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1. Shy people often find it __________ to take part in group discussions. A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficultly D. difficulties 2. Could you __________ your name here, please? A. signing B. signal C. signature D. sign 3. The company received __________ complaints about the quality of its products. A. continual B. continued C. continuous D. continuing 4. The strike was caused by the __________ of two workers. A. dismiss B. dismissing C. dismissed D. dismissal 5. The factory was __________ so the management tried to cut costs by making some workers redundant. A. competition B. Competitive C. uncompetitive D. Competed 6. You have to work __________ for the coming exam. A. hardly B. more hardly C. hard D. more hard 7. That’s really an __________ man. He tells very good jokes. A. amused B. amusing C. amusedly D. amusingly 8. The secret of getting good marks is to keep __________ in the exam room. A. calm B. calmly C. calming D. calmed 9. It was such __________ news that they all sat there saying nothing. A. worry B. worried C. worrying D. worryingly 10. __________, there are no such so-called ghosts. A. Science B. Scientist C. Scientific D. scientifically 11. They did everything possible to __________ the police force. A. strengthen B. strengthening C. strength D. stronger 12. It was a(n) __________ mistake that he made. A. shamed B. shameful C. ashamed D. shameless 13. I spent a(n) __________ night because of my toothache. I’m very tired now. A. sleepy B. sleeping C. sleepless D. asleep 14. His low scores in the mock tests __________ him quite a lot. A. courageous B. encouraging C. discouraged D. encouragement 15. Recently pop-rock music has decreased in __________ A. popular B. popularizing C. popularity D. popularly 16. The restaurant is now under new __________ A. manager B. manageable C. management D. manager 17. Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be __________ A. satisfying B. dissatisfied C. satisfactory D. unsatisfactory 18. The problem of __________ among young people is hard to solve. A. employment B. employers C. employees D. unemployment 19. The dictionaries are on the __________ -book shelves. A. referred B. referring C. referenced references 20. The __________ of old buildings should be taken into consideration. A. preserve B. preservation C. preservative D. preserves 400 CÂU WORD FORM ÔN THI VÀO 10 – CÓ ĐÁP ÁN Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm
21. It is tiring to talk to such __________ -minded person. A. conservative B. conserved C. conservation D. conserving 22. He became one of the most __________ actors in Vietnam. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. successive 23. Smoke from cigarettes can even do harm to __________ A. smoking B. smokers C. nonsmokers D. smoky 24. Man has witnessed a great many significant __________ of science and technology in the past few decades. A. accomplishes B. accomplished C. accomplishments D. accomplishers 25. You should eat more. You’re a bit __________ A. underweight B. overweight C. weightless D. weighty 26. You should __________ yourselves with some grammatical terms. A. familiar B. familiarity C. unfamiliar D. familiarize 27. Although some societies are __________ undeveloped, their languages, from a linguist’s point of view, are very complex. A. technology B. technologically C. technological D. technologist 28. Our education will help with the __________ of knowledge for the young. A. enrichment B. rich C. riches D. richness 29. One of the major recent __________ is the development of laser in medical treatment. A. accomplishments B. accomplishment C. accomplisher D. accomplished 30. This is a __________ measure to cope with the problem. A. weighty B. underweight C. overweight D. weightless 31. __________, many houses are going to be demolished to make ways for a new supermarket. Many people object to the idea. A. Fortunate B. Unfortunate C. Fortunately D. Unfortunately 32. The __________ was a success; the patient will fully recover in a month’s time. A. operate B. operation C. operator D. operating 33. He’s doing a course in business __________ for further advancement in his career. A. manageability B. manager C. management D. managerial 34. Call the TV stations for the __________ of the opening of our new store. A. publicity B. publicize C. public D. publicizing 35. I like my work because I have the __________ to make my own decision. A. freed B. freedom C. freely D. free 36. That teacher is a(n) __________ one. His pupils like his sense of humor. A. amusing B. amused C. amusement D. self-amused 37. The dining room wants __________ A. redecorate B. redecorated C. redecorating D. redecorator 38. It is just a small area with about, __________ A. inhabitations B. inhabitants C. habitats D. inhabits 39. The road has just been __________ for better flows of traffic. A. width B. wide C. widely D. widened 40. She wants to look __________ in her wedding reception. A. natural B. naturally C. natured D. natured 41. Don’t talk about that in my brother’s __________ A. present B. presenter C. presence D. presentation 42. A few diseases are still __________ in the world.
