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FACT/DEFINITION TYPE QUESTIONS 1. Anterior lobe of pituitary secretes (a) ACTH, TSH and oxytocin (b) STH, GH and ADH (c) TSH, ADH and prolactin (d) FSH, GH and LH 2. A gorilla like appearance with huge hands and legs is due to abnormal secretion of (a) FSH (b) LH (c) LTH (d) GH 3. ACTH is secreted by (a) adrenal cortex (b) pituitary (c) adrenal medulla (d) thyroid 4. Which of the following hormone is required for the maintenance of corpus luteum ? (a) Progesterone (b) Estrogen (c) FSH (d) LH 5. Oxytocin hormone is produced by (a) pituitary (b) adrenals (c) hypothalamus (d) thyroid 6. Ovulation in humans is controlled by (a) FSH and LTH (b) FSH and G.H (c) LTH and LH (d) FSH and LH 7. Ovulation and formation of corpus luteum is controlled by (a) ICSH (b) FSH (c) thyroxine hormone (d) luteinizing hormone 8. MSH is secreted by (a) pars intermedia (b) pars tuberalis (c) pars distalis (d) pars nervosa 9. Secretion of estrogen is controlled by (a) hCG (b) FSH (c) progesterone (d) testosterone 10. Deficiency of vasopressin primarily results in (a) increased volume of urine. (b) decreased volume of urine. (c) excessive secretion of urochrome. (d) change in pH from acidic to alkaline range. 11. Anti-ageing hormone is (a) thyroxine (b) melatonin (c) estrogen (d) testosterone 12. Sleep-wake cycle and menstrual cycle are maintained by (a) progesterone (b) melatonin (c) oxytocin (d) MSH 13. When amount of ADH decreases in blood, micturition (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains unaffected (d) increases and then decreases 14. Which hormone helps in reabsorption of water from kidney? (a) ADH (b) STH (c) ACTH (d) TTH 15. Which of the following occurs due to ADH deficiency? (a) Increase urine output. (b) Increased water in urine. (c) Less urine. (d) No urination. 16. Which of the following hormone acts upon the renal tubule and blood capillaries ? (a) Glucagon (b) Aldosterone (c) Vasopressin (d) Glucocorticoids 17. Which endocrine gland stores its secretion in extracellular spaces before discharging it into blood? (a) Testis (b) Pancreas (c) Thyroid (d) Adrenal 18. Which of the following hormone opposes parathormone ? (a) ADH (b) STH (c) Thyroxine (d) Thyrocalcitonin 19. Abnormal secretion of thyroxine produces (a) acromegaly (b) Addison’s disease (c) cretinism (d) goitre 20. Thyroxine acts on every organ of the body, except (a) adult brain (b) testis (c) thyroid itself (d) bones 21. Which of the following is (are) not influenced by parathyroid hormone ? (a) Kidney (b) Bone (c) Small intestine (d) None of the above Chapter 22 >c`hd^\g>jjm_di\odji \i_Dio`bm\odji EduHulk 315
190 Biology 22. Which of the following gland is often referred in connection with AIDS? (a) Thymus (b) Thyroid (c) Adrenal (d) Pancreas 23. Thymus in mammals is mainly concerned with (a) regulation of body growth. (b) secretion of thyrotropin. (c) regulation of body temperature. (d) immunological functions. 24. Which one of the following disease is caused by the under secretion of cortisol hormone? (a) Anaemia (b) Addison’s disease (c) Hyperglycemia (d) Mental retardation 25. Which hormone possesses anti-insulin effect? (a) Cortisol (b) Calcitonin (c) Oxytocin (d) Aldosterone 26. Triple ‘F’ gland for flight, fright and fight is (a) thyroid (b) thymus (c) pituitary (d) adrenal 27. Glycogenesis is the result of the hormone secreted from (a) alpha cells of pancreas. (b) beta cells of pancreas. (c) thyroid gland. (d) adrenal gland. 28. Diabetes insipidus is caused by hyposecretion of (a) insulin (b) vasopressin (c) oxytocin (d) thymosin 29. Blood glucose level in man is regulated by (a) insulin only (b) adrenaline (c) glucagon and insulin (d) all of the above 30. Source of somatostatin is the same as that of (a) insulin and glucagon (b) vasopressin and oxytocin (c) thyroxine and calcitonin (d) somatotropin and prolactin 31. In human, testosterone is produced by (a) tunica albuginea (b) leydig cell (c) seminiferous tubule (d) sertoli cell 32. The hormone that supports pregnancy and stimulates mammary glands for the formation of alveoli for storing milk, is secreted from (a) anterior Pituitary (b) posterior pituitary (c) graafian follicle (d) corpus luteum 33. During pregnancy corpus luteum (a) degenerates. (b) changes to corpus albicans. (c) persists until parturition. (d) persists upto the middle of pregnancy. 