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I have just seen he has already left I haven’t read it yet she has already seen the film they’ve just arrived We haven’t told him yet he has just gone out I haven’t finished yet I have already done it Have you found a place to live yet I haven’t decided yet She’s just come back
B1 has closed the door have gone to bed has stopped raining has had a shower picture has fallen down have bought has gone Have seen has broken have told has taken haven’t seen has gone have forgotten has invited Have decided haven’t told ‘ve read / have read
havebelenraining e for since since for for for since for 20 years 20 years ago an hour ago a few days ago for six months for a long time has been here since Tuesday raining for an hour known Sue since 2002 been married for six months been studying medicine for three years played / been playing the piano since he was 7 (years old)

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