A. treatable B. untreatable C. treated D. untreated 43. He always tells lies. His word is __________ A. value B. valuable C. invaluable D. valueless 44. She is totally __________ in her detective novel. A. absorbed B. absorbing C. absorbent D. absorptive 45. He has a __________ for English novel. A. preference B. preferentially C. preferential D. prefer 46. His work suffered because of his total __________ in sport. A. absorb B. absorbent C. absorbed D. absorption 47. Freedom and __________ are all that Vietnamese people had to struggle for years. A. dependent B. dependence C. independence D. independent 48. The noise __________ me. I cannot hear anything A. deaf B. deafness C. deafened D. deafen 49. In the last few years, this area has become __________ A. industry B. industrial C. industrialize D. industrialized 50. Thanks to the laser beams, at last, he could get rid of the __________ birthmark on his face A. normal B. abnormal C. abnormality D. abnormally 51. There was no keen __________ between the dog and the man. A. intimate B. intimacy C. intimated D. intimating 52. You will __________ your health if you don’t give up smoking. A. danger B. dangerous C. dangerously D. endanger 53. How long have you attended your __________ training? A. military B. militaristic C. militarism D. militarize 54. It rained __________ for five hours A. continuously B. continuous C. continue D. continuation 55. Nonsmokers have become __________ about smoking in public. A. militant B. militancy C. military D. militaristic 56. I sometimes do not feel __________ when I am at a party. A. comfort B. comforter C. comfortable D. comfortably 57. Mr. Pike invited some __________ to his house for dinner. A. hosts B. guests C. cookers D. host 58. It is necessary for the host to make his guests feel comfortable and __________ A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. relaxation 59. He was sacked because he had worked __________ A. responsible B. irresponsible C. responsibly D. irresponsibly 60. We are being __________ by next door’s stereo A. deaf B. deafness C. deafen D. deafened 61. Skilled workers are __________ admitted. A. preference B. preferential C. prefer D. preferentially 62. He said “Good morning” in almost __________ way. A. friendly B. friendliness C. friend D. friendship 63. The house is large but it is terribly __________ to live in. A. comfortable B. comfortably C. uncomfortable D. uncomfortably 64. Water can be held on the land by__________ vegetation. A. plant B. planting C. to plant D. having planted
The conference discussed__________ issues. A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist 65. __________ chemicals can be released from burning plastics or hairspray containers. A. Dangerous B. Unharmed C. Harmless D. Endangered 66. Burning garbage and paper wastes__________ the air with unpleasant odours. A. pollutants B. polluting C. pollutes D. pollution 67. __________ is banned in this restaurant. A. smoke B. smoker C. smoking D. nonsmoker 68. Most of the companies aren’t __________ in taking on young workers. A. preferred B. preferential C. preferring D. preferable. 69. You’ll feel __________ when you can earn money yourself. A. dependent B. independent C. dependently D. independently. 70. Whatever __________ he meets, he will also overcome them completely. A. difficult B. difficulties C. difficultly D. difficulty 71. We find it __________ to believe that boy who usually tells a lie. A. reason B. reasonably C. reasonable D. unreasonable 72. Health education is very __________ to prevent young people from the infectious diseases. A. necessity B. necessarily C. necessary D. unnecessary 73. The __________ of waste paper and old newspapers helps us to save a great amount of wood pulp. A. recycle B. recyclable C. recycled D. recycling 74. Non-smokers have become more __________ about smoking in public places. A. militant B. militancy C. militantly D. militaristic 75. Environment pollution __________ wild life animals. A. endangers B. danger C. dangerous D. dangerously 76. It is __________ to use an English word in place of a meaningful Vietnamese one while you are speaking Vietnamese. A. reasonably B. unreasonable C. reasonable D. unreasonably 77. The __________ of the four values suggests that young Asian are not as romantic as their American counterparts. A. compare B. comparison C. comparative D. compared 78. We shouldn’t evaluate anyone through his __________ A. appear B. appearance C. appearing D. appeared 79. There are differences and __________ between Vietnamese and American culture. A. similar B. similarly C. similarity D. similarities 80. Some people are concerned with physical __________ when choosing a wife or a husband. A. attract B. attraction C. attractiveness D. attractively 81. Despite many recent __________ advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers. A. Technology B. technological C. technologically D. technologist 82. Remember to greet the __________ before you answer his questions. A. interview B. interviewee C. interviewer D. interviewers 83. Mai is a __________ She seldom feels sad or disappointed with her life. A. pessimist B. pessimistic C. optimistic D. optimist 84. Many people were killed in America in th September by __________ groups. Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm

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