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22. CHEMICAL COORDINATION AND INTEGRATION 1. Endocrine glands are those which put their secretions directly into (a) Ducts (b) Blood (c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of these 2. Action of the peptide hormone on a target cell is mediated by (a) A cytoplasmic receptor (b) Cyclic AMP (c) ATP (d) Epinephrin 3. What is hormone (a) Glandular secretion (b) Enzyme (c) Chemical messenger (d) Organic complex substance 4. "Pheromones'' in insects are secreted from (a) Endocrine glands (b) Exocrine glands (c) Corpus allata (d) Digestive tract 5. The effect of different hormones on the body can be best said to bring about (a) Stimulation of organs (b) Release of inherent capacities (c) Proper growth (d) Co-ordination of functions 6. The word "hormone'' means (a) To move (b) To excite (c) To initiate (d) To increase 7. Rate of hormone synthesis and secretion depends upon (a) Functional efficiency of the feedback system (b) Amount of excitation in target tissue (c) Degree of inhibition caused (d) Functional state of the tissue/organ 8. Find odd one out (a) Thyroxin (b) Adrenocorticosteroid (c) Ptyalin (d) Estradiol 9. Which of the following is not necessarily a property of all hormones (a) Information carrying (b) Secreted in low amounts (c) Short half-life (d) Protein in nature 10. Which of the following statement is not false (a) Hormone produced in thyroid stimulates metabolism (b) Hormone produced in ovary affects the uterine contraction (c) Hormone produced in small intestine stimulates heart (d) Hormone produced in adrenal cortex stimulates heart beat 11. In which of the following organisms hormones are normally absent (a) Monkey (b) Cat (c) Cockroach (d) Bacteria 12. Endocrine glands produce or Action of endocrine glands is mediated through (a) Hormones
(b) Enzymes (c) Minerals (d) Vitamins 13. Which of the following is secreted at ends of nerve fibres (a) Ascorbic acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Acetyl CoA (d) Acetylcholine 14. Term 'hormone' was coined by (a) W. M. Bayliss (b) E. H. Schally (c) E. H. Starling (d) G. W. Harris 15. Receptors for protein hormones are located (a) In cytoplasm (b) On cell surface (c) In nucleus (d) On endoplasmic reticulum 16. Body co-ordination is exhibited by (a) Blood vascular system (b) Nervous system (c) Endocrine system (d) Nervous and endocrine system 17. Mark the incorrect (a) Hormone produced by adenohypophysis is FSH (b) Hormone produced in thyroid is T - 4 (c) Hormone synthesized by neurohypophysis is ADH (d) Hormone produced in placenta is URF 18. Who proposed the term 'pheromone' (a) Bergstroem (b) Karlson (c) Starling (d) Karlson and Butendant 19. The condition when some hormones work together to control a process in the body, is called (a) Antagonism (b) Factor hypothesis (c) Feedback mechanism (d) Synergism 20. Suggest a suitable word for the fourth place Darkening of skin : MSH :: Lightening of skin : ....... (a) ADH (b) Myxoedema (c) Melatonin (d) FSH 21. According to the accepted concept of hormone action, if receptor molecules are removed from target organs (a) The target organ will continue to respond to the hormone without any difference (b) The target organ will continue to respond to the hormone but will require higher concentration (c) The target organ will not respond to the hormone (d) The target organ will continue to respond to the hormone but in the opposite way 22. All functions of the body are regulated and integrated by (a) Respiratory system (b) Digestive system (c) Neuroendocrine system (d) Excretory system 23. Which one of the following flows directly into blood from the seat of its production to act on an organ away from it (a) Enzyme (b) Hormone (c) Blood (d) Lymph 24. Who is the “Father of Endocrinology” (a) Whittaker
(b) Einthoven (c) Pasteur (d) T. Addison 25. The feed back control mechanism is related with (a) Bile secretion (b) HCl secretion (c) Hormonal secretion (d) Hering breuer reflex 26. Which of the following cell does not secrete hormone (a) Kupffer cell (b) Leydig cell (c) Lutein cell (d) Parafollicular cells of thyroid 27. Which hormone is secreted more in dark condition (a) Insulin (b) Adrenalin (c) Thyroxine (d) Melatonin 28. Pheromone is (a) A product of endocrine gland (b) Used for animal communication (c) Messenger RNA (d) Always protein 29. The name second messenger is given to (a) ATP (b) Cyclic AMP (c) GTP (d) Both ATP and AMP 30. Vasopressin is concerned with (a) General metabolism (b) Regulation of heart beat (c) Urine formation (d) Child birth 31. Inadequate production of STH in early life may result in (a) Gigantism (b) Acromegaly (c) Sterility (d) Dwarfism 32. Growth hormone is produced in (a) Pituitary (b) Adrenal (c) Thyroid (d) Gonad 33. Hormones of pituitary gland are (a) All proteins (b) All steroids (c) Some steroids and some proteins (d) Complex substances formed from proteins, steroids and carbohydrates 34. ADH is secreted by (a) Adrenal (b) Anterior pituitary (c) Posterior pituitary (d) Thyroid 35. Midgets are due to the deficiency of (a) Pituitary (b) Thyroid (c) Pancreas (d) Adrenal 36. The posterior lobe of the pituitary is (a) Glandular (b) Neural (c) Ganglionic (d) Vascular 37. The hormones of posterior pituitary are oxytocin and vasopressin; but later is better known as
(a) Antidiuretic hormone (b) Growth hormone (c) Corticotrophic hormone (d) Neurohypophyseal 38. The other name of anterior pituitary is (a) Neurohypophysis (b) Pars tuberalis (c) Pars intermedia (d) Adenohypophysis 39. The hormone that maintains the secretory activity of the corpus luteum as well as the increase in the size of the mammary glands is (a) Estrogen (b) Luteinizing (c) Luteotrophin (d) Gonadotrophin 40. Neurohypophysis secretes the (a) Vasopressin and ACTH (b) ADH and pitocin (c) Pitressin and ACTH (d) Oxytocin and LTH 41. Secretion of the androgen by Leydig cells of testis is under the regulatory influence of (a) LTH (b) FSH (c) STH (d) ICSH 42. The process of spermatogenesis and sperm formation is under the regulatory influence of (a) FSH (b) ADH (c) LH (d) LTH 43. In man, there is an enlargement of hand and feet and the nose and lower jaw are lengthened. These are the symptoms of the disease (a) Myxoedema (b) Cretinism (c) Acromegaly (d) Gigantism 44. Which hormone stops the release of FSH from the pituitary after fertilization (a) Placental hormone (b) Fertilizin (c) Estradiol (d) Luteinizing hormone 45. Diabetes incipidus is caused due to the deficiency of (a) Oxytocin (b) Insulin (c) Vasopressin (d) Glucagon 46. A person suffering from diabetes insipidus will pass what amount of urine per day (a) 1 litre (b) litre (c) 3 litres (d) 1.5 litres 47. Posterior lobe of pituitary gland is also known as (a) Hypophysis (b) Adenohypophysis (c) Neurohypophysis (d) Pars intermedia 48. Hypersecretion of growth hormone by pituitary results in (a) Dwarfism (b) Gigantism (c) Cretinism (d) Myxoedema 2 1

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