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10. MICROBES IN HUMAN WELFARE 1. Which of the pair of products are produced by the action of fungi? (a) Citric acid and Statins (b) Butyric acid and Alcohol (c) Streptokinase and Acetic acid (d) Curd and Alcohol 2. Which of the microbial product is also known as ‘Clot Buster’? (a) Cyclosporine A (b) Streptokinase (c) Stains (d) Butyric acid 3. In all of the following, CO2 is the major gaseous end product except: (a) Fermentation of dough of idli preparation (b) Beverage production (c) Rumen of cattle (d) Cheese making 4. For methane in a sewage treatment plant (STP) you’ll search in: (a) Anaerobic sludge digesters (b) Primary setting tanks (c) Large aeration tanks (d) Large settling tanks 5. Methanogens refer to the group of bacteria that grow......P..... on..... Q...... material and produce methane predominantly P Q (a) Aerobically Cellulosic (b) Aerobically Starchy (c) An aerobicallyCellulosic (d) An aerobicallyStarchy 6. Incorrect about rumen of cattle: (a) Presence of aerobic bacteria (b) Presence of Methanogens (c) Presence of aerobic bacteria (b) Presence of Methanogens 7. Statins are used as blood cholesterol reducing agents and are obtained by action of: (a) Fungus (b) Bacteria (c) Protozoa (d) Prions 8. LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria) is practically used for: (a) Making bread (b) Making idii and dosa (c) Curdling (d) All of these 9. For purpose of curdling, .....A...... are utilized that produce ......B........ to coagulate the milk proteins A B (a ) Fungi Acid (b ) Protozo a Alkal i (b ) Bacteri a Acid (d ) Bacteri a Alkal i 10. Which microbial product in related with monascus purpureus? (a) Statins (b) Cyclosporin (c) Acetic acid (d) Butyric acid 11. Saccharmyces cerevisae is also known as: (a) Baker’s yeast
(b) Brewer’s yeast (c) Clot buster (d) Both (a) and (b) 12. Select the option that correctly indicates the mechanism of action of statins? (a) Increases the catabolism of cholesterol (b) Reduces the absorption of cholesterol (c) Competitively inhibit the enzyme responsible for synthesis of cholesterol (d) Non-competitively inhibit the enzyme responsible for synthesis of cholesterol 13. Which of the following fermented beverage is produced without distillation? (a) Rum (b) Brandy (c) Wine (d) Whisky 14. First antibiotic to be discovered was: (a) Penicillin (b) Streptomycin (c) Erythromycin (d) Griseofulvin 15. Fleming, chain and Florey were awarded Nobel prize in: (a) 1923 (b) 1926 (c) 1945 (d) 1976 16. Penicillin was discovered by: (a) A. Fleming (b) Florey (c) R. Koch (d) L. Pastuer 17. How many products of the following are produced by the action of the fungi? [Alcohol, Cyclosporine A, citric Acid, Statins, Bread] (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 18. Who was awarded Nobel prize for identification of full potential of penicillin as an antibiotic? (a) Chain and Florey (b) Fleming and Florey (c) Lister and Fleming (d) Salk and Lister 19. Cyclosporine A is produced commercially by action of: (a) Trichoderma--Fungus (b) Trichoderma-Bacteria (c) Monascus--Fungus (d) Monascus-Bacteria 20. Antibiotics are: (a) Produced by microbes (b) Act against -Microbes (c) Are produced by bacteria only (d) Both (a) and (b) 21. Which of the following is responsible for ripening of Roquefort cheese? (a) Bacteria (b) Fungi (c) Protozoa (d) Viroid 22. Monascus purpureus is a ...A..., which is known for production of a blood cholesterol lowering agent- ....B... . A and B are respectively: (a) Fungi, Cyclosporine (b) Bacteria, Statin (c) Protozoa, Streptokinase (d) Fungi, Statin
