Nội dung text 1. EC307 power electronics and instrumentation Solved Model QP.pdf
BTECH DEGREE FIFTH SEMESTER MODEL EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER 2017 EC 307 POWER ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTATION Name : Reg. No : Duration: 3 hrs. Max.marks: 100 PART A (ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS (2*15=30)) 1. a) State the advantages of IGBT over MOSFET? (5marks) b)Explain GTO.(3marks) c) Describe the working principle of boost converter with necessary circuit & waveforms.(7marks) 2. a) Discuss in detail the static & switching characteristics of IGBT. (8marks) b) With the help of a neat diagram, explain the structure of power diode. (7marks) 3.a) What is a switched mode regulator?(4marks) b)Draw and Explain Flyback converter.(6marks) c)Write short note on Full bridge converter.(5marks) PART B (ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS(2*15=30)) 4. a) What is a PWM? List the various PWM techniques & explain any one of them.(7marks) b) Explain the measurement of resistance using Wheatstone bridge. (5marks) KTUQBANK.COM
c)Define Dynamic characteristics of an instrument.(3marks) 5. a) Explain the advantages & disadvantages of SMPS (5marks) b) Differentiate online UPS & offline UPS (10marks) 6 a) Explain the functional elements of an instrument with a neat block diagram(8marks) b) Explain the measurement of capacitance using Schering’s bridge. (7marks) PART C (ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS(2*20=40)) 7 a) With a neat diagram explain about frequency synthesizers. (5marks) b)What are the applications of digital storage oscilloscope?(5marks) c) With necessary diagrams ,explain working of LVDT, describe its applications.(10marks) 8 a) Give an application of Spectrum analyzer & explain(4marks) b) What is a RF power meter.(6marks) c) With relevant diagrams, explain the principle of Electronic multimeters.(10marks) 9 a)What is a Strain guage? (2marks) b) Explain any 7 factors influencing the choice of a transducer. (5marks) c)Explain the working of a Capacitive microphone.(3marks) d) Define a Transducer.How are they classified?Explain each category with examples. (10marks) KTUQBANK.COM