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REVIEW 2 Lesson 1: Language I. OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge - Review the language they have learnt in Unit 4-5. - Review the vocabulary and grammar they have learnt in Unit 4-5. 2. Core competence - Develop critical thinking skills; - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work; - Actively join in class activities. 3. Personal qualities - Develop self-study skills. II. MATERIALS - Grade 11 textbook, Review 2 - Computer connected to the Internet - Projector / TV/ pictures and cards - hoclieu.vn Assumption Anticipated difficulties Solutions Students may find the lesson boring due to a large number of language exercises. - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so that they can help each other. - Provide feedback and help if necessary. Some students will excessively talk in the class. - Explain expectations for each task in detail. Have excessive talking students practice. - Continue to explain task expectations in small chunks (before every activity). III. PROCEDURES 1. WARM-UP (5 mins) a. Objectives: - To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge; - To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates. b. Content: - Name ASEAN countries c. Expected outcomes: - Students can recall the previous knowledge and develop interest in the new lesson
d. Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Name ASEAN countries - Teacher asks Ss to work in 4 big groups. - Teacher gives each group a set of pictures about ASEAN countries’ flags. - Students work in group and write the name of the countries. - The fastest group with correct answers will be the winner. e. Assessment - Teacher observes the groups, listens to Ss’ answers and gives feedback. 2. ACTIVITY 1: PRONUNCIATION (10 mins) a. Objectives: - To check if Ss can identify word stress and sentence stress, and provide further pronunciation practice; - To check if Ss can identify words with elision and provide further pronunciation practice. b. Content: - Task 1: Read the following sentences. Underline the stressed words in each one. Then mark the stressed syllables in these words. Listen and check. (p.62) - Task 2: Underline words with elisions in the following sentences. Listen and check. (p.62) c. Expected outcomes: - Students can revise different aspects of pronunciation learnt in Unit 4 and 5. d. Organisation: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 1: Read the following sentences. Underline the stressed words in each one. Then mark the stressed syllables in these words. Listen and check. (5 mins) - Teacher asks Ss to read the sentences, underline the stressed words and then mark the stressed syllables. - Teacher has Ss work in pairs to compare their answers. - Teacher plays the recording for Ss to listen and repeat and check their answers. - Teacher checks answers as a class. Write the marked sentences on the board, if necessary. Answer key: 1. The earth is ‘getting ‘warmer and ‘warmer. 2. There will be more floods and storms in the ‘coming years. 3. ‘ASEAN has helped its ‘members to a’chieve eco’nomic growth. 4. The ‘burning of coal and oil re’leases a lot of ‘carbon di’oxide into the air. Task 2: Underline words with elisions in the following sentences. Listen and check. (5 mins) - Teacher asks Ss to read the sentences and underline Answer key:
the words with elision in each one. - Teacher plays the recording for Ss to listen and repeat and check their answers. - Teacher calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board. - Extension: Put Ss in pairs and ask each pair to think of at least 3 sentences and write them down on a piece of paper. Then pairs take turn to read out their sentences. Have the rest of the class write down the sentences, andmark the sentence stress and any words with elision. 5. The young ASEAN leaders had many diff(e)rent ideas. 6. It’s very easy to use digital cam(e)ras. 7. She’s giving a talk about the hist(o)ry of choc(o)late. 8. We’ll have our discussion on ASEAN in the libr(a)ry t(o)night. e. Assessment - Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback. 3. ACTIVITY 2: VOCABULARY (10 mins) a. Objectives: - To check if Ss can understand and use topic-related words and phrases from Units 4 and 5 in meaningful contexts. b. Content: - Task 1. What are the missing letters? Complete the sentences using the pictures to help you. The first sentence is done for you. (p.62) - Task 2. Complete the sentences using these words and phrases. (p.63) c. Expected outcomes: - Students can complete the tasks about vocabulary. d. Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 1. What are the missing letters? Complete the sentences using the pictures to help you. The first sentence is done for you. (5 mins) - Teacher asks Ss to work individually, then compare answers in pairs. Encourage them to use the pictures as clues. - Teacher checks answers as a class. Call on individual Ss to spell the words or write them on the board. - Extension: Play a game to revise other key words Ss have learnt in Unit 5, e.g., coal, waste, carbon, global warming. Have a volunteer come to the front. Whisper one of the words into his / her ear and have the student draw the word on the board or mime it. In weaker classes, ask the student to write the first two or three letters on the board. Ask the rest of the class to make guesses. Give a point to the first student who Answer key: 2. emissions, deforestation 3. fossil fuels, greenhouse gases
correctly calls out the word. Continue with other words until all Ss have a go. The winner is the student with most points. Task 2. Complete the sentences using these words and phrases. (5 mins) - Teacher has Ss work in pairs. Tell them to read the sentences carefully and decide which word or phrase can be used to complete each of the sentences. Explain that they have to use context clues to decide on the suitable word or phrase. - Teacher reminds Ss that they have learnt these words or phrases in Units 4 and 5 - Teacher checks answers as a class and has Ss call out the word or phrase they have chosen for each sentence first. - Teacher then asks individual Ss to read the whole sentences. Confirm the correct answers. Answer key: 1. current issues 2. greenhouse gas 3. leadership skills 4. contribution 5. Pollutants e. Assessment - Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance. - Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback. 4. ACTIVITY 3: GRAMMAR (20 mins) a. Objectives: - To check if Ss can use gerunds, to-infinitives and present participle clauses - To check if Ss can use gerunds and participle clauses. b. Content: - Task 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. (p.63) - Task 2: Rewrite the sentences using gerunds or participle clauses. (p.63) - Task 3: Circle the underlined part that is incorrect in each of the following sentences. Then correct it. (p.63) c. Expected outcomes: - Students can do the given tasks about grammar. d. Organisation TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENTS Task 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms. (6 mins) - Teacher quickly reviews when gerunds, to-infinitives and present participles are used. In stronger classes, elicit the uses from Ss and ask them to give you some examples. - Teacher asks Ss to complete the sentences with the correct form of verb in brackets. - Teacher answers as a class and ask Ss to identify the Answer key: 1. buying 2. Feeling 3. to reduce 4. wearing 5. to work

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