入學手冊 -113年臺北市外國人語文學習適應計畫- 臺北市移工語文培訓課程 Admission Handbook Panduan Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Sách Hướng Dẫn Tuyển Sinh คู่มือการรับเข้าศึกษา 臺 市政府 動局 Department of Labor, Taipei City Government 指導單位: 主辦單位: 承辦單位:
給學生的話 各位移工朋友好,歡迎各位來到臺灣。 北市勞動力重建運用處持續辦理免費華語課程,希望透過提升語言能力, 讓各位能夠在生活中順利溝通,更加適應在臺灣工作及生活。 我們的課程內容豐富又好玩,透過學習中文的過程,還能認識臺灣的文 化,歡迎各位一起參與課程,準時上課、認真學習、取得結業證書,不要缺席 喔! 我們的課程將會帶給你們許多的收穫: 1. 提高溝通品質,減輕工作壓力 課程主題結合居家照護、醫院就醫、購物、交通等真實的生活對話, 能夠在生活中學以致用,也能與雇主、家庭溝通更加順暢,減少語言障礙 及誤會。 2. 認識臺灣文化,增進文化交流 認識臺灣生活的多元文化,學習臺灣社會獨特的文化知識,如飲食、 招呼問候、互動禮儀等,更結合節慶和校外活動體驗,豐富又有趣,增進 移工與臺灣的雙向文化交流。 3. 成為中階技術人力,擁有不同的可能性 勞動部「移工留才久用方案」開放符合資格的移工,在臺從事中階技 術工作,並且取消在臺工作的年限。因此,努力完成本課程、取得結業證 明,或參與本課程口說基礎級輔導班,通過測驗,都能達成中階技術人力 的語言能力要求喔!未來有機會爭取更好的工作機會,有不同的可能性! 聯絡資訊: 1. 電子信箱:
[email protected] 2. 電話:(02)2366-0098、(02)2367-8228
Message to the students: Hello, dear migrant worker friends, welcome to Taiwan. The Taipei City Foreign and Disabled Labor Office is continuously organizing free Mandarin language courses, aiming to enhance your language skills so that you can communicate smoothly in your daily life and better adapt to working and living in Taiwan. Our courses are rich and enjoyable. Through learning Chinese, you will also get to know Taiwanese culture. We warmly invite all of you to participate in the courses, attend classes on time, study diligently, and obtain your completion certificates. Please do not be absent. Our courses will bring you many rewards and benefits: 1. Improve communication quality and reduce work pressure: The course topics combine real-life conversations related to home care, medical visits, shopping, transportation, and more. By learning practical dialogues, you will be able to apply your language skills in daily life and communicate more smoothly with employers and families, reducing language barriers and misunderstandings. 2. Understand Taiwanese culture and enhance cultural exchange: By gaining knowledge of the diverse cultures in Taiwan and learning about unique cultural practices such as dining etiquette, greetings, and social interactions, you will have a deeper understanding of Taiwanese life. Additionally, the course incorporates festive celebrations and off-campus activities to provide a rich and enjoyable experience, promoting bilateral cultural exchange between migrant workers and Taiwan. 3. Become a mid-level skilled worker and open up new possibilities: The Long-term Retention of Skilled Foreign Workers program by the Ministry of Labor allows qualified migrant workers to engage in mid-level technical work in Taiwan, with no restrictions on the duration of employment. Therefore, by completing this course and obtaining the completion certificate, or participating in the spoken language basic-level counseling class and passing the test, you can meet the language requirements for mid-level technical positions. This will provide you with opportunities to pursue better job prospects and explore different possibilities in the future. Contact information:: 1. Email:
[email protected] 2. Phone:(02)2366-0098、(02)2367-8228
給雇主的話 隨著國內高齡化及少子化社會的來臨,家庭照護需求日益增加。而雇主聘 僱移工最常發生的問題,就是語言不通與文化差異,進而衍伸出其他衝突。 北市勞動力重建運用處持續辦理移工華語課程,提升移工在工作與生活中 的語言溝通能力及適應力,促進勞雇關係和諧及穩定。今年更因應勞動部「移 工留才久用方案」開放外國人從事中階技術工作,增設華語文能力測驗 TOCFL 口說基礎級輔導班,協助移工能夠通過測驗取得資格證明。 我們希望雇主能夠給予移工全面的支持,也鼓勵移工積極完成課程、取得 結業證書,不要缺席喔! 課程包含以下幾點特色: 1. 打造學用合一的教學情境 課程著重於移工在臺工作及生活時,可能面臨的各種情境、與因此衍 生的各種會話需求,結合居家照護、醫院就醫、菜市場買菜等真實的生活 場景,進行單詞、對話的練習,讓移工能在日常生活中學以致用。 2. 增進移工對我國文化的認知 帶入臺灣生活各層面的文化知識,如飲食、禮儀等,並結合節慶活動 體驗,帶領移工認識臺灣的多元樣貌,增進移工對臺灣在地的認同感。 3. 接軌勞動部「移工留才久用方案」 勞動部「移工留才久用方案」開放符合資格的移工,在臺從事中階技 術工作,並且取消在臺工作的年限。中階技術工作其中一項資格條件即為 語言能力,因此除了完成本課程、取得結業證明或參與本課程口說基礎級 輔導班,讓我們協助移工通過測驗,亦可達成中階技術人力的語言能力要 求。北市移工從事家庭看護工者佔了 9 成以上,如此一來,雇主可以留住 優秀人才,移工也有更多的資本爭取更好的工作機會。 聯絡資訊: 1. 電子信箱:
[email protected] 2. 電話:(02)2366-0098、(02)2367-8228