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1 Lesson 13 Môi trường Do you think the government should impose a penalty on people for not recycling?  I think the government should impose a penalty on people for not recycling.  The main reason is that recycling is necessary for protecting the environment. If we don’t recycle, there will be more trash, which leads to increased pollution. However, not many people understand or care about that. Only penalties can make them change their behavior and start recycling.  For example, 2 years ago, there was a lot of trash in my city. Therefore, the city was seriously polluted. However, last year, the city government passed a new law, which said that if people didn’t recycle, they would have to pay a fine. People got scared, because they didn’t want to pay money. So everybody started recycling. Now my city has become a much cleaner and healthier place to live. Work What are the disadvantages of working with close friends?  There are several disadvantages of working with close friends.  First, it’s hard for us to concentrate on work. This is because we will chat with them alot.  Second, it’s hard for us to give them feedback. This is because we are often afraid to hurt their feelings.  Let me tell you my story. Last year, I worked with my close friend at the same company. We chatted a lotso we failed tomeet an important deadline. Finally, we were both fired. This made me realize that working with close friends is a bad idea. Do you prefer to work for a big company or a small company?  I prefer to work for a big company.  First, a big company often attracts talented people. Therefore, I can learn a lot from them when working here.  Second, a big company usually offers a high salary and lots of benefits. This will help me support myself and my family.  Let me tell you my story. After graduating from university, I worked for one of the biggest marketing companies in my country. I had a chance to work with many colleagues who are experts in this field. I learned so much from them that I became an expert myself after five years and opened my own business. Until today I still think working for a big company is the best decision I’ve ever made. I. Luyện tập TOEIC Speaking – Part 5
2 Chị gửi thêm 04 bài mẫu các em tham khảo nhé: Do you think companies need to spend a large amount of money on advertising in order to be successful?  Yes, I do.  The main reason is that if companies spend a lot of money on advertising, they can reach more people. The more people they reach, the more products they can sell.  Let me tell you my story. Last week, I wanted to buy a new computer. I didn’t know where I should buy them. Luckily, I saw an advertisement of a computer store on social media. It seems professional and reliable. Therefore, I decided to buy there.  That’s why I think it’s necessary for companies to spend money on advertising. Do you think it is a good idea for a company to hire job candidates who have a family member already employed at the company?  No, I don’t think so.  The main reason is that the family member might give the candidate special treatment. This can make other employees feel resentful and unmotivated.  Let me tell you my story. Last year, my company hired a new employee. She is the younger sister of my manager. Even though she was lazy and didn’t have much experience, she was promoted after only five months. Meanwhile, other employees who work hard and are more qualified have to stay in the same position for years. They think it is unfair and many of them have left the company to work for a competitor who appreciates their hard work and talent. If you have a conflict with a coworker, do you prefer to resolve it by speaking with the coworker directly or by speaking with your supervisor?  I prefer to resolve it by speaking with the coworker directly.  First of all, it helps me find the solution more quickly. To be specific, if I speak with my supervisor, I have to explain the whole situation to him and it might take a lot of time.  Second, it helps strengthen my relationship with this coworker. Speaking with the coworker directly shows that I respect and want to work through challenges with him or her. Therefore, he or she will trust and be willing to help or support me more.  Let me tell you my story. Last month, I had some trouble with a coworker. I told my supervisor about it. However, it made my coworker very angry. He then refused to give me important data for my report. As a result, I missed the deadline for this report. Which do you think contributes more to a famous athlete’s success: luck or hard work?  I think hard work contributes more to a famous athlete’s success.  The main reason is that luck happens randomly. This means that athletes cannot control when it happens. On the other hand, the harder athletes work, the better they become at their sport. Their skills are ready to serve athletes whenever they need them.  Let me tell you the story of Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball player of all time. His success is all about hard work. He woke up early and practiced for many hours a day.
3 Even during the offseason, when other players rested, he continued to practice. It is hard work, not luck, which made him successful. Living/ Housing What are the disadvantages of moving to a different country?  There are several disadvantages of moving to a different country.  First, it is difficult to communicate with other people. This is because they use a different language.  Second, it’s difficult to get a job there. This is because jobs are often given to local people.  Let me tell you my story. Two years ago, I moved to Taiwan. I thought living in a different country would be a great experience. However, I didn’t understand people and I couldn’t get a job. Therefore, I had to go back to my country. This made me realize that moving to a different country is a bad idea. What are the disadvantages of living in an apartment compared to living in a house?  I think there are some disadvantages of living in an apartment compared to living in a house.  First of all, an apartment is usually smaller than a house. Therefore, if you have a big family or a lot of furniture, you might feel uncomfortable living in an apartment.  In addition, there are many neighbors living next to you. They can make a lot of noise. Therefore, you might find it difficult to relax or focus on tasks.  For example, three years ago, I lived in an apartment. I had a stressful job at that time so I just wanted to go home to relax after work. However, my neighbors often played loud music or talked very loudly. Therefore, it was hard for me to relieve stress. Luckily, I was able to buy a house last year and now there is no noise at all. Chị gửi thêm 01 bài mẫu các em tham khảo nhé: Which devices hasimproved the quality of human lives more, televisions or mobile phones?  I think mobile phones have improved the quality of human lives more.  First, mobile phones help us communicate with each other easily. We can talk with people who live far away from us.  Second, we can shop easily. We can use mobile phones to buy things anytime and anywhere.  Let me tell you my story. Last week, I wanted to buy a dress for my sister’s wedding. However, I was very busy so I didn’t have time to go to a store. Finally, I decided to use my mobile phone to shop online. With just a few mouse clicks, I was able to buy a nice dress at a cheap price. Studying/Working abroad Do you think that it’s good for people to study/work abroad?  I think it’s good for people to study/work abroad.
4  First, it helps people develop themselves. To be specific, when studying/living abroad, people will learn to adjust to new environments. Therefore, they can become more independent and adaptable.  Second, it helps people expand their relationships. Specifically speaking, they can meet and make friends with people from various cultures and backgrounds. These relationships can benefit both their personal and professional lives/ both their personal life and future career.  Lastly, it’s a great way to improve their foreign language skills. When people study/live abroad, they have to use the language there every day. Good foreign language skills help people get better jobs in the future/ Good foreign language skills increase their chances of getting promoted at work. This is because in our globalized world, many companies value employees who can work with foreign partners. Chị gửi thêm 01 bài mẫu các em tham khảo nhé: Do you think people should live in many different places during their lives instead of living in the same place?  I think people should live in many different places during their lives instead of living in the same place.  First, it helps people develop themselves. To be specific, when living in different places, people will learn to adjust to new environments. Therefore, they can become more independent and adaptable.  Second, it helps people expand their relationships. Specifically speaking, they can meet and make friends with people from various cultures and backgrounds. These relationships can benefit both their personal and professional lives.  For example, 5 years ago, my sister moved to Germany because she was offered a job there. Before that, when she lived in Vietnam, which is her home country, she never had a boyfriend. However, after 2 months in Germany, during a local festival, she met her husband. Living in a different place helps her find her true love. Schools Do you prefer to study in a big university or a small one?  I prefer to study in a big university.  First, it has a wide range of facilities. Therefore, it will be helpful for my studies.  Second, a big university usually has many good professors. Therefore, I can learn a lot from them.  Let me tell you my story. I studied Chemistry in a small university. However, the university didn’t have enough equipment for me to conduct some types of experiments. That’s why I prefer to study in a big university. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A teacher’s qualifications are more important than his or her personality.  I disagree that a teacher’s qualifications are more important than his or her personality.

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