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SxC Dei, Zak, Zy
Bukalapak possess its benefits and challenges to the business within its ecosystem based on the research analysis PESTEL Analysis Porter’s Analysis PESTEL Analysis can be concluded that the external phenomenom from the 6 sectors is beneficial for Bukalapak's growth. The Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis which gives insights regarding sellers positioning, it indicates that the initial level of competitiveness within the Bukalapak ecosystem is high, due to the easiness to enter resulting in a higher substitution level. 1
SO Together with its subsidiaries and informative contents, Bukalapak create a program to broaden the use of financial technologies in rural areas WO Create and emphasize the existence of Bukalapak within the niche market and create campaigns that promote Bukalapak as the number one market place for the particular product categories ST With its abilities to reach rural areas and resources, Bukalapak have a large opportunity can digitalize the market in rural areas. WT Improve brand image to remove negative perception towards Bukalapak Strength ● Has possessed strong reach in rural areas ● Bukalapak has a broad range of subsidiaries ● Bukalapak is among the most trusted online site in Indonesia ● Variative and informative social media content Weakness Description Opportunities Threat ● The Indonesian market are not largely digitalized ● Most Indonesians living in rural areas has no access to banking ● Perception of Bukalapak is only selling low quality/second-hand products by the market ● There is a shifting behavior of Indonesians which prefers online shopping more than the offline method ● There is a rapid development of technology, including in the financial technologies and institutions ● Not among the first choices of the market in terms of e-commerce ● The goods offered and image branding are too niche Based on our TOWS Analysis, Bukalapak has a great base with several aspects to work on 2