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Nội dung text 10. UNIT 10. COMMUNICATION IN THE FUTURE.docx

UNIT 10. COMMUNICATION IN THE FUTURE A. Pronunciation I. Choose one word (A, B, C, or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others. 1. A. trainee B. between C. Chinese D. seafood 2. A. engineer B. wonderful C. refugee D. referee 3. A. Vietnamese B. guarantee C. Bhutanese D. committee 4. A. degree B. obese C. coffee D. Maltese 5. A. employee B. Japanese C. Taiwanese D. absentee II. Say the sentences aloud, paying attention to the stress of the underlined words. 1. The coach disagreed with the referee at the game yesterday. 2. He was the first Lebanese ever to be a Maths Olympiad awardee. 3. Last year, I was a trainee at a Japanese company. 4. The chairman of our school social media committee is a Portuguese student. 5. The Vietnamese model got a degree in fashion design from London. B. Vocabulary & Grammar I. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence. 1. Please leave a _____________ on my phone if you are unable to reach me. A. message B. call C. letter D. note 2. Many people think _____________ will replace human translators in the future. A. voice messages B. translation machines C. dictionaries D. emojis 3. Parents should pay due attention to their children’s use of _____________. A. social networking sites B. real time C. telepathy D. holography 4. We made a(n) _____________ to discuss our project. A. group call B. social network C. emoji D. family member 5. I think there will be no language _____________ in the future. People will speak a common language.
A. use B. development C. skin D. barrier 6. She sent me a(n) _____________ message to ask about the homework. A. warning B. heartfelt C. instant D. strong 7. If _____________ becomes popular in the future, it will save communicators a lot of travelling time and money. A. private messaging B. holography C. language barrier D. translation 8. Video conferencing is a technology that allows _____________ communication. A. private B. social C. real-time D. smartphone II. Choose the option which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined phrase in each sentence. 1. Hold on! I think this isn’t the right road. Let’s turn back. A. Continue! B. Move back! C. Keep to the right! D. Wait! 2. She can do telepathy? You’re kidding! It’s impossible. A. I don’t believe it. B. You’re a kid. C. She can do telepathy. D. It doesn’t work. 3. Learning to speak English is not a piece of cake. It requires lots of practice and hard work. A. delicious B. easy C. fun D. hard 4. The picture is so large that it doesn’t fit the computer screen. Can you zoom out of it? A. make it smaller B. make it bigger C. make it sharper D. make it stronger 5. Lan: Kien is in a bad mood today. Jack: That’s exactly what I feel. He got angry with me for nothing this morning. A. What do you mean? B. Can you repeat it? C. He said that to me this morning. D. I completely agree with you. III. Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box. hours face to face instant messages person convenient social networking sites How do young people communicate today? Nowadays, teenagers seem to communicate with their peers more on electronic devices than in (1) _____________. They chat with their friends using messaging applications and (2) _____________. They chat about almost everything, from homework and games to music trends. Their conversations tend to be short but can last for (3) _____________. Many teenagers prefer this way of
communicating to talking (4) _____________. They say that it is more (5) _____________, and they can do many things while chatting. They may be exchanging (6) _____________ with several friends and playing their favorite games at the same time. IV. Circle the correct preposition in each sentence. 1. We arrived (at / on / in) New York earlier than we expected. 2. Be careful! There’s a piece of glass (on/under/in front of) the grass. 3. Jane’s classmates held a birthday party for her (on/ at /for) a bubble tea shop. 4. Many people chat (in / by / for) hours on the Internet because it is free. 5. (By/ On/ For} 2030, smartphones will become supersmart and super thin. 6. The man sitting (next to / from /along) me on the plane said that he could do telepathy. 7. I think robot carrier pigeons will become popular (on/in/at) twenty years’ time. 8. Lan’s house is (opposite/by/next to) mine, just across the street. V. Circle a mistake in each sentence below. 1. I will be in the countryside on two weeks this summer holiday. A. in B. on C. this 2. The video conference starts at 10:15 a.m. Please be ready by 10:10 a.m. so that it can start for time. A. at B. by C. for 3. Let’s meet for coffee by Wednesday afternoon. I'll be busy in the morning. A. for B. by C. in 4. After starting the test, the teacher asked us to remove our phones from the test room. A. After B. to C. from 5. A friend of my got a virtual reality device as a birthday gift. A. my B. a C. as 6. I always bring a charger because my smartphone’s battery doesn’t last in long. A. always B. my C. in 7. Two of Ron’s brothers are twins, and they study at the same class at my school. A. Ron’s B. at C. at 8. Be quick, Lisa! We need to leave by a few minutes; otherwise, we’ll miss the train. A. Be B. by C. the C. Speaking
I. Choose the most suitable response A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following exchanges. 1. A: Ms. Mai is an excellent teacher. Her lessons are always interesting. B: ______________________________ A. I agree with Ms Mai. B. That’s exactly how I feel. 2. A: We’ll turn right at the traffic light and ... B: ______________________________ A. Thank you for your help. B. Hold on. Google map says that we must turn left. 3. A: All groups must submit their school fair plan to me by Thursday so I can... B: ______________________________ A. Sorry for interrupting, but I think the deadline is Friday. B. The school fair is a good idea. 4. A: Nick is going to be the new class monitor next semester! B: ______________________________ A. You’re excellent. Congratulations! B. You’re kidding. He’ll be in America then. 5. A: Is it hard to cook French food? B: ______________________________ A. It’s not a piece of cake if you are an inexperienced cook. B. Yes, anyone can do it. II. Harry and Lam are talking about Harry’s brother’s problems with writing. Choose A - E to complete their conversation. Then practise it with a friend. Harry: My brother’s writing is terrible. Lam: Really? (1) _____________________ Harry: First, his handwriting is really bad, but he always says that there’s no need to improve it. Lam: Maybe it isn’t a problem. (2) ______________________ Harry: But he’s only in grade six now, and he still has to write by hand a lot. Lam: That’s exactly how I felt. (3) ______________________ A. Well, it seems like he is mixing up his writing and speaking styles. B. There’s an app called TeensWrite. It teaches sentence building in a fun and effective way. C. In the future, he will mostly type on the computer and ... D. What’s the problem with it?

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