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PURPOSE: Caloundra Christian College is committed to upholding an educational philosophy that encourages allstudents to achieve personal excellence by developing their talents and abilities. This policy is designed to build capacity as students work towards summative assessment completion for the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). SCOPE: This policy provides information for teachers, students and parents/carers about roles, responsibilities, processes and procedures to ensure the integrity of assessment that contributes to the QCE. The framework for the policy is developed from the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook available from www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/senior/certificates-and-qualifications/qce-qcia- handbook-2019 and applies to Applied, Applied (Essential), General and General (Extension) subjects, and Short Courses across all faculties. REFERENCES: • QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook IMPORTANT RELATED DOCUMENTS & PROCEDURES: • Caloundra Christian College Secondary Code of Conduct • Caloundra Christian College Behaviour Management Processes and Procedures • Internal moderation processes (including College procedures for endorsement and confirmation) PDF HOUSED AT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NtW87xD-dpUSG8GF4E3KzDexPKJ4HHvB/view?usp=sharing 1 PRINCIPLES Caloundra Christian College’s expectations for teaching, learning and assessment are grounded in the principles of academic integrity and excellence. Assessment includes any examination, practical demonstration, performance or product that allows students to demonstrate the objectives as described by the syllabus. Assessment should be: • Aligned with curriculum and pedagogy; • Equitable for all students; • Evidence-based, using established standards and continua to make defensible and comparable judgments about students’ learning; • Ongoing, with a range and balance of evidence compiled over time to reflect the depth and breadth of students’ learning; • Transparent, to enhance professional and public confidence in the processes used, the information obtained and the decisions made; and • Informative of where students are in their learning. Assessment Policy - Senior Version No: 1 Review Frequency: Biannually Last Review: Sep-23 Reviewed by: Beck Spicer Approved: Sept-23 Approved by: Principal Next Review date: Sept-25
Assessment Policy - Senior Page 2 of 14 High-quality assessment is characterised by three attributes: • Validity, through alignment with what is taught, learnt and assessed; • Accessibility, so that each student is given opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do; and • Reliability, so that assessment results are consistent, dependable or repeatable. 2 PROMOTING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Caloundra Christian College promotes academic integrity by developing students’ skills and modelling appropriate academic practices. The following whole College procedures support this endeavour. QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook Policy and procedures Location and communication of policy The College assessment policy can be accessed within the CalCC Connect Portal. All questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Director of Teaching and Learning. To ensure the assessment policy is consistently applied, it will be revisited at the beginning of each year in Connect classes. Relevant processes will be revisited: • During Senior Education and Training (SET) planning; • When each task is handed to students; and • As part of the Study Smart program and Launch. Expectations about engaging in learning and assessment Section 1.2.4 Section 2 Section 8.5.1 Caloundra Christian College has high expectations for academic integrity, and student participation and engagement in learning and assessment. Students become eligible for a QCE when they have accrued the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern, while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements. Students are required to complete all course and assessment requirements on or before the due date for their results to contribute credit to their QCE. Student responsibility Students are expected to: • Complete the Academic Integrity course by Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) (available on the MyQCE Student Portal); • Engage in the learning for the subject or course of study; • Produce evidence of achievement that is authenticated as their own work; and • Submit responses to scheduled assessment on or before the due date. Parent responsibility Parents are expected to:
Assessment Policy - Senior Page 3 of 14 • Access the online assessment calendar (Year Level Google Calendar) to identify when assessment is due and plan for this with students; • Encourage students to work consistently on assessment tasks and to meet all due dates; and • Follow the process for Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA), which includes missed exams. To emphasise the importance of sound academic practices, staff and students will complete the QCAA academic integrity courses. Due Dates Section 8.5.2 Section 8.5.3 College responsibility Caloundra Christian College is required to adhere to QCAA policies for gathering evidence of student achievement on or before the due date. Due dates for final responses, checkpoints and drafts will be published in the online assessment calendar (Year Level Google Calendar). The Year Level Google Calendar will be updated for the whole year by term 1 week 1-2. The assessment schedule will: • Align with syllabus requirements; • Provide sufficient working time for students to complete the task; • Allow for internal quality assurance processes; • Enable timelines for QCAA quality assurance processes to be met; • Be clear to teachers, students and parents/carers; • Be consistently applied; and • Give consideration to allocation of workload. Student responsibility Students are responsible for: • Checking due dates in their Year Level Google Calendar; • Planning and managing their time to meet the due dates; and • Informing the College, as soon as possible, if they have concerns about assessment load and meeting due dates. In cases where students are unable to meet a due date, they are required to: • Inform the Director of Teaching and Learning and classroom teacher as soon as possible; • Provide Student Services with relevant documentation, e.g. medical certificate, and submit an extension application form (available from Student Services); and • Adhere to alternative arrangements for submission of assessment, if applicable, as decided by the College. Students are NOT eligible for extensions to due dates if there is a known reason for an absence that is a matter of the student’s or parent’s/carer’s own choosing
Assessment Policy - Senior Page 4 of 14 (e.g. family holidays) and the student will be absent on the day the assessment is due. In these situations, the College can make the decision to: • For examinations — offer a comparable examination before the due date; or • For non-examinations — require students to submit/present the assessment before the due date. Examples of these situations may include district, regional, state or national representation for sport. All final decisions are at the Principal’s discretion. Refer to AARA information below. Submitting, collecting and storing assessment information Section 9 Assessment instruments (task sheets) will provide information about Caloundra Christian College’s arrangements for submission of draft and final responses, including due dates, conditions and file types. All assessment evidence, including draft responses, will be submitted by their due date and, where appropriate, via Google Classroom using the plagiarism checker. Draft and final responses for all assessment will be collected and stored in each student’s folio. Live performance assessments will be recorded and stored as required for QCAA processes. All evidence used for making judgments is stored as described in Caloundra Christian College’s teacher handbook. Appropriate materials Section 7.1 Section 8.5.3 As a Christian College, material and texts are chosen with care to be sensitive to a Christian worldview. Where prescribed texts are used that do not necessarily align with Christian perspectives, students will be given opportunities to engage with and critique the texts from a biblical perspective. 3 ENSURING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Caloundra Christian College has procedures to ensure that there is consistent application of the assessment policy and that staff and students optimise opportunities to understand academic integrity. The following procedures are to be applied in this context. 3.1 Internal assessment administration QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook Policy and procedures Scaffolding Section 7.2.1 Scaffolding for assessment helps students understand the process for completing the task. Scaffolding will: • Maintain the integrity of the requirements of the task or assessment instrument; and • Allow for unique student responses and not lead to a predetermined response.

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