34. Hormone which helps in implantation of embryo in uterus is (a) estrogen (b) oxytocin (c) relaxin (d) progesterone 35. Secretion of which of the following structure is responsible in preparing the inner wall of uterus for implantation ? (a) Ovary (b) Pituitary gland (c) Corpus luteum (d) Ovarian follicle 36. Which of the following is a gastro-intestinal hormone? (a) Cholinesterase (b) Enterokinase (c) Secretin (d) Interocrinin 37. The hormone secretin is produced in (a) pancreas and influences conversion of glycogen into glucose. (b) small intestine and stimulates pancreas. (c) adrenal glands and accelerates heartbeat. (d) testes and produces male secondary sexual characters. 38. Which hormone interacts with membrane bound receptor and does not normally enter the target cell? (a) FSH (b) Estrogen (c) Thyroxine (d) Cortisol 39. Which one of the following is not a second messenger in hormone action ? (a) Calcium (b) Sodium (c) cAMP (d) cGMP 40. Receptors for protein hormones are found (a) inside nucleus (b) inside cytoplasm (c) on surface of ER (d) on cell surface 41. Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus) ? (a) Somatostatin, Oxytocin (b) Cortisol, Testosterone (c) Insulin, Glucagon (d) Thyroxine, Insulin 42. Steroid hormones are produced only by the (a) adrenal medulla and pancreas. (b) thyroid gland and pancreas. (c) anterior and posterior pituitary. (d) sex organs and adrenal cortex. STATEMENT TYPE QUESTIONS 43. Mark the correct statement regarding somatostatin. (a) It is secreted from anterior pituitary. (b) It inhibits the release of growth hormone. (c) It is secreted from posterior pituitary. (d) It stimulates STH secretion. 44. What of the following is correct about calcitonin ? (a) It contains iodine. (b) It is an amino acid. (c) It is released from parathyroid. (d) It is released from thyroid gland. EduHulk
Chemical Coordination and Integration 191 45. Which statement regarding PTH is correct? (a) It is a peptide hormone. (b) It stimulates bone resorption. (c) It is hypercalcemic hormone. (d) All of the above. 46. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the endocrine system? (a) Organs in the body like gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney and liver do not produce any hormones. (b) Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amount that act as intercellular messenger are known as hormones. (c) Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland . (d) Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus. 47. Which of the following is correct for thyrocalcitonin ? (a) Produced by parathyroid and decreases Ca++ in ECF. (b) Produced by thyroid and decreases Ca++ in ECF. (c) Produced by parathyroid and increases Ca++ in ECF. (d) Produced by thyroid and increases Ca++ in ECF. 48. One similarity between enzymes and hormones is that (a) both are proteins. (b) both can be used again and again. (c) both are used in minute amount. (d) both act at a particular pH. 49. Hormones of pituitary gland are (a) some steroids and some proteins (b) all proteins/peptides. (c) complex substances formed from proteins, steroids, carbohydrates. (d) all steroids. 50. Norepinephrine (i) is released by sympathetic fibres. (ii) is released by parasympathetic fibres. (iii) increases the heart rate. (iv) decreases blood pressure. Which of the above said statements are correct? (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii) and (iv) 51. Choose the correct statement about ‘neurohypophysis’ ? (a) It stores and release hormones secreted by hypothalamus. (b) It secretes its own hormones. (c) It is poorly developed and functionless in humans. (d) It stores the hormones produced by adenohypophysis. 52. Which of the following statement is correct regarding glucagon hormone ? (a) It has opposite effect to that of insulin. (b) It converts glucose to glycogen. (c) It is given to diabetic patients. (d) It is formed by b-cells of pancreas. 53. A woman may develop beard and moustaches due to (a) hypersecretion of adrenal cortex. (b) hypersecretion of thyroxine. (c) hyposecretion of adrenaline. (d) hyposecretion of thyroxine. 54. Which one of the following statement is correct? (a) Endrocrine glands regulate neural activity and nervous system regulates endocrine glands. (b) Neither hormones control neural activity nor the neurons control endocrine activity. (c) Endocrine glands regulate neural activity, but not vice versa. (d) Neurons regulate endocrine activity, but not vice versa. 55. Which of the following statement about the hormone action in humans is correct ? (a) In females, FSH first binds with specific receptors on ovarian cell membrane. (b) FSH stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone. (c) Glucagon is secreted by b-cells of Islets of langerhans and stimulates glycogenolysis. (d) Secretion of thymosin is stimulated with ageing. 