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8 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) PART I. VOCABULARY a. Vocabulary Word Part of speech Pronunciation Meaning 1. traffic congestion (n) /ˈtræfɪk kənˈdʒɛst∫ən/ xe điện 2. bustling (adj) /'bʌlɪŋ/ hối hả, nhộn nhịp, náo nhiệt 3. concrete jungle (n) /'kɒŋkri:t/ 'dʒʌŋgl/ khu vực bê tông hóa (nhiều nhà cao tầng) 4. construction site (n) /kən'strʌk∫n saɪt/ công trường xây dựng 5. congested (adj) /kən'dʒestɪd/ tắc nghẽn (giao thông) 6. downtown (n) /'daʊntaʊn/ khu trung tâm thành phố, thị trấn 7. entertainment centre (n) /,entə'teɪnmənt 'sentə/ trung tâm giải trí 8. hygiene (n) /'haɪdʒi:n/ vệ sinh, vấn đề vệ sinh 9. itchy (adj) /'ɪt∫i/ ngứa, gây ngứa 10. leftover (n) /'leftəʊvə/ thức ăn thừa 11. liveable (adj) /'lɪvəbl/ đáng sống 12. metro (n) /'metrəʊ/ hệ thống tàu điện ngầm 13. pricey (adj) /'praɪsi/ đắt đỏ 14. process (v) /'prəʊses/ xử lý 15. public amenities (n) /'pʌblɪk ə'mi:nɪtiz/ những tiện ích công cộng 16. rush hour (n) /'rʌ∫ aʊər/ giờ cao điểm 17. sky train (n) /skaɪ treɪn/ tàu điện trên không 18. traffic jam (n) /'træfɪk dʒæm/ nạn kẹt xe 19. tram (n) /træm/ tàu điện ngầm b. Collocation/ phrase/ phrasal verb Collocations/ phrases Meaning 1. carry out tiến hành, thực hiện 2. come down with bị ốm, mắc bệnh 3. cut down on cắt giảm 4. get around đi xung quanh 5. hang out with đi chơi (cùng ai) 6. packed with đông đúc PART II. GRAMMAR a. Double comparatives Adj/Adv_ER Adj/Adv_ER The + LESS + Adj/Adv/N, THE + LESS + Adj/Adv/N MORE + Adj/Adv/N MORE + Adj/Adv/N Càng ......., thì càng....... The darker it gets, the colder it is. The less money you spent, the more you can save. The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is. UNIT 2: CITY LIFE
8 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) PART III. PRACTICE Exercise 1: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each question below: 1. What is one of the benefits of living in a city? A. Access to a wide range of amenities B. Peaceful and quiet surroundings C. Limited job opportunities D. Lack of cultural activities 2. Why do cities provide better job opportunities? A. Due to fewer businesses and industries B. Because of convenient access to healthcare C. Presence of numerous businesses and industries D. Lack of cultural diversity 3. What do cities offer in terms of cultural activities? A. Theaters, museums, and concerts B. Only shopping malls C. Limited entertainment options D. No cultural diversions 4. How is public transportation in cities typically? A. Underdeveloped B. Non-existent C. More developed D. Inefficient 5. What social opportunities does living in a city provide? A. None B. Meeting new friends and participating in events C. Isolation D. Limited social interactions Living in a city offers many benefits. Firstly, there is convenient access to a wide range of amenities, such as shops, restaurants, healthcare, and education facilities. This makes daily life more comfortable and efficient. Secondly, cities provide better job opportunities due to the presence of numerous businesses and industries. Additionally, cities are cultural hubs, offering diverse activities like theaters, museums, and concerts, which enrich residents' lives. Public transportation in cities is typically more developed, making it easier to commute. Finally, living in a city provides numerous social opportunities, allowing people to meet new friends and participate in various events. In conclusion, the benefits of city life make it an attractive choice for many people. Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and decide whether those sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): True False 1. London is the smallest city in Britain.   2. The West End of London is known for historical places, parks, shops, and theatres.   3. The South End of London is where working people live and work.   4. The "Odeon" is one of the most famous museums in London.   5. Oxford Street is London's main shopping centre.   London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 million people live and work there. It is one of the most important cities in the world. It is a centre for business and for tourism. London consists of three parts: The City of London, the East End and the West End. In the City of London there are many banks, offices and Stocks Exchange. In the West End we can see many historical places, parks, shops and theatres. It is the world of rich people and money. The East End is the district where working people live and work. The Port of London is also there. You can have a very good time in this city. You can visit different cinemas, theatres and museums. The "Odeon" is one of the most famous cinemas of the country. The most famous museums are: The British Museum and the Tate Gallery. There are many shops in London. Oxford Street is London's main shopping centre. People from all over the world buy clothes, shoes, toys and souvenirs there. The street is more than a mile long. The best known departments are Selfridges and John Lewis. The largest park in London is Hyde Park with its Speaker's Comer. Sit on the green grass and try England's favourite food - fish and chips. LISTENING
