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CLASS:B.TECH. Time: 3 hour SEMESTER EXAMINATION- DECEMBER 2022 PAPER CODE:BET-C 102 PAPER TITLE:ELECTRONIC DEVICES Note: Question Paper is divided into two sections: A and B. Attenpt both the seclions as per given instructions. SECTION-A (SHORT ANSWER TYPË QÜESTÍUNS) Instructions: Answer any five questions in about 150 words each. Each questiJn caulcs aix imarks. (3 Xo 30 Marks) Voestion 1: What do you understand by drift current and difi1sico duricit? Wite an t4idtk)u iur tsei Current in a semiconductuI \euestion-4: Explain the principle and working of photodiode. Question-2: State and explain continuity equation.Also derive the mathematical expression tor it. Qdestion-3: Explain the difference between avalanche multiplication and zeier breakduWn. Question-5: Discuss in detail the working principle of a NPN transistor. Questioa-6: Define stability factor and derive its general expression. Question-7: Explain Ebers-Moll model of BJT. SEMESTER:I Question-8: Discuss hybrid model of BJT at low frequency. Max. Macks: 70 BET-C 102 Question-9: What are the advantages of the FET over a conventíonal bipo lar junction transistor?Define pinch-off voltage, amplification factor and drain resistance of FET, Question-10: Derive and explain the parameters transconductance gm, drain resistance ii and amplification factor u of a JFET.Establish the relation between them, SECTION-B (LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS) Instructions: Answer any four questions in detail. Each question carries 10 marks le Question-2: What is Hall effect?Explain and deduee an expression for Hall coetficient. Qaestion-l: Using suitable diagrams,explain Fernil level distrilbution iu iurinsic,u (ypo and p-type semiconductors. PAGE 1 OF 2
The resistivity of a doped silicon material is 0.009 2m.The Hall coefficient is 36x 10tA SSubaiag single carrier conduction find the mobility and density of charge carriers. Question-3: (a) For the zener diode network ofFig. 1,determine Vi, VR,lz and Pz. (6) Repeat part (a) with RL =3 K2. 10 -20 Question-4: Determine v, for the network of Fig. 2 for the input indicated. j= 100O Hz -T- R Py 30 mW Fig. 1 Zener diode regulator Question-7: Explain T model ofBJT. BET-C 102 Fig. 2 Applied signal and network Question-5: Draw and explain the input and output characteristics of comnnon caiker oahguration of BJT.Indicate all the regions of operation. Question-6: Discuss the concept of transi_tor amplifier in detail. 100 k2 Question-8: With a neat sketch,explain the working of n-channel JFET.Draw a transfer characteristic and explain Pinch-off. PAGE 2 OF 2

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