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NEET ZOOLOGY VOL-II 232 NARAYANA GROUP STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCEMENT IN FOOD PRODUCTION C O N T E N T S NEET SYLLABUS Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production * Introduction * Animal Husbandry * Dairy Farm Management * Poultry Farm Management * Animal Breeding * Bee Keeping * Fisheries  Animal Husbandry  Apiculture 9
NARAYANA GROUP 233 NEET ZOOLOGY VOL-II STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCEMENT IN FOOD PRODUCTION INTRODUCTION * With the increased population of the world, enhancement of food production is a major necessity. * The principles of Biology is applied to animal husbandry and plant breeding have a major role to increase the food production. * Some of the modern biological techniques are multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology(MOET),tissue culture in plants, genetically modified organisms(GMOs), production of biopesticides,RNAi , green manure etc. In this context we are able to develop green revolution ,blue revolution,white revolution ,silver revolution , red revolution etc. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY  The term “husbandry” derives from the latin word “husband” which means ‘one who takes care’.  One of the earliest animals to be domesticated was the dog and second was goat.Starting from a few basic types , the wild dog,the wolf and the jackal,man has produced an amazing variety of breeds.  It is a vital skill for farmers and is as much science as it is an art for maximum raising of cattles which are useful to human. * Animal husbandry is the science of agricultural practice of feeding , breeding and raising animals of livestock for the primary purpose of milk and meat ,eggs ,honey ,silk ,wool,lac,etc., * “Live stock”, includes all domesticated animals of commercial value e.g., buffaloes, cows, pigs, horses, sheep, camels, goats, etc.  The fodder provided to the cattle contains roughage and concentrates.  Roughages include silage , hag and straw which contains more fiber.  The concentrates contain cereals, millets , forage crops with high leaf protein and oil cake , oil seeds and animal products.  The major characteristics considered for selection of animals for breeding are large size,rapid growth rate, sturdy build, better meat quality and better milk production , disease resistance , docile nature and easy adaptability to the environment.  Proper utilisation of economically important animals is called “livestock management”.  It includes poultry farming and fisheries also .  Fisheries include rearing, catching, selling of fish, molluscs (shell-fish) and crustaceans like prawns, crabs, oysters etc.  From the very beginning animals like bees, silk-worm, prawns, crabs, fishes, birds, pigs, cattle, sheep goat, rabbit and camels have been used by humans for products like milk, eggs, meat, wool, silk, honey, lac etc. * Now, it is estimated that more than 70 percent of the world livestock population is found in India & China, whereas, the farm production contributes less than 25 percent. i.e., per unit productivity is very low * In addition to conventional methods of animal breeding and care, new technologies are applied to achieve the improvement in quality and productivity in animal husbandary.  India is the largest exporter of hide or skin to the world  Economic importance of Animal Husbandry : a. Agricultural Operations Male cattle are main source for pulling carts & wagons.
NEET ZOOLOGY VOL-II 234 NARAYANA GROUP STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCEMENT IN FOOD PRODUCTION These are also helpful in agricultural operations like ploughing,harrowing,levelling etc. b. Milk : Females provide milk which is an important food having almost all essential nutrients. c. Transport - These are used in driving carts for transportation of men & materials d. Manure and Biogas:Dung collected from cattle is used as manure and biogas preparation. EVALUATE YOURSELF-I 1. Proper utilization of economically important animals is called 1) livestock 2) livestock management 3) poultry 4) agronomy 2. 70 % of livestock founds in India and China will contributes less than _____% of farm produce of the world. 1) 20 2) 40 3) 50 4) 25 3. Farm productivity per unit is low in 1) Brazil2) Denmark 3 ) Netherland 4) India and China 4. The term ‘livestock’ means 1) domestic animals 2) poultry animals 3) pet animals 4) both 1 & 2 5. Animal husbandry deals with 1) only caring of livestock 2) only breeding of livestock 3) both caring and breeding of livestock 4) slaughtering of livestock 6. Which of the following animal is not included in livestock? 1) pig 2) buffalo 3) goat 4) rhinoceros 7. A good breed of cattle means 1) it should have high yielding potential 2) it should have resistance to diseases 3) it should consume less amount of water 4) both 1 and 2 8. India is the largest exporter of ________to the world 1) hide or skin 2) meat and eggs 3) silk 4) wool 9 . Which of the following measure to be taken to raise the yield potential of cattle 1) proper housing 2) adequate supply of water and fodder 3) stringent cleanliness and hygiene 4) all of these 10.Following techniques/processes are used to enhance food production 1) Embryo transfer technology 2) Tissue culture technology 3) Animal husbandry and plant breeding 4) All of the above EVALUATE YOURSELF-I KEY 1) 2 2)4 3) 4 4) 4 5) 3 6) 4 7) 4 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4 MANAGEMENT OF FARMS AND FARM ANIMALS * A professional approach towards traditional practices of farm management gives the much needed boost to our food production. Some of the management procedures are as follows DAIRY FARM MANAGEMENT * The management of animals for milk and its products for human consumption is called Dairying , where it deals with processes and systems that increase the production as well as quality of milk. * Milk yield is basically depends on the quality of breeds present in the farm. * Here good breeds of cattle having high yielding potential as well as resistance to diseases are used in a given climatic condition in a farm. * They are provided with well house condition, disease free environment and adequate water supply to maintain cleanliness.
NARAYANA GROUP 235 NEET ZOOLOGY VOL-II STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCEMENT IN FOOD PRODUCTION * The feeding of cattle is brought about in a scientific manner by giving special emphasis on the quality and quantity of fodder and nutrients. * To get maximum milk a cleanliness and hygienic environment is highly essential. * Storage and transport of milk and its products is the next essential part of dairy management. * Nowadays a lot of processes have been evolved which reduce chances of direct contact of the product and the handler which is usually done by machines. * Further it requires a regular inspection of the livestock by veterinary doctor and their proper recording for various aspects concerned to them. It would help to identify and rectify the problems as early as possible.  The local zebu cattle is Bos indicus.  Normal desi cow can produce 170 liters of milk /year of lactation.  Desi cow of India is commonly called tea cup cow due to low yield.  Sterile cows are injected with stilbesterol to yield more milk.  Cattle population consists of three types of breeds: Milch breeds - Females yield high quantity of milk but bullocks are not much useful in farms or transport. Eg: Gir, Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Deoni. Draught breeds - Bullocks are good work animals but females are poor milk producers. Eg: Malvi, Nageri. etc., Dual purpose or general utility breeds - Females are good milk producers and males are good draught animals. Eg: Ongole, Haryana, Thaparkar.  Exotic breeds Exotic breeds are foreign breeds of animals which have been introduced into our country and used for cross breeding and require a specific environment.  Exotic breed cattles are Holstein-Friesian of Holland (3200 liters of milk /annum.), Jersey of Jersey Island of England.,Ayrshire of Scotland ,Brown Swiss of Switzerland ,Red Dane of Denmark etc.,  Some Exotic breeds of European cattle (Bos taurus) are used for cross breeding in India are. S.no Name of the cattle Origin 1. Jersey Island of Jersey in English channel 2. 3. 4. Holstein - Friesian Ayrshire Brown Swiss Holland / Netherland Scotland Switzerland 5. Red Dane Denmark

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