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1 TIẾNG ANH 9 I-LEARN SMART WORLD UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE PAST VOCABULARY Lesson 1 1. breadwinner (n): lao động chính 2. connection (n): mối liên hệ, sự liên kết Eg: Building strong connections with others is essential for a fulfilling life. + connect (v) 3. divorce (v): ly hôn divorced (a) đã ly hôn a divorced woman: 1 người phụ nữ đã ly hôn) 4. extended family (n phr): gia đình mở rộng, đại gia đình Eg: During holidays, our extended family gathers at my grandparents’ house for a big party. 5. generation (n): thế hệ 6. house husband (n phr): người chồng làm nội trợ 7. housewife (n): người vợ làm nội trợ Eg: Maria enjoys being a housewife, managing the home and looking after the kids. 8. marriage (n): hôn nhân Eg: Their marriage ceremony was beautiful, filled with love and joy. + marry (v) + get married to sb: kết hôn với ai Eg: Jamie's getting married to Laura. 9. nuclear family (n phr): gia đình hạt nhân Eg: Our small nuclear family consists of just my parents, my sister, and me. 10. official (adj) chính thức Eg: The official announcement will be made during the press conference. 11. relative (n): họ hàng Eg: My relatives from out of town are visiting this weekend. 12. single (adj): độc thân Eg: She’s content being single and focusing on her career right now. ≠ married (a) đã kết hôn
2 BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG EXERCISE 1 Complete the sentences using the given words. 1. John is a wonderful __________ taking care of household chores while his wife works outside. 2. Their __________was celebrated with a big ceremony and party. 3. In a __________, there are parents and their children living together. 4. My grandparents belong to a different __________, and their experiences are quite different from mine. 5. Emily is a __________ who enjoys cooking and cleaning for her family. 6. The __________ announcement will be made tomorrow. 7. She invited all her__________to the family reunion. 8. Being __________means not having a partner or spouse. 9. He is the __________of the family, working hard to support his family members financially. 10. There is a strong __________between the two sisters; they talk every day. 11. After many years of unhappiness, they decided to __________. 12. In our __________, we often gather for holidays and celebrations. Lesson 2 13. bake (v): nướng Eg: I love to bake fresh bread in the morning. 14. clay pot (n phr): nồi đất Eg: My grandmother’s secret recipe for chicken curry is cooked in a traditional clay pot. 15. cottage (n): ngôi nhà nhỏ (thường ở vùng quê) Eg: We spent our summer vacation in a cozy little cottage by the lake. 16. nephew (n): cháu trai (con của anh, chị, em) Eg: My nephew is coming over this weekend, and we’re planning a fun day at the park. 17. niece (n): cháu gái (con của anh, chị, em) Eg: My little niece is an excellent artist; she draws beautiful pictures. 18. sketch (v): vẽ phác thảo 19. soil (n): đất Eg: The rich, dark soil in our garden helps our plants grow beautifully. 20. stall (n): quầy hàng Breadwinner- connection - divorce - extended family - generation -official house husband - housewife - marriage - nuclear family -relatives - single
3 21. tuk-tuk (n): xe lam Eg: When I visited Thailand, I rode in a vibrant green tuk-tuk through the bustling streets of Bangkok. BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG EXERCISE 2 Complete the sentences using the given words. 1. My __________is coming over this weekend, and we’re planning a fun day at the park for him. 2. My little __________is an excellent artist; she draws beautiful pictures. 3. She likes to__________the scenery when we go hiking in the mountains. 4. Tim's __________ has a red roof. It's small and pretty. 5. Plants grow in__________with water and sunlight. 6. We rode a __________to explore the city. 7. I love to __________fresh bread in the morning. 8. My grandmother’s secret recipe for chicken curry is cooked in a traditional __________. 9. At the market, I bought fruit from a __________. Lesson 3 22. afterward (adv): sau này, sau đó Eg: After playing outside, we went inside for snacks afterward. 23. childhood (n): thời thơ ấu Eg: My childhood was filled with playing games and exploring the neighborhood with my friends. 24. eventually (adv): sau cùng thì, cuối cùng thì Eg: Eventually, the sun set, and it was time to go home. 25. fall in love (idm): phải lòng, yêu 26. meanwhile (adv): trong khi đó 27. overcome (v): vượt qua 28. thankful (adj): biết ơn 29. bowl (n) cái chén, cái bát BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG EXERCISE 3 Complete the sentences using the given words. bake - clay pot – cottage – nephew – niece – sketch – soil - stall – tuk tuk afterward – childhood – eventually - fall in love – meanwhile – overcome – thankful - bowl
4 1. Despite the challenges, she __________achieved her dream of becoming a doctor. 2. I am __________for my supportive family and good health. 3. She studied for her exam, and __________, her brother cooked dinner. 4. She served the soup in a warm ceramic __________. 5. My favorite memories are from my __________, when I used to play hide-and-seek with my friends. 6. They met at the library and __________over their shared love for classic novels. 7. We had a great picnic, and __________, we played games in the park. 8. With determination, he managed to__________his fear of public speaking. EXERCISE 4 Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words in capitals 1. I will __________the red wire to the blue wire. CONNECTION 2. Sarah and David will __________ in June. MARRIAGE 3. The president__________declared the new law. OFFICIAL 4. My uncle is a famous __________, he makes delicious bread. BAKE 5. Mark and Lisa are __________, but they have two cats. CHILDHOOD 6. __________, the rain stopped before we got soaked. THANK 7. His__________is to eat pizza on Fridays. PREFER 8. Jane and Tom have a strong__________built on trust. RELATE 9. Sarah's __________ from her new job are impressive. EARN 10. After many years of __________, they decided to get divorced. DIVORCE 11. Our __________values education and hard work. SOCIAL 12. Making __________ can be difficult, but it's important to choose wisely. DECIDE PHẦN 2: GRAMMAR (NGỮ PHÁP) I. NHỮNG CÁCH SỬ DỤNG “WOULD” Trong tiếng Anh, từ "would" được sử dụng trong nhiều tình huống khác nhau như sau: 1. "would" thường được sử dụng để diễn tả hành động lặp lại hoặc thói quen trong quá khứ, thông thường được đề cập với một thời điểm, trước hoặc sau hành động được nhắc tới. Eg: When I was young, I would visit my grandparents every weekend. Ở đây, "would" chỉ hành động lặp lại trong quá khứ, thời điểm là khi người nói còn trẻ. 2. Từ "would" là trong câu điều kiện (loại 2), để diễn tả một tình huống giả định hoặc khả năng không có thật ở hiện tại.

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