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Type of course : Engineering Sc ience Syllabus Gujarat Technological University Basic Mechanical Engineering 1st YEAR Prerequisite : Zeal to learn the subject Rationale : Understanding of basic princ iples of Mechanica l Engineering is required in various field of engineering. Teaching and Examination Scheme : Teaching scheme Credits Examination Marks Theory Marks Practical Marks L T p C ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I) 3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 Content: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Topic Introduction : Prime movers and its types, Concept of Force, Pressure, Energy, Work, Power, System, Heat, Temperature, Specific heat capacity, Change of state, Path, Process, Cycle, Internal energy, Enthalpy, Statements of Zeroth law and First law. (Refer Chapter 1) Energy : Introduction and applications of Energy sources like Fossil fuels, Nuclear fuels, Hydro, Solar, Wind, and Bio-fuels, Environmental issues like Global warming and Ozone depletion. (Refer Chapter 2) Properties of gases: Gas laws, Boyle's law, Charla's law, Combined gas law, Gas constant, Relation between Cp and Cv, Various non-flow processes like constant volume process , constant pressure process, Isothermal process, Adiabatic process, Polytropic process. (Refer Chapter 3) Properties of Steam : Steam formation, Types of steam, Enthalpy, Specific volume, Internal energy and dryness fraction of steam, use of steam tables, steam calorimeters. (Refer Chapter 4) Heat Engines : Heat engine cycle and Heat engine, working substances, Classification of heat engines, Description and thermal efficiency of Carnot; Rankine; Otto cycle and Diesel cycles. (Refer Chapter 5) Steam Boilers : Introduction, Classification, Cochran, Lancashire and Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Functioning of different mountings and accessories. (Refer Chapter 6) Total Marks 150 4 3 5 6 5 Module Weightage 25% 30% -
Sr. Topic Teaching Module No, Hra. Welghtage - 7. Internal Combustion Engines : Introduction, Classification, Engine 4 details, tour-stroke/ two-stroke cycle Petrol/Diesel engines, Indicated I power. Brake Power, Efficiencies. (Refer Chapter 7) I -- - -- -·- =~ 8. Pumps : Types and operation of Reciprocating, Rotary and Centrifugal 20% pumps, Priming. (Refer Chapter 8) - - - 9. Air Compressors : Types and operation of Reciprocating and Rotary 3 air compressors. significance of Multistaging. (Refer Chapter 9) I I 10. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Refrigerant, Vapor compression 4 I refrigeration system, Vapor absorption refrigeration system, Domestic I Refrigerator, Window and split air conditioners. (Refer Chapter 10) 11. Couplings, Clutches and Brakes : Construction and applications of - I / Couplings (Box; Flange; Pin type flexible; Universal and Oldham), Clutches (Disc and Centrifugal), and Brakes (Block; Shoe; Band and Disc). (Refer Chapter 11) I 25% 12. 1 Transmission of Motion and Power : Shaft and axle, Different - I arrangement and applications of Belt drive; Chain drive; Friction drive I and Gear drive. (Refer Chapter 12) I ' 4 13. Engineering Materials : Types, properties and applications of Ferrous and Nonferrous metals, Timber, Abrasive material, silica, ceramics , glass, graphite, diamond, plastic and polymer. (Refer Chapter 13) I :JO □
Chapter a Introduction r l Syllabus l J Introduction : Prime movers and its types, Concept of Force, Pressure, Energy, Work, Power, System, Heat, Temperature. Specific heat capacity, Change of state, Path, Process, Cycle, Internal energy, Enthalpy, Statements of Zeroth law and First law. 1.1 PrimeMover ............ .................................. .......................... ........... .... .. ................ ..... .. ... .................. .. ............... .. .... ....... 1-2 UQ. What is Prime mover? OR Define : Prime mover. ........ 1-2 1 .2 Classification of Prime Movers .................................................................... .. .............. ....... ............................................ 1-2 UQ. Ho~ prime movers are classified ~ [(enl#jili,ilifJWt~l•)L ... ........ .. .. .. ................................ . 1-2 UQ. Wnte any Four examples of the prime movers. r 1~ b : .. ........... ..... ... .. .................................. 