Nội dung text Mole concept.pdf
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node06\B0BC-BD\Kota\JEE(Advanced)\Nurture\Chem\Module\2-Mole,Conc,Eudio-Redox & Eq\Eng\1. Mole & Eudiometry\01-Theory.p65 Mole Concept & Eudiometry E 3 ALLEN® '$ C7JJ;H0CWoo[m_nWito^_i]o^Wo^WnhWnnWiZjYYpk_[nnkWY[$ JrjrWtnj\YbWnn_\t_i]hWoo[m0 ?$ F^tn_YWbYbWnn_\_YWo_ji ??$ 9^[h_YWbYbWnn_\_YWo_ji '$' F^tn_YWbYbWnn_\_YWo_ji0 C7JJ;H IEB?: B?GK?: =7I _ FWmo_Yb[n^[bZq[mtYbjn[bt FWmo_Yb[nWm[b[nnYbjn[bt FWmo_Yb[nWm[\Wmo^[noWkWmo kWYa[Z_ijmZ[m[ZhWii[m$ kWYa[Z$ __ Dj\m[[Zjhj\hjq[h[io FWmo_Yb[nYWihjq[WmjpiZ Cjq[h[ioj\kWmo_Yb[n_nq[mt j\kWmo_Yb[n ojnjh[[so[io [WntWiZ\Wno ___ :[\_i_o[n^Wk[WiZqjbph[ :[\_i_o[qjbph["_iZ[\_i_o[ _iZ[\_i_o[n^Wk[WiZqjbph[ n^Wk[ _q ;s_nonWobjrJWiZ^_]^F ;s_nonWo_io[mh[Z_Wo[ ;s_nonWo^_]^JWiZbjrF FJ Djo[0 Wq[\_s[ZYjhkjn_o_ji zLWm_WXb[Yjhkjn_o_ji z9WiijoX[n[kWmWo[ZXt k^tn_YWbh[o^jZn z9WiX[n[kWmWo[ZXtk^tn_YWb h[o^jZnojkpm[npXnoWiY[n 9jhkjpiZn zCWZ[j\jibtji[ otk[j\Wojhn zCWZ[j\orjjmhjm[ otk[nj\Wojhn%_jin ?ji_Y 9jqWb[io >[o[mj][i[jpn z>Wq[pi_\jmhYjhkjn_o_ji WiZZ[in_oto^mjp]^jpo z7m[ijopi_\jmh_i Yjhkjn_o_jiWiZ%jm Z[in_ot ;s0C_sopm[j\]Wn[n" DW9b!> E" =bpYjn[!> E" 7bbjtn"[oY$ ( ( ;s$=mWk^_o[!:_WhjiZ" <[!<[E" IWiZ!> E"[oY$ ( C_sopm[n C7JJ;H ;b[h[ion MOLE CONCEPT $//(1®
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