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Literasi dalam Bahasa Inggris Thread Perla Irish July 16, 2020 Hydroseeding can do you a world of good in some cases. It’s a process where the seeds are mixed with mulch and fertilizer and added to the field with a hose pipe. However, due to a plethora of misconceptions and lack of availability, it’s not as popular as other conventional measures. We’re going to discuss the advantages of hydroseeding. Is it good or not right now? Sarah The Lawn Chick Nov 7, 2020 Hydroseeding is a way to create a lawn space by spraying a mixture of water, grass seed, mulch, and fertilizer. Many experts consider this process to be the most efficient one for adding grass to a plain soil area. Kelsey Davis October 15, 2021 One of the primary disadvantages of hydroseeding is the wait time for lawn establishment. Unlike soil, which offers immediate results, hydro-seeded lawns require 3- 4 weeks to grow enough for the first mowing. This delay can be challenging for those who prefer quick results. Hydroseeding demands significant water usage, both during and after application. This requirement for frequent watering, often twice or thrice daily, can be resource-intensive and may not be ideal in areas with water usage restrictions. Shelby Simon Jul 14, 2022, Don’t be intimidated by hydroseeding—though the name sounds fancy. It’s actually an efficient and cost-effective technique for planting grass seed. The goal of hydroseeding, also known as hydro mulching or hydraulic mulch seedling, is to create a completely customized, uniform ground layer of lush, green grass. Morgan Daniels August 13, 2022 When synthetic fertilizers are used for hydroseeding, they may have a negative effect, especially if they can contaminate nearby water sources. Furthermore, hydroseeding dyes such as Malachite green can harm local waterfowl and marine species. However, manufacturers are now providing more environmentally friendly solutions. Janine Caayao July 24, 2023 Many hydroseed mixes contain very few weed seeds in them. The fewer weeds your grass has to contend with, the better its growth will be. And healthy grass growth typically means better weed resistance, as healthy grass outcompetes weeds much easier. Therefore, planting using this method is a method recommended by many people. Freeplants 2024 Hydroseeding has started during the 1950s when its first manufacturing unit was established in Connecticut. They were specially designed for seeding the places which were difficult to seed with the conventional method; rough terrains and steep landscapes. 31. Which of the following is the problem stated at the beginning of the thread? A. Public misunderstanding about the merit of hydroseeding B. There are several use cases of hydroseeding C. Process cropping where seeds are mixed with mulch and fertilizer and added to the field with hose pipes D. Hydroseeding is a way to create a lawn space by spraying a mixture of water, grass seed, mulch, and fertilizer E. The debate about hydroseeding
32. Who suggests using hydroseeding methods to grow grass? A. Perla Irish B. Sarah The Lawn Chick C. Freeplants D. Janine Caayao E. Kelsey Davis 33. The word “lack of” in Perla Irish’s post is closest in meaning to .... A. Drawback B. Exhortation C. Obstacle D. Restriction E. Ruin 34. Who posted the least relevant answer to Perla Irish’s question? A. Morgan Daniels B. Sarah The Lawn Chick C. Freeplants D. Janine Caayao E. Kelsey Davis 35. Who didn’t agree that hydroseed is the same as soil in terms of its result? A. Morgan Daniels B. Sarah The Lawn Chick C. Freeplants D. Janine Caayao E. Kelsey Davis 36. What is the tone of the thread regarding Hydroseeding? A. Objective B. Subjective C. Assertive D. Irreverent E. Inspirational 37. Morgan Daniels responded to Perla Irish’post in order to... A. To emphasize that there is a possibility that hydroseeding can have adverse effects on the surrounding environment B. To explain further about the use of synthetic fertilizers in hydroseeding methods C. To exemplify one of the use cases of hydroseeding in planting plants that use artificial dyes such as Malachite green D. To provide a more environmentally friendly solution regarding the use of hydroseeding in the surrounding environment E. To warn the harm local waterfowl and similar marine species affected by the use of hydroseeding in surrounding
Text 1 Shaken Baby Syndrome (also known as Shaken Impact Syndrome) is a serious form of abuse inflicted upon a child. It usually occurs when a parent or other caregiver shakes a baby out of anger or frustration, often because the baby will not stop crying. Babies have very weak neck muscles that cannot fully support their proportionately large heads. Severe shaking causes the baby’s head to move violently back and forth, resulting in serious and sometimes fatal brain injury. These forces are exaggerated if the shaking is interrupted by the baby’s head hitting a surface. Shaking, with or without the sudden deceleration of the head when it impacts a surface, can cause subdural hematoma, which is a collection of blood between the surface of the brain and the dura (the tough, fibrous outer membrane surrounding the brain.) This occurs when the veins that bridge from the brain to the dura are stretched beyond their elasticity, causing tears and bleeding. Subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is bleeding between the arachnoid (web-like membrane surrounding the brain filled with spinal fluid) and the brain. Direct trauma to the brain substance itself, caused when the brain strikes the inner surfaces of the skull. Shearing off or breakage of nerve cell branches (axons) in