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Sr. Topic Teaching Module No, Hra. Welghtage - 7. Internal Combustion Engines : Introduction, Classification, Engine 4 details, tour-stroke/ two-stroke cycle Petrol/Diesel engines, Indicated I power. Brake Power, Efficiencies. (Refer Chapter 7) I -- - -- -·- =~ 8. Pumps : Types and operation of Reciprocating, Rotary and Centrifugal 20% pumps, Priming. (Refer Chapter 8) - - - 9. Air Compressors : Types and operation of Reciprocating and Rotary 3 air compressors. significance of Multistaging. (Refer Chapter 9) I I 10. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning: Refrigerant, Vapor compression 4 I refrigeration system, Vapor absorption refrigeration system, Domestic I Refrigerator, Window and split air conditioners. (Refer Chapter 10) 11. Couplings, Clutches and Brakes : Construction and applications of - I / Couplings (Box; Flange; Pin type flexible; Universal and Oldham), Clutches (Disc and Centrifugal), and Brakes (Block; Shoe; Band and Disc). (Refer Chapter 11) I 25% 12. 1 Transmission of Motion and Power : Shaft and axle, Different - I arrangement and applications of Belt drive; Chain drive; Friction drive I and Gear drive. (Refer Chapter 12) I ' 4 13. Engineering Materials : Types, properties and applications of Ferrous and Nonferrous metals, Timber, Abrasive material, silica, ceramics , glass, graphite, diamond, plastic and polymer. (Refer Chapter 13) I :JO □

Basic Mechanical Engineering (GTU-FY-Common) (Introduction) .... Page no. (1-2) ~ - t ·.1 PRIME MOVER 1 ? OR Define : Prime mover. - - - - -(GTU - Summer 2009, 2010, 2018, Winter 2019) I I l UQ. What is Prime mover . _______________ __ ________ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , , , s it into mechanical energy. -------~ 0 Definition : Prime mover is a device which usei- the energy from natuial sources and convert. ~ 1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF PRIME MOVERS .--------------------------------------------------- --- ----- · II' • • UQ. How prime movers are classified 7 ~.....,.lailJ I : UQ. Write any Four examples of the prime movers. _______________________ _ • ---;ri·n~e-1;,~,~e~-~1:.e· ;,::i;i~~ ~c~~.~:~ ~; ~ ~;u-;_;e~ ~; ;n~1 ~g~ -u;i~;e~ ~; ~h·e;n~ ~~; ~;s;ification of prime movers is shown belo~ : Prime movers + Thermal Non - Thermal i l i l Fuel Nudear Geothermal (Heat engine) (Nudear power (Geothermal plant) power plant) Bio- gas (Bio- gas power plant) Solar energy (Solar power plant) Wind energy ( Windmill) External combustion energy l Internal combustion energy Hydel energy (Hydraulic Turbine) Tidal energy (Tidal power plant) Steam engine < acceleration= m x a ... ( J .3.1) In SJ units, unit of force if> Newton (N). Large units of force are kN and MN. The unit of mass i~ kg and unit of acceleration is m/sec 2 , b.ence force is derived unit. From equation (1.3. 1), I N= I kg-m/sec2 . Thus Newton (N) i~ defined :u. force when applied to body having mass I kg, produce~ an acceleration of I m/sec2. (2) Mass (m) : The mass of the body is defined as the amount of matter contained in it. The unit is kg and is denoted by m. (3) Weight (W) : lt is the force with which a body is attr:ided co the centre of the earth. It is the product of mass (m) of the body and local gravitational acceleration (.g). W = mxg (New Syllabus w.e . f academic year 18-19) (G 12-06) Value or g at sea level is 9.80665 m/sec. rt is usually assumed a.-; 9.81 m/sec2 . The weight of the body changes with elevation but the mass always remains constant. - - --- - ____..'.,- ~ --- ~ -=~=---- ~ Tech-Neo Publications ... A SACHIN SHAH Venture

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