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LESSON 19 - CRIME AND LAW STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings 1 Break the law = Commit a crime = commit an offence phạm luật, vi phạm pháp luật, phạm pháp 2 Money laundering rửa tiền 3 Do community service lao động công ích 4 Barbaric/horrible/vicious crimes những vụ phạm tội dã man/tàn bạo 5 Attempted murder Attempted kidnapping Attempted break-in vụ ám sát không thành công vụ bắt cóc không thành công vụ đột nhập không thành công 6 Escape punishment chạy tội 7 Report the crime trình báo vụ án 8 Investigate the crime điều tra vụ án 9 Crime scene Gather forensic evidence hiện trường vụ án thu thập chứng cứ pháp y 10 Go/be on the run Turn oneself in lẩn trốn tự thú 11 A first-hand account câu chuyện được kể bởi người chứng kiến sự việc 12 Plead for leniency xin giảm nhẹ tội 13 Arrest suspects bắt những kẻ tình nghi 14 Prove one's innocence by providing a solid alibi cung cấp bằng chứng ngoại phạm để chứng tỏ mình vô can 15 Chance of rehabitation = chance of making a fresh start cơ hội làm lại cuộc đời 16 Crime rate tỉ lệ phạm pháp 17 Crime wave làn sóng tội phạm 18 A first-time offender phạm tội lần đầu 19 Has a criminal record có tiền án 20 A serial killer kẻ giết người hàng loạt 21 Organized crime tội phạm có tổ chức 22 A cold-blooded killer/murderer kẻ giết người máu lạnh 23 Sentence sb to death/the lifetime imprisonment kết án tử hình/tù chung thân ai 24 Domestic violence bạo lực gia đình 25 Drug trafficking hoạt động buôn ma túy 26 Identity theft hành vi trộm cắp danh tính 27 Sexual harassment quấy rối tình dục 28 Petty crime trộm vặt 29 Armed robbery cướp có vũ lực 30 Pass laws ban hành luật 31 Uphold and enforce the law duy trì và thực thi pháp luật 32 Charge with a crime bị buộc tội 33 Stand trial hâu tòa 34 Reach a verdict tuyên án, phán quyết
35 Irrefutable/overwhelming/concrete evidence chứng cử xác thực 36 A unanimous jury bồi thẩm đoàn đồng thuận 37 Be on parole Break one's parole được tha vì đã hứa, ra tù sớm nuốt lời hứa danh dự 38 A hung jury ban bồi thẩm không đi tới được một lời tuyên án 39 Be in jail = serve a prison sentence = custodial sentence put someone in jail = imprison tống vào tù 40 Commit to the flames đốt cháy, cho mồi lửa 41 A harsh sentence A light sentence bản án nặng bản án nhẹ 42 Life imprisonment tù chung thân 43 Death penalty = capital punishment = execution tử hình 44 Appeal the verdict kháng cáo 45 Enter (bring in) a lawsuit against sb đệ đơn kiện ai 46 Uphold or overturn the original verdict giữ nguyên hoặc lật ngược phán quyết ban đầu 47 a convicted criminal một tên tội phạm bị kết án 48 Serve time dành thời gian trong tù 49 Release from prison ra tù 50 Threat to society đe dọa tới xã hội 51 A prolonged legal battle một vụ kiện tụng, tranh chấp kéo dài Exercise 19: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences Question 1: A criminal who is released early is said to be "________parole," meaning that he or she must comply with certain conditions after getting out of jail - such as getting a job and refraining from drug/alcohol use. A. in B. on C. at D. for Question 2: He________time when he was young but now he is a model citizen. A. spent B. wasted C. served D. took Question 3: We can't believe that he broke the law - he is very warm-hearted, honest and responsible. A. committed a crime B. pass laws C. pay a fine D. appeal the verdict Question 4: She was convicted of murder and________to death. A. sentenced B. fired C. forced D. hung Question 5: After the victim________the crime to the police, the police will begin to________the crime. They’ll visit the crime________and________forensic evidence. A. tells/lookfor/sites/collect B. presents/inspect/place/select C. reports/investigate/scene/gather D. reports/commit/scene/find Question 6: If witnesses come forward, the police will interview them to hear a first- hand________of what happened. A. sense B. understanding C. account D. ear Question 7: A first-time________is someone who has broken the law for the first time whereas someone who has broken the law in the past has a________record.
A. offender/criminal B. criminal/offender C. murderer/crime D. prisoner/murder Question 8: _______is when a criminal steals an innocent person’s identifying information and uses it in an illegal way. A. drug trafficking B. sexual harassment C. armed robbery D. identity theft Question 9: _______theft is the crime of stealing something that does not have a high value. A. Pretty B. Petty C. vicious D. alleged Question 10: The government must pass laws to protect endangered species from poaching. A. conduct B. implement C. enact D. practice Question 11: The courts and legal system are in charge of upholding and _______the law. A. enforcing B. testing C. trying D. forcing Question 12: Both the prosecution and the defense will present their cases before the judge and juiy. After consideration, the judge or jury will reach a verdict. A. charge with a crime B. stand trial C. arrive at a decision D. serve a prison sentence Question 13: There was_______evidence that the doctor had falsified the records. A. concrete B. enforced C. harsh D. clear Question 14: He was declared innocent by a_______jury. A. uniform B. universal C. thorough D. unanimous Question 15: After being from prison, Jim found it hard to get a job. A. released B. evacuated C. dismissed D. rejected Question 16: Due to his links to terrorist groups, Mr. Smith represents a_______to society. A. battle B. threat C. danger D. worry Question 17: I couldn't believe what a light_______she got - a mere 30 days in jail! A. conviction B. sentence C. punishment D. execution Question 18: I don't support the death penalty -I think everyone deserves a chance to change. A. capital punishment B. a harsh sentence C. life imprisonment D. armed robbery Question 19: Patty and her ex-husband are involved in a_______legal battle over the ownership of their house. A. lasting B. lenghthened C. prolonged D. long Question 20: If the evidence is inconclusive, then the decision will be more difficult - it's possible to have a_______jury, which cannot agree on the verdict. A. hung B. hungry C. indecisive D. hesitant