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Nội dung text Pembahasan SMP Bahasa Inggris - Toba SC 2024.pdf

Page 1 of 17 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SMP TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN BAHASA INGGRIS SMP TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 This text is for no 1-7! KITES Flying kites is a popular pastime all over the world. A kite is a device that (1) ..... through up in the air at the end of a line. It may be large or small, light or heavy, simple or (2) ..... . Kites are (3) ..... in competitive sports, for military or scientific purposes, and as a relaxing (4) ....... or pastime. Kites are named after the kite bird, a graceful hawk. There are many kinds of kites. Most of them are simple, lightweight wooden frames covered with paper or cloth and attached to a long line held in the hand. Among the (5) .......... types are plane surface kites – such as the Malay and three-sticker (hexagonal) – and box kites. Those with only one flat surface must have tails hanging from the trailing edge to (6) ........ balance. Tails are effective because of their (7) ......... to air. Many light cross pieces of material inserted into knots in a line do well for a tall 1. a. soars b. declines c. lessens d. plunges Jawaban: a Pembahasan: through up in the air menjadi kunci untuk pemilihan kata soars yang berarti membumbung tinggi. 2. a. plain b. ordinary c. regular d. ornate Jawaban: d Pembahasan: bagian diatas membutuhkan lawan kata dari simple (sebagai kesesuaian dari parallel structure yang ada sebelumnya) ornate bermakna rumit. 3. a. fly b. flew c. flown d. flying Jawaban: c Pembahasan: Kalimat tersebut menggunakan pola pasif dalam simple present tense (V3:flown).
Page 2 of 17 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SMP TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA 4. a. entertainment b. task c. history d. habit Jawaban: a Pembahasan: Bagian tersebut ditandai dengan or yang berarti kata benda bermakna sama (pastime : entertainment). 5. a. best.known b. best-known c. bestknown d. ‘bestknown’ Jawaban: b Pembahasan: cara penulisan compound adjective yang sesuai adalah best-known (menggunakan hyphen). 6. a. maintaining b. maintain c. maintains d. maintained Jawaban: b Pembahasan: infinitive membutuhkan V1 (maintain). 7. a. resisting b. resistance c. resist d. resisted Jawaban: b Pembahasan: adanya possessive pronoun their menandakan penggunaan kata benda resistance. 8. My brother is looking for ..... university to continue his study a. an b. a c. the d. no article Jawaban: b Pembahasan: walaupun diawali huruf vokal dalam penulisannya, kata university diucapkan dengan pelafalan huruf konsonan di awal, sehingga memerlukan artikel a.
Page 3 of 17 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SMP TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA 9. Our team has been waiting for ..... hour in this area a. an b. a c. the d. no article Jawaban: a Pembahasan: walaupun diawali huruf konsonan dalam penulisannya, kata hour diucapkan dengan pelafalan huruf vokal di awal, sehingga memerlukan artikel an. 10. They have learnt .... algorithm when they were in senior high a. an b. a c. the d. no article Jawaban: d Pembahasan: proper noun yang berkaitan dengan keilmuan tidak memerlukan artikel di depannya. 11. A: Did our students know about the new schedule? B: Yes, ........... a. we know it from me b. we knew it from me c. they know it from me d. they knew it from me Jawaban: d Pembahasan: Pertanyaan di atas menggunakan simple past tense. Oleh karena jawaban afirmatif diberikan, maka struktur kalimat positif adalah S+V2. Our students mengacu kepada they. 12. A: Has Amanda understood the materials? B: No, ............ a. she has not understood them b. she does not understood them c. she has not understands them d. she does not understands them Jawaban: a Pembahasan: Pertanyaan di atas menggunakan struktur present perfect. Oleh karena jawaban negatif diberikan, maka struktur kalimat negatif dalam present perfect digunakan yaitu S+has+not+V3 13. A: Can my brother call your sister? B: Yes, ........ a. I can call her b. he can call you c. I can call you d. he can call her
Page 4 of 17 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS SMP TOBA SCIENCE COMPETITION 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA Jawaban: d Pembahasan: Pertanyaan menggunakan pola modal can sehingga kalimat jawaban berupa tanggapan afirmatif harus menggunakan pola S+can+V1+O. My brother mengacu kepada he dan your sister mengacu kepada her (object pronoun). 14. This institution avoided ....... taxes for many periods a. pay b. pays c. paying d. paid Jawaban: c Pembahasan: kata kerja avoid(ed) diikuti oleh gerund (Ving) paying. 15. The victim refused ...... all questions from investigators a. answer b. answering c. to answer d. answered Jawaban: c Pembahasan: kata kerja refuse(d) diikuti oleh infinitive to (to answer). This text is for no 16-22! HAMSTER A close relative of the rat and mouse, the hamster is valued both as a pet (16) ..... as a laboratory animal. Several species of these small rodents occur (17) ...... in Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. Hamsters are popular as pets because of (18) ..... good nature, attractive appearance, and normally excellent health. In addition, they are easy to feed and will (19) ..... readily in captivity. These same traits have made hamsters a common laboratory animal. Because they are susceptible to many of the same diseases humans, they are often used in (20) ....... experiments designed to find cures for human diseases. In the wild, adult hamsters eat various grain seeds and a plant materials, although some species also eat insects and other small animals. In captivity, they thrive on food mixtures (21) ....... seeds and grains and will also eat many kinds of vegetables and fresh fruit. They require a ready supply of fresh water, which is normally dispensed from a glass bottle (22) ......... to the side of the cage. 16. a. or b. and c. of d. but Jawaban: b Pembahasan: both selalu berpasangan dengan and untuk menunjukkan struktur paralel antara kata dalam kalimat.

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