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Total Number of Pages : 8 Paper II 2 K-2816 1. Which of the following is not an oxygen transporting molecule ? (A) Ceruloplasmin (B) Hemocyanin (C) Erythrocruorin (D) Hemerythrin 2. Which of the following compounds have both covalent and coordinate bonds ? (A) NH4 Cl (B) Fe3 O4 (C) MgCl2 (D) H2 SO4 3. Which is the exclusive component of mitochondrial membrane ? (A) Cholesterol (B) Phosphatidyl choline (C) Sphingomyelin (D) Cardiolipin 4. Which of the following is strongest among weak forces of interactions ? (A) Ionic (B) Hydrogen bond (C) Van der Waal’s (D) Dipole-dipole LIFE SCIENCE Paper – II Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions. Each question carries two (2) marks. All questions are compulsory. 5. Complete hydrolysis of ceramide will yield (A) Sphingosine, Fatty acid, Choline (B) Sphingosine, Fatty acid (C) Sphingosine, Phosphate, Choline (D) Sphingosine, Fatty acid, Phosphate 6. Which of the vectors has been most successful for the introduction of DNA into mammalian cells ? (A) Bacteriophage (B) Baculovirus (C) Retrovirus (D) Plasmid 7. Structure of trypsin and chymotrypsin suggests that they had origin from (A) Duplicated genes (B) Gene deletions (C) Translocated genes (D) Inversion of genes 8. Raphanobrassica is (A) Interspecific hybrid (B) Intergeneric hybrid (C) Intravarietal hybrid (D) Intervarietal hybrid
Total Number of Pages : 8 K-2816 3 Paper II 9. Beetles belongs to the order (A) Coleoptera (B) Hemiptera (C) Lepidoptera (D) Diptera 10. Conjugation between an F+ and F– bacterial cells usually results in (A) Death of both conjugating cells (B) Two F – cells (C) Two F + cells (D) An F + and an F – cell 11. In which part of human female reproductive tract, the fertilization usually takes place ? (A) Ovary (B) Uterus (C) Oviduct (D) Cervix 12. Phytochrome of the plants are responsible for which of the following functions ? (A) Photosynthetic electron flow (B) Shade avoidance (C) Seed dormancy (D) Stomatal dynamics 13. The virus that can trigger neoplastic transformation of cells (A) T4 phage (B) Polio virus (C) RSV (D) M13 14. The cancer caused by defect in repairing UV-induced DNA damage (A) Retinoblastoma (B) Xeroderma pigmentosum (C) Chronic myelogenous leukemia (D) Renal cell carcinoma 15. The following cause red tide in oceans (A) Diatoms (B) Foramini ferans (C) Dinoflagellates (D) Rhodophyta 16. One of the following is an example for microbial bioremediation (A) Use of bacteria to treat sewage (B) Use of bacteria to kill other bacteria (C) Use of antibiotics produced by cultured bacteria (D) Engineering bacteria to produce human protein 17. Which of the following best represents the hierarchy of levels of biological classification ? (A) Phylum, kingdom, class, order, genus, species, family (B) Kingdom, phylum, family, class, order, genus, species (C) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species (D) Class, order, kingdom, phylum, family, genus, species
Total Number of Pages : 8 Paper II 4 K-2816 18. Listing items like age, number of live organisms each year and life expectancy is known as (A) Life table (B) Survivorship table (C) Rate table (D) Mortality table 19. Which of the following phytohormones play a role in seed dormancy ? (A) Gibberellin (B) ABA (C) Cytokinin (D) Auxin 20. Which hormone allows seeds to ignore environmental condition and germinate ? (A) Abscisic acid (B) Cytokinins (C) Auxins (D) Gibberellins 21. Photochemical reaction occurs in (A) Lumen of thylakoid (B) Stroma of chloroplast (C) Membrane of thylakoid (D) Plant cell cytoplasm 22. Which of the following enzyme does not require a primer ? (A) RNA dependent DNA polymerase (B) DNA dependent DNA polymerase (C) Terminal transferase (D) Taq DNA polymerase 23. Chloramphenicol inhibits (A) Cell wall synthesis in bacteria (B) Protein synthesis in 70S ribosome (C) Protein synthesis on 80S ribosomes (D) DNA replication 24. Pathogenicity is (A) Ability to cause disease (B) Degree of disease (C) Virulence (D) Prevent disease 25. Cytotoxic T cell mediated killing of target cells occur by the release of (A) Ubiquitin (B) Lysozyme (C) Cytokines (D) Granzymes