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Unit 7: Artists 7A. Vocabulary • Art forms I. Complete the sentences with the art forms below. cartoon drawings classical music musicals mime ballet sitcom sculptures dance painting 1. A __________ is a funny television programme in which the same characters appear in different situations each week. 2. Carroll appeared in a number of Broadway __________ in which part of the stories are sung to music. 3. The waltz is an easy __________ to learn. 4. __________ is a performance in which dancing and music tell a story without any speaking. 5. There was a large __________ of his father on the wall. 6. He made detailed __________ of animals and flowers in his book. 7. The first scene of the play was performed in __________ in which actors use movements of their hands and bodies, and expressions on their faces, without speech. 8. Local artists were asked to create life-size bronze __________ for the garden. 9. Do you prefer __________ like Mozart and Haydn, or pop? 10. A __________ is a short film that is made by photographing a series of drawings. • Artists II. Match each word below with its definition. model conductor audience busker stage hand choreographer sound technician juggler 1. a person who combines movements into dances to be performed 2. a person who sits still for an artist to paint them 3. a person who performs on the street throwing and catching a set of balls 4. a person who helps move the scenery 5. the person who leads an orchestra 6. a person who makes sure the microphones are working properly 7. a person who plays music on the street 8. the people watching the show III. Choose the correct answers. 1. I always give money to composers/ buskers in the street. 2. We went to the opening night at the theatre last week and we met a playwright / cartoonist after the show. 3. The jugglers / sculptors are performing at the festival. 4. He’s at music college, training to be a composer / scriptwriter.
5. I saw a wonderful portrait of the countryside by a famous painter / sculptor. IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. rapper busker DJ folk group orchestra string quartet choir 1. The __________ in the new club played some great records. 2. MoonDance only play traditional music because they are a(n) __________ . 3. I sing in a(n) __________ at school. 4. That man can’t sing very well, but he is a good __________ . 5. I gave some money to a(n) __________ who was playing the guitar outside the station. 6. There are 50 musicians in that __________ . 7. My uncle plays in a(n) __________ with three friends who play the cello and the violin. He plays the viola. V. Identify which artist is, based on the critics’ quotes about their work. 1. __________ ‘The giant metal figure looks out of place in this small town square.’ 2. __________ ‘His deep voice is perfect for these slow, romantic songs.’ 3. __________ ‘The last verses is one of the best I’ve ever read.’ 4. __________ ‘Her best book yet. A captivating story of romance and mystery.’ 5. __________ ‘Some wonderfully written lines. I left the theatre remembering many of them.’ 6. __________ ‘A fascinating description of the life of one of our greatest scientists.’ VI. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals in brackets to form a word that fits in each gap. Teenage Actors Many young people are tempted by the idea of a career in 1 __________ (ACT). It certainly looks like very 2 __________ (EXCITE) work, but it’s not for everyone. The rewards can be huge, but it can also be difficult to make a living. In order to be successful as an actor, you must be 3 __________ (TALENT) and willing to learn new skills. It helps to be 4 __________ (ATTRACT), but there’s no need to be a super model. Many people who are not traditionally attractive have had success. An 5 __________ (INTEREST) face is what people want to see. Sometimes it also helps to look a little 6 __________ (DIFFER) from the rest. It means that people who see you perform will remember who you are. A 7 __________ (QUALIFY) from a well-known acting school can be useful, but not all 8 __________ (KNOW) is learned at school. Experience really counts. Taking part in performances is often more important than exam results. Beyond that, you have to be able to put up with 9 __________
(TIRE) hours of rehearsals and some 10 __________ (DISAPPOINT) along the way. If you can do all that, you just might become a star. • Artistic activities VII. Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form. conduct appear direct carve compose sing write act create perform 1. To Hoai often __________ very interesting stories about his native village and animals. 2. Someone had __________ their initials on the tree. 3. Picasso __________ a complete new style of painting. 4. She has already __________ in a numbers of films. 5. Before every concert, she worries about how well she will __________ . 6. Who will be __________ the orchestra? 7. Schumann was better at __________ music than playing it. 8. She is __________ the role of Lady Macbeth six evenings a week. 9. He wanted to give up acting and start __________ his own films. 10. I could hear the birds __________ outside my window. VIII. Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs below. rehearse practise test not work move look at forget change into The opening night was a complete disaster. The sound technician was late, so he didn’t have time to 1 __________ the microphones. That meant that we didn’t realise they 2 __________ until after the play had started. The lead actor 3 __________ his opening lines, so the lead actress had to say them for him. But the lead actress hadn’t had time to 4 __________ her costume, so she went through the entire first act with her jeans on. The stage hands wouldn’t stop 5 __________ at the audience when they 6 __________ the scenery. So they kept on dropping all the equipment. And then in the interval one of the dancers twisted her ankle while she 7 __________ the steps. Honestly, I don’t know why we spent so much time 8 __________ . • Cultural activities IX. Complete the sentences with the words below. musical sitcom art galleries theatre novels ballets opera concert 1. Last Sunday they went to watch ‘Swan Lake’, one of the greatest classical __________ 2. I’d far rather go to the __________ than watch a video. 3. Have you read any of Charles Dickens’ __________? 4. They also performed at a(n) __________ in Rome last month. 5. London is famous for its museums and __________, and they visited some during their trip in London last month.
6. The Browns often went to see a Broadway __________ every week when they lived in New York. 7. We watched America’s most popular __________ ‘Friends’ to improve our English. 8. We regularly go to the theatre to enjoy __________ in which all of the words are sung to music. • Musical genres X. Complete the sentences with the words below. pop rock techno classical music heavy metal folk music rap hip-hop 1. __________ is a type of popular modern music with a strong, loud beat played with guitars and drums. 2. __________ is a type of dance music with regular heavy beat and spoken words. 3. __________ is a type of popular music in which the words of a song are spoken in time to music with a steady beat. 4. __________ is modern music, popular with young people, having simple tunes with a strong beat. 5. __________ is considered important and serious, and has a value for a long time. 6. __________ is traditional music that has been played by ordinary people in a particular area for a long time. 7. __________ is a type of popular electronic dance music with a fast, strong beat. 8. __________ is a type of rock music with a strong beat, played very loudly on electric guitars. • Aspects of music XI. Choose the correct words. 1. The choir has sung only two tunes / verses of the last hymn. 2. He knows how to slow down the tempo / chorus and when to speed it up. 3. We listened to the choir singing in perfect harmony / tempo. 4. It is a song with a harmony / beat that you can dance to. 5. She started moving to the verse / rhythm of the music. 6. The beat’s / chorus’s singing was excellent, and so was the orchestral playing. 7. He wrote some great music, but the speeds / lyrics weren’t that good. 8. Melody / Chorus is not the central element in Martino’s compositions - rhythm is more important. 9. I’ve heard that tune / tempo before, but I don’t know the words to the song. XII. Complete the sentences with the words below. symphony beat chords chorus harmony lyrics melody movement solo opera 1. The __________ singer began to sing an aria.

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