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Nội dung text Internal Affairs - Statement on TSC (Incident - 006)

DOCUMENT: P-IA006-24Q1 DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION: INTERNAL AFFAIRS RESTRICTION LEVEL: PUBLIC Quantum Internal Affairs Department Investigation Update Statement on Thunder Scientific Corporation (Incident - 006) Written by Internal Affairs Leadership [RESTRICTION LEVEL: PUBLIC] Initial Statement | April 1st, 2024 Recently, it has come to our attention that a group by the name of “Thunder Scientific Corporation” has been accused of pedophilia, due in part to incompetent moderation. The Internal Affairs Department condemns the actions alleged and would like to publicly state that we do not stand by nor idle around allegations of this nature. The document, brought to us by the Kleiner Oil Group (KOG), does shed light on major issues with TSC. We advise everyone, should they be capable of doing so, to read the document and to form their own opinions. This document outlines in full the allegations placed against Thunder Scientific Corporation. These allegations range from minor corruption to pedophilia and contains evidence to highlight every occurrence within the Thunder Scientific Corporation. Thus, we advise you that, should you be sensitive to any material of this nature, please do not read the document. QIAD PUBLIC STATEMENT | QUARTER 1 - MARCH 2024 |PAGE 1 © 2024-2025 Quantum Science Inc. | All Rights Reserved
DOCUMENT: P-IA006-24Q1 DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION: INTERNAL AFFAIRS RESTRICTION LEVEL: PUBLIC Document: Fall of Rome: Thunder Scientific Corporation * Warning: The document does show sensitive information and sexual language. Viewer discretion is advised. Due to the nature of these allegations, the Quantum Science Directorate and the Internal Affairs Department are currently discussing what response is best for our community’s safety. Please rest assured that the people in this document will also be promptly and appropriately dealt with. Please also note that Thunder Scientific Corporation has not released an official statement in regards to this. Thus, we cannot completely prove the validity of the evidence and the claims outlined in the document. Until this is resolved, the Internal Affairs Department is formally issuing an advisory warning for QS users within the Thunder Scientific Corporation. Based on the information we currently have, we have decided to issue this warning for the safety of all our community members interacting with people within TSC. We ask that our members please form their own opinions and refrain from harassing anyone involved. Additionally, please keep discussion of this outside of QS servers as much as possible. Please note that we take allegations such as pedophilia and harassment seriously. If you are experiencing such atrocious actions, please reach out. We will give due consideration to all such allegations, especially if they involve our community members. We thank you for reading this statement. Please stay safe. Kind Regards, AdamsToaster Secretary of Internal Affairs - Regulations QIAD PUBLIC STATEMENT | QUARTER 1 - MARCH 2024 |PAGE 2 © 2024-2025 Quantum Science Inc. | All Rights Reserved
DOCUMENT: P-IA006-24Q1 DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION: INTERNAL AFFAIRS RESTRICTION LEVEL: PUBLIC Investigation Update | May 4th, 2024 Introduction To keep you all updated regarding the progress of our investigation, below you can find a full account of the steps the Internal Affairs Department has taken thus far to examine the evidence and ensure a just and fair process, along with transcripts from both conducted interviews. Keep in mind that this is an ongoing investigation, and that, until the Internal Affairs Department issues a formal statement regarding the outcome, none of the parties shown here are to be treated as guilty of any alleged misconduct. We release this, in part, to ensure that all of our community members have all the current information available to come to their own judgements regarding what has transpired, however, this does not mean we encourage discussion of it within QSP, as that violates rule 6. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the material displayed here or the investigation in general, you are welcome to reach out to any member of Internal Affairs leadership. The “Investigatory Update” you may find below can be considered a summary of the information presented in the interviews, along with any additional comments from the Internal Affairs Department. Lastly I would like to issue a warning that some of the imagery you can find below may be disturbing, and is likely considered unsuitable for viewing in any public or work environments. QIAD PUBLIC STATEMENT | QUARTER 1 - MARCH 2024 |PAGE 3 © 2024-2025 Quantum Science Inc. | All Rights Reserved
DOCUMENT: P-IA006-24Q1 DEPARTMENT CLASSIFICATION: INTERNAL AFFAIRS RESTRICTION LEVEL: PUBLIC Investigation Update The goal of this investigation was to allow representatives from the Thunder Scientific Corporation the opportunity to respond to the allegations levied against them, and for the authors of the document to then, in turn, be able to refute these responses. This is to ensure that any action taken is informed by as much knowledge as can be reasonably gathered within a limited timespan. The interview with TSC was opened by allowing the representatives to freely dispute any claims they wished, whereupon they cast some doubt on the integrity of the document by showcasing multiple misleading images, as well as generally putting the character and credibility of the authors of the document into question. They continued by mentioning that a majority of the problematic users brought up in the document have actually been properly moderated and dealt with. Generally, they claim many images and accusations are false, forged, and included in bad faith. Due to the nature of these rebuttals, and the evidence provided to back them up being equally susceptible to forgery as the images they refute, most of the representatives' claims are difficult to definitively prove. To allow the authors of the document a fair chance to dispute and refute these claims, an interview room was opened where we detailed the rebuttals from TSC and allowed them the opportunity to defend the document. They shed doubt on the presented claims and refuted the sentiment that evidence was deliberately fabricated. Unfortunately, due to difficulties regarding maintaining a healthy tone, the interview was postponed after only a brief discussion. However, this does not directly detract from the information they brought forward. The Internal Affairs Department recognizes that additional preparation and review could have improved the course of the interview, however, the attitude of the interviewees did not help the situation. QIAD PUBLIC STATEMENT | QUARTER 1 - MARCH 2024 |PAGE 4 © 2024-2025 Quantum Science Inc. | All Rights Reserved

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