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UNIT 10: ECOTOURISM A. VOCABULARY: Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm IPA Nghĩa 1. action (n) /ˈækʃən/ Hành động 2. attraction (n) /əˈtrækʃən/ Sự thu hút 3. business (n) /ˈbɪznɪs/ Việc kinh doanh 4. collection (n) /kəˈlekʃən/ Bộ sưu tập 5. coral (n) /ˈkɔːrəl/ San hô 6. craft (v) /kræft/ Làm thủ công 7. craftsmen (v) /ˈkræfts.mən/ Thợ thủ công 8. dive (v) /daɪv/ Lặn biển 9. documentary (n) /ˌdɑːkjəˈment̬ɚi/ Phim tài liệu 10. eco-friendly (adj) /iː.koʊ-ˈfrendli/ Thân thiện môi trường 11. ecotour (n) /iː.koʊ tʊər/ Du lịch than thiện môi trường 12. equipment (n) /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ Trang bị 13. experience (n) /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ Trải nghiệm 14. explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ Khám phá 15. fieldtrip (n) /fieldtrip/ Chuyến đi 16. handmade (adj) /ˌhændˈmeɪd/ Đồ thủ công 17. herb (n) /ɝːb/ Thảo dược 18. impact (n, v) /ˈɪmpækt/ ảnh hưởng 19. industry (n) /ˈɪndəstri/ Công nghiệp 20. introduce (v) /ˌɪntrəˈduːs/ Giới thiệu 21. litter (n, v) /ˈlɪt̬ɚ/ Rác, xả rác 22. mass tourism (n) /mæs ˈtʊrɪzəm/ Du lịch phá hoại môi trường 23. negative (adj) /ˈneɡətɪv/ Tiêu cực 24. package (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ/ Gói hàng 25. profit (n) /ˈprɑːfɪt/ Lợi nhuận 26. promote (v) /prəˈmoʊt/ Thúc đẩy 27. reef (n) /riːf/ Rạng (san hô, đá,…) 28. respect (n, v) /rɪˈspekt/ Tôn trọng 29. responsible tourism (n) /rɪˈspɑːnsəbəl ˈtʊrɪzəm/ Du lịch có trách nhiệm 30. smokeless industry (n) /ˈsmoʊkləs ˈɪndəstri/ Công nghiệp không khói 31. snack (n) /snæk/ Đồ ăn vặt 32. souvenir (n) /ˌsuːvəˈnɪr/ Đồ lưu niệm 33. specific (adj) /spəˈsɪfɪk/ Cụ thể 34. stalactite (n) /ˈstæləktaɪt/ Thạch nhũ 35. sustainable tourism (n) /səˈsteɪnəbəl ˈtʊrɪzəm/ Du lịch bền vững 36. tourism (adj) /ˈtʊrɪzəm/ Du lịch 37. well-known (adj) /wel - noʊn/ Nổi tiếng 38. wetsuit (n) /ˈwet.suːt/ Đồ lặn
B. GRAMMAR: I. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1 (CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 1): A. Form (Công thức): B. Use (Cách sử dụng): - Câu điều kiện loại 1 dùng để diễn tả hành động và sự việc có thể diễn ra ở hiện tại và tương lai. Vd: - If people ARE aware of the damage that they may cause to harm the environment, our world WILL BECOME better. (Nếu mọi người nhận thức được những tổn thương họ có thể gây ra cho môi trường, thế giới của chúng ta sẽ trở nên tốt hơn) - If the students DON’T litter, the school yard WILL BE cleaner. (Nếu học sinh không xả rác bừa bãi, sân trường sẽ trở nên sạch sẽ hơn) II. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 2 (CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI 2): A. Form (Công thức): B. Use (Cách sử dụng): - Câu điều kiện loại 2 dùng để Diễn tả hành động, sự việc trái với sự thật ở hiện tại. Vd: - If I WERE the headmaster, I WOULD PROHIBIT using plastic in our school. (Nếu tôi là hiệu trưởng, tôi sẽ cấm việc sử dụng nhựa ở trường của chúng ta) - If you WERE the teacher, what WOULD you DO to decrease the amount of garbage in our class. (Nếu bạn là giáo viên, bạn sẽ làm gì để làm giải lượng rác thải nhựa ở lớp chúng ta) C. EXERCISES: I-PRONUNCIATION: E1: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. brochure B. profit C. local D. follow Question 2: A. culture B. public C. sustain D. butterfly Question 3: A. specific B. protect C. benefit D. market Question 4: A. nature B. manage C. balance D. campfire Question 5: A. public B. brochure C. understand D. culture E2: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. explore B. aware C. brochure D. sustain Question 2: A. profit B. protect C. local D. impact Question 3: A. fieldtrip B. damage C. tourist D. behind Question 4: A. natural B. recommend C. interested D. benefit Question 5: A. stalactite B. encourage C. attraction D. amazing Question 6: A. environment B. experience C. sustainable D. beneficial Question 7: A. ecotourism B. relaxation C. preservation D. disappointed Question 8: A. negative B. souvenir C. cultural D. industry If + S + V1 s/es , S + will + V 0 If + S + V ed/2 , S + would + V 0