8 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. serious B. thousand C. found D. around 2. A. conflict B. itchy C. reliable D. determine 3. A. hygiene B. heritage C. hotel D. hour 4. A. construction B. popular C. regular D. fabulous 5. A. tram B. carry C. safe D. traffic Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. locate B. mingle C. develop D. attract 2. A. populous B. determine C. forbidden D. delicious 3. A. bustling B. advance C. itchy D. pricey 4. A. capital B. gallery C. harbour D. museum 5. A. fascinate B. expensive C. restaurant D. difference Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The construction ______ next door has been noisy all week. A. metro B. tram C. underground D. site 2. The theater in the ______ area hosts fantastic performances. A. downtown B. hygiene C. rural D. underground 3. The new ______ features a cinema, bowling alley, and arcade. A. traffic jam B. entertainment centre C. concrete jungle D. construction site 4. It's easy to ______ the city using public transportation. A. carry out B. find out C. get around D. come back 5. Good ______ practices are essential to prevent the spread of diseases. A. construction B. hygiene C. leftover D. downtown 6. My allergies cause ______ during springtime. A. road dust B. underground system C. congested road D. itchy eyes 7. ______ is a common issue in large cities. A. Traffic light B. Traffic flow C. Traffic safety D. Traffic congestion 8. The ______ streets of downtown are filled with people rushing to work. A. bustling B. special C. empty D. quiet 9. To save money, I try to ______ unnecessary expenses. A. come down with B. cut down on C. hang out with D. get on with 10. The old library was quite ______, but they recently renovated it. A. pricey B. reliable C. dusty D. quiet 11. Eating out in this city can be quite ______, especially at fancy restaurants. A. affordable B. pricey C. interesting D. reasonable 12. I ______ a fever last night. A. came down with B. cut down on C. got on with D. ran out of 13. The city government aims to ______ environmental initiatives. A. get around B. hand down C. carry out D. give up 14. Let's ______ at the local café this weekend! A. get on with B. hang out C. come down D. cut down on 15. The city offers a ______ lifestyle with everything within reach. A. crowded B. noisy C. boring D. convenient 16. Unfortunately, I ______ a cold last week. A. handed down B. came down with C. ran out of D. gave up 17. During ______ hour, the subway is always packed with commuters. A. rush B. low C. crowded D. liveable 18. New York City is often referred to as a ______ due to its tall buildings and busy streets. A. public amenity B. entertainment center C. concrete jungle D. construction site PHONETIC VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR
8 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) 19. The city park feels like an oasis of ______ green space. A. noisy B. careful C. safe D. dangerous 20. The cityscape is a mix of historic and ______ architecture. A. crowded B. modern C. boring D. noisy 21. I need to ______ sugary snacks for better health. A. run out of B. cut down on C. get on with D. take care of 22. The city streets are often ______ during rush hour. A. itchy B. open C. congested D. pricey 23. My skin gets ______ when I'm stressed. A. itchy B. narrow C. perfect D. clear 24. Be cautious of ______ in crowded areas. A. pickpocketing B. crime-free C. safety D. security 25. Despite the noise, this neighborhood is quite ______. A. dangerous B. liveable C. silent D. careful 26. The ______ metro system is efficient for daily commuting. A. leftover B. construction C. underground D. traffic jam 27. Many families prefer to live in the quieter ______. A. suburbs B. centers C. amenities D. transportation 28. The ______ of having shops nearby makes life easier. A. inconvenient B. difficulty C. convenience D. unreliable 29. To stay healthy, I try to ______ processed foods. A. avoid B. transport C. widen D. complete 30. The city council plans to ______ infrastructure improvements. A. hand down B. carry out C. get around D. look after 31. Make sure to cook chicken ______ to avoid food poisoning. A. properly B. shortly C. narrowly D. especially 32. Unfortunately, this area has a ______. A. low noise level B. high crime rate C. clean environment D. high safety level 33. The better the weather is, ______. A. the most crowded the beaches get B. the most the beaches get crowded C. the more crowded the beaches get D. the more the beaches get crowded 34. The more invaluable world heritages are to humanity, ______. A. the more protected and preserving they are B. the more they are protected and preserved C. the more they have people protect and preserve D. the more people make them protect and preserve 35. ______ the temperature, ______ water turns into steam. A. Higher / faster the B. The higher / the faster C. The more higher / the faster D. The higher / the fast 36. The older you are, ______. A. the more you may become worried B. the more worried you may become C. the more worry you may become D. you may become more worried 37. The more challenging the exercises are, ______ we feel. A. the less bored B. the least bored C. the less boring D. the least boring 38. The better the weather is, ______. A. the beaches get the more crowded B. the beaches get the most crowded C. the most crowded the beaches get D. the more crowded the beaches get 39. The ______ you encounter failure, the more confident you are. A. more frequently B. as frequently C. most frequent D. more frequent 40. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. ______ the food is, ______ he likes it. A. The hotter/the more and more B. The hotter/the more  C. The more and more hot/the more D. The hottest/the most 41. ______ he drank, ______ he became.  A. More/more violent  B. The most/the most violent  C. The more/the more violent D. The less/less violent 42. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. ______ he becomes, he is ______. A. The more rich/ the more happy B. The richest/ the happiest C. The richer/ the happier D. Richer and richer/ happier and happier 43. ______ you study for these exams, ______ you will do.

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