23. Which enzymes are utilized for making the bottled fruit juices? (a) Lipases (b) Pectinases and proteoses (c) Amylases (d) Fungi, Statin 24. To prevent the plants of Brassica and fruit trees from butterfly caterpillars, some spores are available a sachet. These spores are mixed with water and then sprayed upon the plants. These spores are of: (a) Bacteria - Bacillus thuringiensis (b) Bacteria- Streptococcus (c) Fungi- Trichoderma (d) Fungi- Monascus 25. What is the mechanism of action of Bt toxin over the butterfly larva? (a) Toxin is inhaled and it kills the larva (b) Toxin is released in gut and larva is killed (c) Toxin enters by skin epithelia (d) Toxin is inhaled as well as absorbed by skin epithelia 26. Which of the following is an example of microbial bio-control agent? (a) Bacillus thuringiensis (b) Dragonflies (c) Ladybird beetle (d) All of these 27. In a STP (Sewage Treatment Plant), primary treatment involves: (a) Physical removal (b) Chemical treatment (c) Biological treatment (d) All of these 28. In primary settling tank, all sediments that settle are termed as: (a) Primary sludge (b) Effluent (c) Activated sludge (d) Flocs 29. During idli/dosa preparation, puffed up appearance of dough is due to: (a) Bacteria (b) Fungi (c) Protozoa (d) 30. Match the columns: Column A : Product Column B : Microbe A. Curd 1. Yeast B. Bread 2. Propionibacterium C. Swiss cheese 3. LAB D. Statins 4. Monascus purpureus (a) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 (b) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2 (c) A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1 (d) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 31. Which of the following product is formed by the action of fungi? (a) Curd (b) Roquefort cheese (c) Butyric acid (d) Swiss cheese 32. Primary effluent in STP (Sewage Treatment plant) obtained as a result of primary treatment is added to: (a) Large setting tank (b) Anaerobic sludge digester (c) Large aeration tank (d) Primary settling tank 33. In a STP (Sewage Treatment Plant), arrange the following in sequence of involvement: (A) Anaerobic sludge digester (B) Large aeration tankCO2
(C) Primary settling tank (D) Large settling tank (a) (b) (c) (d) 34. In a sewage treatment plant, ‘Floc’ term means: (a) Soil and small pebbles (b) Effluent (c) Large masses of bacteria with fungal filaments (d) Primary sludge 35. Activated sludge in a sewage treatment is: (a) Grit of sewage (b) Large masses of bacteria (c) Settled bacterial flocs (d) Mixture of gases 36. Which of the following gas is not the component of biogas? (a) (b) Hydrogen sulphide (c) Methane (d) 37. How many of the given statement are correct? (A) Lipases are commercially used in laundries (B) Statins are produced by the action of fungus (C) Anaerobic sludge digesters are components of secondary treatment (a) Three (b) One (c) Two (d) None of these 38. During primary treatment in a sewage treatment plant, the floating debris is removed by ......1.... . Thereafter grit is remove by ......2.... In .....3 ..... tanks. All solids that settle are .....4...... while the supernatant is termed as .....5..... (a) 2-Biological treatment, 4-Effluent (b) 1-Sedimentation, 2-Chemical treatment (c) 3-Primary settling, 5-Effluent (d) 4-Flocs, 5-Chemical treatment 39. In a sewage treatment plant all of the following process/ structures belong to secondary treatment except: (a) Sedimentation (b) Addition of a part of activated sludge as inoculums (c) Anaerobic sludge digesters (d) Production of bridge 40. In a sewage treatment plant, major part of activated sludge enters: (a) Anaerobic sludge digesters tanks (b) Primary settling tanks (c) Large settling tanks (d) Large aeration tanks 41. In an anaerobic sludge digester tank in sewage treatment plant: (a) Bacteria destroy fungi only (b) Fungi destroy bacteria only (c) Bacteria destroy fungi and bacteria (d) Fungi destroy fungi and bacteria 42. During secondary treatment in a sewage treatment plant, sewage is treated until: (a) Flocs are consumed (b) BOD is decreased significantly (c) BOD is increased appreciably (d) It becomes activated sludge 43. Match the columns A with Column B: Column A Column B A . Penicillin 1. Fungi C B D A    B A D C    B D A C    C B A D    CO2 SO2

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