Question 9: A. responsible B. opportunity C. sustainable D. traditional II-VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: E3: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1: We can help local artists _________a profit by buying handmade arts and crafts A. do B. get C. make D. take Question 2: Many tourists are not __________ of the impact of their actions on the local community. A. critical B. aware C. practical D. profitable Question 3: Both local people and tourists should be responsible for __________the environment. A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. protection Question 4: For many years, the museum of history has been a major _________ of the city. A. cultural identity B. natural feature C. tourist attraction D. remote area Question 5: One of the benefits of __________ is that it creates job opportunities for local people. A. mass tourism B. ecotourism C. sustainable tourism D. responsible tourism Question 6: We're going on a(n) eco-friendly__________ to the countryside this weekend. A. field trip B. shopping trip C. business trip D. round trips Question 7: Tourists are not allowed to ___________ in the park. A. litter B. rubbish C. garbage D. waste Question 8: Hoi An villages are famous _______their beautiful vegetable and herb gardens. A. for B. with C. on D. to Question 9: Ecotourism will help people to become more ___________ of environmental protection. A. original B. aware C. real-world D. essential Question 10: The tourists are visiting a cave renowned for its beauty with ___________. A. souvenirs B. stalactites C. hosts D. brochures Question 11: Many tourists ___________ the environment causing air and land pollution. A. damage B. reduce C. extend D. improve Question 12: When ecotourists ___________ a place, they also enjoy learning about the culture there. A. find B. explore C. discover D. invent Question 13: One way to help the local community is to buy local arts and ____________. A. parts B. kinds C. crafts D. types Question 14: Please ______________ the walking paths and trails when you go hiking. A. go B. follow C. attract D. catch Question 15: ___________ tourism helps people keep profits local. A. mass B. Sustainable C. focused D. popular Question 16: Ecotourists respect local __________ by learning about the customs and traditions of the places they visit. A. businesses B. rules C. curfew D. cultures Question 17: ____________ tourists will avoid damaging the environment when they travel. A. Aware B. Responsible C. Mass D. Large Question 18: Everyone is responsible_____________ protecting the environment.
A. for B. to C. with D. at Question 19: Tourists should be aware of the possible damage that travel may cause ________the environment. A. for B. on C. to D. up Question 20: The impact of tourism on the local area could be both ____________ A. rich and poor B. strong and weak C. damaging and improving D. positive and negative. Question 21: There are many places for tourists to _________on the island. A. explore B. explain C. explode D. expand Question 22: Avoid_________water when you take a bath. A. washing B. waiting C. wasting D. waking Question 23: There is a ___________market in Ca Mau called Nam Can. A. flowing B. swimming C. floating D. boating Question 24: ___________tourism has a negative impact on the environment. A. Mass B. Massive C. Eco- D. Eco-friendly Question 25: We followed the___________through the forest. A. tour B. trail C. train D. street Question 26: There is a narrow______________ for people to walk along to get to the coast. A. street B. way C. path D. cave Question 27: __________ people are very friendly and welcoming to tourists. A. Home B. Inside C. Foreign D. Local Question 28: A(n)_________is all the plants and living things in a particular area and the way they relate to their physical environment. A. biodiversity B. environment C. ecosystem D. ecotourism Question 29: We should do more to reduce the__________ effects of tourism on the environment. A. negative B. positive C. endangered D. natural Question 30: __________involves thousands of people visiting the same place at the same time. A. Ecotourism B. Responsible tourism C. Sustainable tourism D. Mass tourism Question 31: Buying local products is one way to show that you are a __________ tourist. A. responsible B. serious C. friendly D. confident Question 32: Ecotourists respect local_________ by following the customs and traditions of the places they visit. A. businesses B. cultures C. education D. environment Question 33: If tourists throw rubbish or break tree branches, they are heavily ______________. A. fined B. awarded C. catched D. advanced Question 34: Some tourist areas have suffered __________some environmental damage. A. for B. on C. from D. of Question 35: Ecotourism activities have had some negative impacts _____________ the environment and people in the area. A. for B. on C. from D. of Question 36: Eco tours in Viet Nam involve mainly travel to natural places and the activities are not based_________ the ecotourism principles. A. on B. to C. up D. with

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