Nội dung text 2. METALS _ NON METALS _CW_WS -1 TO 2-VOL-4.pdf
VII–Chemistry (Vol–IV) 68 Narayana Group of Schools Olympiad Class Work Book CONCEPT FLOW CHART M e t als a n d N o n m e t als P hy sic al p r o p e rtie s Physical state Melting and boiling points Lustre Ductility Hardness Malleability Density Tensile strength Conductivity C h e mic al p ro p e rtie s Reaction with Oxygen Reaction with Mineral acids Reaction with Water Reaction with Alkalies
Olympiad Text Book 69 Narayana Group of Schools VII– Chemistry (Vol – IV) Olympiad Class Work Book ANDERS CELSIUS: Anders celsius was a swedish astronomer who is known for inventing celsiustemperature scale. celsius also built the uppsala astronomical observatory in1740, the oldest astronomi- cal observatory in sweden. Celsius was an avid adimirer of the gregorian calendar, which was adapted in sweden in1753,just nine years after his death.”degree Celsius” the unit of temperature,has been named after this bril- liant scientist. ANDERS CELSIUS [1701– 1744]
VII–Chemistry (Vol–IV) 70 Narayana Group of Schools Olympiad Class Work Book METALS AND NON-METALS