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Nội dung text Cancer, Inflammation and Thrombosis

Aspirin is converted into salicylic acid in your body by which of the following reactions? a) Hydrolysis b) Oxidation c) Reduction d) Substitution Pharmacodynamics involves the study of the following EXCEPT... a. Biological and therapeutic effects of drugs a. Absorption and distribution of drugs a. Mechanisms of drug action a. Drug interactions In acute inflammation, which events occur in the correct chronological order? a. transient vasoconstriction, stasis of blood flow, increased permeability, vasodilation a. transient vasoconstriction, increased permeability, vasodilation, stasis of blood flow a. vasodilation, increased permeability, stasis of blood flow, neutrophil accumulation a. neutrophil accumulation, vasodilation, increased permeability, stasis of blood flow The first vascular response to injury is a. slowing of the circulation a. venular dilatation a. Capillary enlargement a. arteriolar vasoconstriction Which of the following initiates the intrinsic pathway of clotting cascade? a. Hageman factor (XII). a. antigen-antibody complex alternative pathway of complement a. Tissue factor a. Platelet activating factor Macrophages are derived from a. Circulating monocytes, whereas monocytes in tissues are tissue resident macrophages a. Leukocytes a. Lymphocytes a. Plasma cells The correlation between chronic inflammation and cancer was based on observations that cancer can originated in sites of chronic inflammation, and that inflammatory cells were abundant in tumour biopsies a. True a. False Regarding chronic inflammation, which of the following is NOTcorrect? a. It is associated with persistent infections a. It involves attempts at repair, rather than just tissue destruction a. It may contribute to the formation of atherosclerosis a. It involves mononuclear inflammatory cells What are the functions of inflammation in the innate immune response? A) To stimulate the adaptive response B) To limit the spread of pathogens C) To produce antibodies
D) Initiate repair processes The first vascular response to injury is A) slowing of the circulation B) venular dilatation C) Capillary enlargement D) arteriolar vasoconstriction Why do tissues swell during inflammation? A) because of the volume of bacteria present in the wound. B) because of the number of blood cells attacking the bacteria. C) because the increased permeability of capillaries causes fluids to accumulate in the area. D) because of the swollen capillaries. In acute inflammation, which events occur in the correct chronological order? A) transient vasoconstriction, stasis of blood flow, increased permeability, vasodilation B) transient vasoconstriction, increased permeability, vasodilation, stasis of blood flow C) vasodilation, increased permeability, stasis of blood flow, neutrophil accumulation D) neutrophil accumulation, vasodilation, increased permeability, stasis of blood flow The first vascular response to injury is E) slowing of the circulation F) venular dilatation G) Capillary enlargement H) arteriolar vasoconstriction Which cells are involved the most in acute inflammation? A) Neutrophil B) T lymphocyte C) Mono cell D) Natural Killer cell Macrophages are derived from A) Circulating monocytes, whereas monocytes in tissues are ttissue resident macrophages B) Leukocytes C) Lymphocytes D) Plasma cells Regarding chronic inflammation, which of the following are correct? A) It is associated with persistent infections

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