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CHUYÊN ĐỀ 3: SỰ HÒA HỢP GIỮA CHỦ NGỮ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ A. RULES Quy tắc chung: Khi danh từ số ít hoặc danh từ không đếm được thì động từ chia ở dạng số ít. Khi danh từ số nhiều thì động từ chia ở dạng số nhiều. Ngoài ra, có thêm một số quy tắc sau: Quy tắc 1: Khi hai danh từ nối nhau bằng chữ "and" thì động từ chia số nhiều. Ví dụ: - My sister and I like listening to classical music. TRỪ các trường hợp sau thì lại dùng số ít: * Khi chúng cùng chỉ một người, một bộ phận, hoặc một món ăn: Ví dụ: - The professor and the secretary are on business, (ông giáo sư và người thư kí là hai người khác nhau.) - The professor and secretary is on business, (ông giáo sư kiêm thư kí là một người.) - Salt and pepper is…… (muối tiêu - xem như một món muối tiêu.) - Bread and meat is. (bánh mì thịt - xem như một món bánh mì thịt.) * Phép cộng thì dùng số ít: - Two and three is five. (2 + 3 = 5). Quy tắc 2: Sau "Each, Every, Many a…. " + V (số ít) Ví dụ: - Each person is allowed 20kg luggage. - Every student is told about the changes of the timetable. - Many a politician has promised to make changes. Quy tắc 3: Sau "To infinitive/Ving" + V (số ít) Ví dụ: - To jog / Jogging every day is good for your health. Quy tắc 4: Mệnh đề danh từ + V (số ít) Ví dụ: - What you have said is not true. - That tree lose their leaves is a sign of winter. Quy tắc 5: Tựa đề + V (số ít) Ví dụ: "Tom and Jerry" is my son's favorite cartoon. Quy tắc 6: Danh từ kết thúc là “s” nhưng dùng số ít * Danh từ tên môn học: Physics (Vật lí), Mathematics (Toán), Economics (Kinh tế học), Linguistics (Ngôn ngữ học), Politics (Chính trị học), Genetics (Di truyền học), Phonetics (Ngữ âm học).... * Danh từ tên môn thể thao: Athletics (Điền kinh), Billiards (Bi-da), Checkers (Cờ đam), Darts (Phóng lao trong nhà), Dominoes (Đô mi nô)... * Danh từ tên các căn bệnh: Measles (sởi), Mumps (quai bị), Diabetes (tiểu đường), Rabies (bệnh dại), Shingles (bệnh lở mình), Rickets (còi xương).... * Cụm danh từ chỉ kích thước, đo lường: Two pounds is…. (2 cân) * Cụm danh từ chỉ khoảng cách: Ten miles is (10 dặm) * Cụm danh từ chỉ thời gian: Ten years is … (10 năm) * Cụm danh từ chỉ số tiền: Ten dollars is (10 đô la) * Cụm danh từ chỉ tên một số quốc gia, thành phố: The United States (Nước Mỹ), the Philippines (nước Phi-lip-pin), Wales, Marseilles, Brussels, Athens, Paris....

On the top of the hill is a temple. (Trên đỉnh của quả đồi có một ngôi đền đặt ở đó). Quy tắc 21: Sau none of/either of/neither of/one of động từ chia ở dạng số ít Ví dụ: None of my children has blue eyes. B. PRACTICE EXERCISES Exercise 1: Put the verb in brackets into the correct form in each of the following sentences. Question 1: The United States_______(lie) between Canada and Mexico. Question 2: Three years_______(be) a long time to wait. Question 3: The old man with his dog_______(pass) my house every morning Question 4: Mr. Thomas as well as his assistants_______(arrive) here since yesterday. Question 5: That you win a good place at a prestigious university_______(be) very admirable. Question 6: Neither her mother nor her father_______(want) her to be a teacher. Question 7: Eight kilos of gold_______(steal) from the bank yesterday. Question 8: The number of employees who_______ (not finish) their work yet _______(have) to work on the weekend. Question 9: The levels of intoxication_______(vary) from subject to subject. Question 10: The money that_______(spend) on education every year is not enough. Question 11: Two weeks_______(go) fast when you are on vacation. Question 12: That you enjoy the food I cook_______(encourage) me a lot. Question 13: Measles_______(be) cured without much difficulty nowadays. Question 14: A number of children_______(sleep) in the bedroom now. Question 15: My mother and my father_______(live) happily since they got married. Question 16: Many a student_______(want) to study all day at school. Question 17: Nowadays many students_______(like) playing games. Question 18: Mathematics_______(be) considered as a difficult subject by many students. Question 19: Tom, together with his friends,_______(want) to join the football team. Question 20: The teacher as well as her students_______(disagree) with the new rule. Question 21: Most of the food_______(prepare) by Jane's mother. Question 22: Most of the students in class_______(get) high scores in the test. Question 23: Our team_______(be) the best. It has a good chance of winning. Question 24: There_______(be) a van and two cars in the parking area. Question 25: Each package that is not properly wrapped_______(have) to be returned to the sender. Question 26: Not only my younger sister but also my friends_______(come) to my university. Question 27: Tom and Jerry_______(be) very well known all over the world. Question 28: Both Jane and Laura_______(cook) for their dinner party at this time yesterday. Question 29: After the accident, the injured_______(take) to hospital yesterday. Question 30: Either you or I_______(be) right. Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 1: Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, are at an A B C all-time high.

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