the cortex and deeper structures of the brain caused by violent motion to the brain`. Further irreversible damage to the brain substance from the lack of oxygen if the child stops breathing during shaking. Further damage to the brain cells when injured nerve cells release chemicals that add to oxygen deprivation to the brain. Text 2 Shaken Impact Syndrome includes retinal hemorrhages ranging from a few scattered hemorrhages to extensive hemorrhages involving multiple layers of the retina. Skull fractures resulting from impact when the baby is thrown against a hard or soft surface. Fractures to other bones, including the ribs, collarbone and limbs; bruising to the face, head and entire body. This syndrome is primarily seen in children younger than age two, with the majority of cases occurring before the baby’s first birthday. The average victim is between three and eight months old. However, children up to age four have been victims of this abuse. The perpetrator of the abuse is most often the father, boyfriend of the mother, female babysitter or the mother. Parents experiencing stress because of environmental, social, biological or financial situations may be more prone to impulsive and violent behavior. Those involved with domestic violence and/or substance abuse may be at higher risk of inflicting this abuse. Symptoms vary and are caused by generalized brain swelling secondary to trauma. They may appear immediately after the shaking and usually reach a peak within 4-6 hours. The following signs and symptoms may indicate shaken baby syndrome such as altered level of consciousness, Drowsiness accompanied by irritability, Coma, Convulsions or seizures, Dilated pupils that do not respond to light, Decreased appetite, Vomiting, Posture in which the head is bent back and the back arched, Breathing problems and irregularities, Abnormally slow and shallow respiration, Cardiac arrest and Death. Adapted from: Https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions 38. According to text 1, What is the most common reason of adults shaking their babies? A. The reason is because their baby will not stop crying B. The reason is because their baby feels angry or frustrated C. The reason is because their baby is suffering from an illness that makes the baby angry D. The reason is that the caregiver is impatient with the frustrated baby E. The reason is because they are angry or frustrated with the baby 39. The phrase “the sudden deceleration of the head” in text 1 paragraph 3 is closest meaning to... A. The significant slowing of the head B. The abrupt slowing of the head C. The reduced rapid head movements D. The delay of the head when moving E. The Sudden inability to move the head
40. The main idea of text 1 is... A. The explanation and history of Shaken Baby Syndrome B. The opinions and symptoms related to Shaken Baby Syndrome C. The public awareness about Shaken Baby Syndrome and its injuries D. The explanation and injuries related to Shaken Baby Syndrome E. The explanation and symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome 41. Which of the following best restate “The perpetrator of the abuse is most often the father, boyfriend of the mother, female babysitter or the mother.” In text 2, paragraph 2? A. Most of the doers of these violence are from their immediate family B. The victims of this violence mostly came from relatives of the baby's family C. Most of the perpetrators are people closest to their parents D. The perpetrators of the crime are most often fathers, mothers, babysitter or child caretakers E. The perpetrator of violence is definitely the father, mother's boyfriend, female babysitter, or mother. 42. The author’s intention in writing text 2 is to explain... A. The prevalence and uniqueness of Shaken Impact Syndrome B. The impact of Shaken Impact Syndrome C. The injuries and prevalence of Shaken Baby Syndrome D. The symptoms of Impact Syndrome E. The consequence Shaken of Shaken Baby Syndrome 43. Information about the impact of injury related to Shaken Baby Syndrome can be found in... A. Text 1 paragraph 1 and text 2 paragraph 1 B. Text 1 paragraph 1 and text 2 paragraph 3 C. Text 1 paragraph 1 and text 2 paragraph 3 D. Text 1 paragraph 2 and text 2 paragraph 1 E. Text 1 paragraph 3 and text 2 paragraph 1 44. From text 1 and 2, it can be concluded that... A. Shaken Baby Syndrome (also known as Shaken Impact Syndrome) is a serious form of abuse inflicted upon a child B. This syndrome is dangerous for babies so that parents and the closest family members should be aware of it C. This syndrome is primarily seen in children younger than age two, with the majority of cases occurring before the baby’s first birthday D. The symptoms may not appear immediately after the shaking and usually reach a peak within 4-6 hours E. Severe shaking causes the baby’s head to move violently back and forth, resulting in non- serious and sometimes fatal brain injury Text 1 Gastric bypass and other types of weight-loss surgery — also called bariatric or metabolic surgery — involve making changes to your digestive system to help you lose weight. Bariatric surgery is done when diet and exercise haven't worked or when you have serious health problems because of your weight. Some weight-loss procedures limit how much you can eat. Others work by reducing the body's ability to absorb fat and calories. Some procedures do both. While bariatric surgery can offer many benefits, all forms of weight-loss surgery are major procedures that can pose risks and side effects. Also, you must make permanent healthy changes to your diet and get regular exercise to help ensure the long-term success of bariatric surgery.