1-2 1.3 Force, Mass and Weight .............. ......................... ........ ...... ... ...... ........ ......... .......... ... .... .. .......... ..................... ................ 1-2 1.4 Pressure(p) ................................................................................ .. ......................................... .. .. ......... ............ ... ............. 1-3 UQ. Define Pressure and explain Absolute Pressure, Gauge Pressure and Atmospheric pressure. (GTU - Summer 2013) ············································································································· ························· 1-3 1.5 Work ....................................... ..... .. ........... .. .... .. .. .. ......... .... .. ........................ ... ....... .. ..................... ..... .......... .. ... ... ........... 1 -3 1.6 Power ... .................. .. .......................................... .. ............................................... ..... ...... ............ ...... ... .... ........................ 1-3 1.7 Energy .... ............................. .......................... .' ............... ...... .. ............. ............ ............... ......................... ................... ..... 1-3 1 .8 Forms of Energy ... .. ................ ............. ..... .................................................. ......................................... ........................... 1-3 1.9 Heat ............... ......... ............... ... .................................................. .. .............. ........ ...... .. ....................... .......................... ... 1-4 UQ. Define the heat ... .............. ....... ..................... ..... ... ............... ......... ............... .. ............. 1 -4 1 .1 O Comparison between Heat and Work ........... .. ..... ..... ...... .. .. .. .. .. ........... ... ... .......................... .................. .. .. ............. ........ 1-4 UQ. Write similarities between heat transfer and work transfer. r,u4jij,,j,,l4f4'14ij .. ................. ...... ............ 1-4 UQ. Give the comparison of heat and work. ~iju#-jij,,j,,i§f.m ....................................................................... 1-4 1 . 11 T ernperature .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . 1 -4 1.12 Specific Heat Capacity ........... .. .......................... ................................................ ....... ............ ......... ....... .......................... 1-5 UQ. Define / Explain Specific heat. ................... .. .. ......... .. ........ 1 -5 1 . 13 Change of State ........................... .. ...... ........................................... .................. ... .. ........ ........................... ............ ... .... .. . 1 -5 UQ. Define Melting point, Boiling point and Triple point of water using p-v diagram. . .. ... ... 1-5 1 . 14 Path, Process and Cycle ........................ .................... ....................... .................... .... .. .......................... ......................... 1 -5 1 .1 5 Internal Energy and Enthalpy .. .... .. .............................. .................. .. ....... ... ........ ................................... ............... ....... ... . 1-6 1.15.1 Internal Energy ... .................... .............................. ...................................... ............ ...... .......... ........................... 1-6 ua. Define : Internal energy. . .......................................... ................. .. .......... ...................... 1-6 1.15.2 Enthalpy ............................ ................................. .. ....... ... ......... ............................... ....... .. .... .. .. ......... ........ .. ....... 1-6 1 . 1 6 Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics ....... , .................................. ............ .................. .............................. .......... .. ... .. ..... ..... .... 1 -6 ua. State and explain Zeroth law of Thermod~namics. g1w11r11G1•[email protected],ml1... ....... 1-6 UQ. Give Statements of Zeroth Law. [(etnllfjj,,juj§f • f£ 11 @j l ..... ................................... ......... 1-6 1 .1 7 First Law of Thermodynamics ......... .......... , .. .. ............................... .................................................... .. ............................ 