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Psychological Assessment Drill 1 1. A psychological test is essentially an objective and standardized measure of ________________. a) Sample of behavior b) Summation of scores c) Representation of cognition d) Documentation of emotion 2. In a normal curve, what percentage of cases fall on the 1 st standard deviation above and below the mean? a) 34.13% b) 95.44% c) 68.26% d) 99.72% 3. A t score has a mean of ________ and a standard deviation of _________. a) 0, 1 b) 100, 15 c) 500, 100 d) 50, 10 4. Romeo has an intelligence quotient of 130 for an IQ test he took for his Psychological Assessment subject. He became curious on the value of his IQ when converted to T score. What would be it’s value? a) 40 b) 50 c) 70 d) 80 5. You took the National Medical Aptitude Test and you got a percentile rank of 85. Approximately on what standard deviation would you fall under? a) About -1 SD b) About +1SD c) About mean d) About +2SD 6. The National Medical Aptitude Test would be considered what type of test? a) Norm-referenced test; typical test b) Norm-referenced test; maximal test c) Criterion-referenced test; typical test d) Criterion-referenced test; maximal test 7. Socio-demographic profiles such as socio-economic status operates on what scale of measurement? a) Nominal b) Ordinal c) Interval d) Ratio 8. The psychometric property referring to the practicality of a psychological test in a certain setting is called a) Reliability b) Validity c) Utility d) Generalizability
9. When you were conducting your thesis, your adviser asked you to pilot test your questionnaire to your target respondents. You adviser also asked you to put a portion on your questionnaire in which you respondents could comment on the content of your questionnaire. What type of validity was shown in this situation? a) Face Validity b) Content Validity c) Criterion Validity d) Construct Validity 10. During your thesis as well, you were asked by your adviser to let experts validate on your questionnaire before distributing the survey. What type of validity was shown in the situation? a) Face Validity b) Content Validity c) Criterion Validity d) Construct Validity 11. A registered psychometrician can administer the following tests. Point the exception. a) Achievement Tests b) Group Intelligence Tests c) Personality Tests d) Projective Tests 12. The University of the Philippines College Admission Tests uses two sets of examinations to avoid cheating. Each tests have different questions but are considered to be equivalent. What kind of reliability is being established? a) Alternate-Form b) Parallel Form c) Test-Retest d) Split Half 13. Your Abnormal Psychology Teacher also employs two sets of examinations during the finals. Each set have the same questions but only the items are jumble. What kind of reliability is being established? a) Alternate-Form b) Parallel Form c) Test-Retest d) Split Half 14. For your social psychology class, you were asked to do a scale measuring the correlation of sleeping habits with the memory retention. The scale was found to have an r=0.80, p=0.07. What can you infer from this? a) The scale has a strong correlation and the finding is significant enough for it to be accepted. b) The scale has a moderate correlation and the finding is significant enough for it to be accepted. c) The scale has a strong correlation though the finding is insignificant so it it should be rejected. d) The scale has a moderate correlation though the finding is insignificant so it should be rejected. 15. You are now a registered psychometrician. Your first task in the admissions office of a high school is to analyze the reliability of their admissions test. The format of the exam is multiple choice. What would be the best test to measure its reliability? a) KR21
b) KR20 c) Pearson r d) Cronbach’s Alpha 16. If the test forms required is two and the test sessions required two, what reliability is being examined? a) Split-half b) Alternate-Form (Intermediate) c) Test-retest d) Alternate form delayed 17. Exams measuring test-retest reliability are done in the format of pre-test or post-tests to measure what kind of error variance? a) Time Sampling b) Content Sampling c) Content Heterogeneity d) Interscorer differences 18. The other term of umbrella validity is called a) Content Validity b) Criterion Validity c) Construct Validity d) Internal Consistency 19. PhilSAT is an examination taken by those who want to become lawyers. What kind of validity is being measured by this exam? a) Content description b) Criterion prediction (temporal) c) Criterion prediction (concurrent) d) Construct identification 20. The set of test items used to construct a test (usually 2 times the number of items) is called. a) Item pool b) Item bank c) Item blueprint d) Item coverage 21. Intelligence tests such as WAIS-IV needs to be constructed, edited and re-normed every ten years because of what issue in intelligence testing? a) Frog Pond Effect b) Reactivity c) Culture Loading d) Flynn Effect 22. Which of the following is true about issues of culture bias in testing? a) Psychometricians and test makers could make a culture free intelligence test if they research further. b) Culture fair intelligence test is a test that ensures that all parameters of discrimination are not included in the test. c) Culture loading is a way to incorporate vocabulary, traditions and knowledge of a culture in to an exam. d) Differential Item functioning analysis is a process of looking for items equal to all cultures. 23. Which of the following items is false about distribution of test scores in exam? a) A negatively skewed distribution is an exam where test takers has a high score.
b) A positively skewed distribution is an exam where test takers got a low score. c) In a negatively skewed distribution, the mean of the scores is greater than the mode. d) In a positively skewed distribution, the mode of the scores is lesser than the mean. 24. Psychometricians could also work in the industrial setting. Most are assigned in the recruitment department. When a psychometrician conducts an interview and only notes of the recent recollections of the interviewee, what kind of error would have been committed of the psychometrician? a) Recency Effect b) Contrast Effect c) Primacy Effect d) Halo Effect 25. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-II is a personality test which uses which of the following standard scores in its scoring? a) Z-scores b) Sten c) T-scores d) Deviation IQ 26. This is a theory/model in psychological testing which takes into consideration the true score and score in measuring the obtained score. a) Generalizability Theory b) Domain Sampling Model c) Classical Test Score Theory d) Item Response Theory 27. In test development, after a test revision has been done, the test development goes back to? a) Test Conceptualization b) Test Construction c) Test Tryout d) Item Analysis 28. Psychologists and social workers normally have what kind of classification in the MBTI? a) ENFP b) ESFP c) ENTJ d) ENTP 29. The decision whether the scale would be norm referenced or criterion reference in decided upon what stage of test development? a) Test Conceptualization b) Test Construction c) Test Tryout d) Item Analysis 30. Whenever tests are used for entrance examinations and job selection, what assumption of testing is discussed? a) Contributions of testing to society b) Testing materials having strengths and weaknesses c) Psychological traits being quantifiable d) Psychological traits and states existing

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