56. Which of the followings is the more scientific definition of hormone? (a) They are extracellular messengers. (b) They always act at distantly located target organ. (c) They are the products of well organized endocrine glands. (d) They are non-nutrient chemicals that act as intercellular messengers. ASSERTION/REASON TYPE QUESTIONS In the following questions, a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement of Reason. (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. (c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) If both Assertion and Reason are false. 57. Assertion : Mammary glands are apocrine glands. Reason : The distal part containing secretory granules break down and leaves as a secretion. 58. Assertion : Hormone calcitonin has an antagonistic effect to that of parathormone. Reason : Calcitonin decreases blood calcium level while parathormone increases blood calcium level. 59. Assertion : The person with diabetes insipidus feels thirsty. Reason : A person with diabetes insipidus suffers from excess secretion of vasopressin. 60. Assertion: Failure of secretion of hormone vasopressin causes diabetes mellitus in the patient. Reason: Vasopressin increases the volume of urine by increasing the reabsorption of water from the urine. 61. Assertion : Histamine is involved in allergic and inflammatory reactions. Reason : Histamine is a vasodilator. EduHulk 315
192 Biology MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS 62. Select the correct match of a hormone with its source and function. Hormone Source Function (a) Vasopressin Posterior Increases loss of pituitary water through urine. (b) Nor-epinephrine Adrenal Increases heart beat, medulla rate of respiration and alertness. (c) Glucagon Beta-cells Stimulates of Islets of glycogenolysis. langerhans (d) Prolactin Posterior Regulates growth of Pituitary mammary glands and milk formation in females. 63. Which one of the following four glands is correctly matched with the accompanying description? (a) Thyroid – Hyperactivity in young children causes cretinism. (b) Thymus – Starts undergoing atrophy after puberty. (c) Parathyroid – Secretes parathormone which promotes movement of calcium ions from blood into bones during calcification. (d) Pancreas – Delta cells of Islets of Langerhans secrete a hormone which stimulates glycolysis in liver. 64. Match the hormones given in column-I with the terms given in column-II Column -I Column-II A. ADH I. Pituitary B. ACTH II. Mineralocorticoid C. Aldosterone III. Diabetes mellitus D. Insulin IV. Diabetes insipidus E. Adrenaline V. Vasodilator (a) A – I, B – IV, C – II, D – III, E – V (b) A – IV, B – II, C – I, D – III, E – V (c) A – IV, B – I, C – II, D – III, E – V (d) A – IV, B – I, C – III, D – II, E – V 65. Column-I lists the endocrine structure and column-II lists the corresponding hormones. Match the two columns and identify the correct option given below. Column-I Column-II A. Hypothalamus I. Relaxin B. Anterior pituitary II. Estrogen C. Testis III. FSH and LH D. Ovary IV. Testosterone V. Gonadotropin releasing hormone (a) A – V, B – III, C – IV, D – II (b) A – V, B – III, C – II, D – IV (c) A – I, B – II, C – IV, D – III (d) A – III, B – V, C – IV, D – II. 66. Match the hormone given in column-I with their function in given in column-II. Column-I Column-II A. FSH I. Prepare endometrium for implantation B. LH II. Develops female secondary sexual characters C. Progesterone III. Contraction of uterine wall D. Estrogen IV. Development of corpus luteum V. Maturation of Graafian follicle (a) A – V, B – IV, C – I, D – II (b) A – IV, B – V, C – II, D – I (c) A – IV, B – III, C – II, D – V (d) A – V, B – I, C – II, D – IV 67. Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? (a) Insulin–Diabetes mellitus (disease) (b) Glucagon–Beta cells (source) (c) Somatostatin–Delta cells (source) (d) Corpus luteum–Relaxin (secretion) 68. Match the endocrine gland as a source with its respective hormone as well as the function. Source gland Hormone Function (a) Thyroid Thyroxine Regulates blood calcium level (b) Anterior Oxytocin Contraction of uterine pituitary muscles during child birth (c) Posterior Vasopressin Stimulates resorption pituitary of water in the distal tubules in the nephron (d) Corpus luteum Estrogen Supports pregnancy 69. Which of the following pair of hormone and their disorder is correctly matched ? (a) Parathormone – Cretinism (b) Thyroxine – Ricket (c) Insulin – Diabetes insipidus (d) Cortisol – Cushing’s disease 70. Mark the hormone given in column I and the endocrine cells given in column II. Column-I Column-II A. a-cell I. Inhibin B. b-cell II. Glucagon C. Leydig cell III. Insulin D. Sertoli cells IV. Testosterone (a) A – I, B – III, C – IV, D – II (b) A – III, B – II, C – IV, D – I (c) A – I, B – III, C – II, D – IV (d) A – II, B – III, C – IV, D – I EduHulk

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