1-6 UQ. State the first law of thermodynamics. State its limitations. l111iBHIJ"jf--.. .. ........... .. ......... ... 1-6 UQ. Explain First law of thermodynam'lcs. ((etUM#jij,,j,,14f;m, __ ,__ . ____ .:._!_ __ !ii_:._ ..... .... .... .... ........ .. .... 1-6 1.17.1 Limitations of First Law ....... .. ............. ....... .............. .. .. .................. ................ ... .................. .... .. ....... .................. 1-7 1 .1 8 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat ..... ..... ........... ..................................... ............ ....... ................................ ............ ....... .... .. .. 1-7 1.19 Thermodynamic Systems ... ......... .... ... ... ......... .. .. ......... ... ... .......... .... .. ... ................................ .................... ..... .. .. .. ....... ..... 1-7 UQ. Classify thermodynamic system an.a give example of each. , : .... .. ................ .. .. 1-7 UQ. Explain in brief Open system and closed system giving examples. .. .............. ........... 1-7 UQ. Give the definition of (1) close system (2) open system (3) isolated system. • ....... ...... 1-7 UQ. Discuss Closed, Open and Isolated Thermodynamic system with neat sketch. • : .. ... .... .. . 1-7 1 .20 Internal Energy of Closed System ....... .... .. .... ............. .. .................................................................. .................. .. ............ 1-8 UQ. Derive an expression for internal energy for a closed system. .. .. ...... ....................... 1-8 1 .21 Thermodynamic Properties ... .. .. ................... .. .............................. ... .................. .............. ..... .... ... ..... .. ... ... .. ........... .. ...... . 1 -9 1 .2.1 .1 Solved Exam;s on Thermodynamic Properties .......... ... ... ........... .. ... ........................ .. ............ ... .. ................. 1-9 UEx. 1.21.3 @••M C,§ 111f4) .... ................. ......... .. ......... ... .. ............ ..... .... .. .. ... ......... .... .... .......... .. .... ... .. .. • • ..• ..· · .. · 1-1 O • Chapter Ends ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-11
Basic Mechanical Engineering (GTU-FY-Common) (Introduction) .... Page no. (1-2) ~ - t ·.1 PRIME MOVER 1 ? OR Define : Prime mover. - - - - -(GTU - Summer 2009, 2010, 2018, Winter 2019) I I l UQ. What is Prime mover . _______________ __ ________ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , , , s it into mechanical energy. -------~ 0 Definition : Prime mover is a device which usei- the energy from natuial sources and convert. ~ 1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF PRIME MOVERS .--------------------------------------------------- --- ----- · II' • • UQ. How prime movers are classified 7 ~.....,.lailJ I : UQ. Write any Four examples of the prime movers. _______________________ _ • ---;ri·n~e-1;,~,~e~-~1:.e· ;,::i;i~~ ~c~~.~:~ ~; ~ ~;u-;_;e~ ~; ;n~1 ~g~ -u;i~;e~ ~; ~h·e;n~ ~~; ~;s;ification of prime movers is shown belo~ : Prime movers + Thermal Non - Thermal i l i l Fuel Nudear Geothermal (Heat engine) (Nudear power (Geothermal plant) power plant) Bio- gas (Bio- gas power plant) Solar energy (Solar power plant) Wind energy ( Windmill) External combustion energy l Internal combustion energy Hydel energy (Hydraulic Turbine) Tidal energy (Tidal power plant) Steam engine < acceleration= m x a ... ( J .3.1) In SJ units, unit of force if> Newton (N). Large units of force are kN and MN. The unit of mass i~ kg and unit of acceleration is m/sec 2 , b.ence force is derived unit. From equation (1.3. 1), I N= I kg-m/sec2 . Thus Newton (N) i~ defined :u. force when applied to body having mass I kg, produce~ an acceleration of I m/sec2. (2) Mass (m) : The mass of the body is defined as the amount of matter contained in it. The unit is kg and is denoted by m. (3) Weight (W) : lt is the force with which a body is attr:ided co the centre of the earth. It is the product of mass (m) of the body and local gravitational acceleration (.g). W = mxg (New Syllabus w.e . f academic year 18-19) (G 12-06) Value or g at sea level is 9.80665 m/sec. rt is usually assumed a.-; 9.81 m/sec2 . The weight of the body changes with elevation but the mass always remains constant. - - --- - ____..'.,- ~ --- ~ -=~=---- ~ Tech-Neo Publications ... A SACHIN SHAH Venture

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