. If they ________ (know) more vocabulary, they______(be) able to understand more easily.
BÀI TRẮC NGHIỆM Question 1. How would you explain the meaning of this word if you it? A. didn’t know B. don’t know C. knew D. know Question 2. If he immediately, he won't be able to do it on time. A. hadn’t started B. didn’t start C. doesn’t start D. started Question 3. I'll take Jonathan to the cinema if he a decent score on his Spanish presentation. A. would get B. gets C. got D. had got Question 4. If Danny really you, he wouldn't break your heart all the time. A. didn’t love B. doesn’t love C. loved D. loves Question 5. If you don't accept the offer, you it later. A. would regret B. would have regretted C. will regret D. regrets Question 6. If drivers the traffic rules, there fewer accidents. A. obeyed/will be B. obey/would be C. didn’t obey/would be D. obeyed/would be Question 7. We the party in the garden if the weather's good. If not, it'll have to be inside. A. would have had B. will have C. would have D. has Question 8. My sister will buy an item of new clothing for herself if she enough money. A. had saved up B. will save up C. saves up D. saved up Question 9. Sammy to go on a diet if she ate healthier meals. A. wouldn’t need B. didn’t need C. won’t need D. hadn’t needed Question 10. How would you feel if you your favorite job? A. had lost B. lost C. lose D. doesn’t lose Question 11. If Lucas turn in his assignment today, the teacher will be furious. A. doesn’t B. didn’t C. hadn’t D. don’t Question 12. I to spend my entire life in a cage if I a bird. A. didn’t want/were B. wouldn’t want/were C. don’t want/am D. didn’t want/was Question 13. If Daniel to me, I would say yes at once. A. proposed B. proposes C. had proposed D. proposing Question 14. If the result of the test negative, you’ll receive a notification through the post. A. had been B. is C. was D. were
Question 15. If he spoke more clearly, I able to understand him. A. can be B. won’t be C. would be D. will be Question 16. If a celebrity in the hotel, security arrangements would be tightened. A. were staying B. stays C. had stayed D. staying Question 17. Anderson settle down here if he a good employment offer. A. will/received B. will/receives C. would have/had received D. would/receives Question 18. If the programmer familiar with this language, it would be an easy job. A. are B. were C. is D. had been Question 19. If the results of the customer survey favorable, the supermarket introduce a new range. A. are/is going to B. is/is going to C. were/would D. were/was going to Question 20. If the museum for entry, a lot of people won’t be able to visit it. A. had charged B. charge C. charges D. charged Question 21. If we didn’t have to work so hard, we more time together. A. could spend B. spent C. will spend D. had spent Question 22. If the Spanish team continues to do so well, they the World Cup. A. won’t win B. will win C. didn’t win D. won Question 23. If you win this competition, you _ get a free trip to England. A. will B. would C. would have D. won’t Question 24. If you dissatisfied with any of our workers, we will promptly replace them. A. are B. were C. had been D. was Question 25. If they the cause of the problem, they will be able to figure out how to prevent it from happening again. A. know B. had known C. didn’t know D. was knowing Question 26. The organizers would respond positively to proposals if they submitted by 15th July. A. were B. are C. would be D. had been Question 27. You problems of discipline with your children if you them watch TV for more than an hour. A. have had/will let B. may have/let C. would have/have let D. have/will let Question 28. If the form is correctly completed, the transfer only two days. A. took B. will take C. would take D. would have taken Question 29. If I you, I should try to see a consultant as soon as possible.
A. had been B. be C. were D. am Question 30. What would you do if your vehicle in the middle of nowhere? A. broke down B. would break down C. breaks down D. broken down Question 31. If you smoking you _ on weight. You are very thin. A. had stopped/could get B. stopped/might put C. stopped/might have got D. had stopped/would put Question 32. If it weren't for the teachers in a country, the next generations ignorants. A. will have been B. would be C. will be D. had been Question 33. If the wall wasn't so high I over it to get into our garden. A. could climb B. am climbing C. climbed D. climbs Question 34. If you to gain weight, you is burning during the day. more carbohydrates than that your body A. had wanted/should get B. wanted/should have gotten C. wanted/got D. want/should get Question 35. They won’t invite you to their party unless they your phone number. A. had B. don’t have C. didn’t have D. have Question 36. If I to attend the lesson now I you to go to a cinema. A. wanted/wouldn’t ask B. want/would ask C. have wanted/will ask D. wanted/wouldn’t have asked Question 37. We to Singapore if he with us now instead of staying at school. A. would have traveled/were B. could travel/were C. can travel/had been D. might travel/is Question 38. I won’t know anything about my friends unless they to me. A. don’t write B. write C. wrote D. didn’t write Question 39. I'd go and see him every day if he near my house. A. lived B. lives C. would live D. has lived Question 40. If the weather good tomorrow, we swimming. A. is/ go B. is/ will go C. will be/ go D. will be/ will go Question 41. If Tom were late again, he his job. A. loses B. lose C. will lose D. would lose Question 42. If I were offered the job, I think I it. A. take B. will take

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