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ALL INDIA NEET TEST SERIES-UG-2023-24 DURATION : 200 Minutes DATE : MARKS : 720 Topic Covered PHYSICS : Electrostatics, Electric field, Nuclei CHEMISTRY : Theory of Dilute Solution, Haloalkanes & Haloarenes BIOLOGY : Biotechnology : Principles and Processes, Biotechnology and its Applications
PHYSICS SECTION - A Attempt All 35 Questions (1.) If 7 1 8 Li H Be + → 1 4 mass of 7 Li 7.0020 = u mass of 1 1 H is 1.0027u and mass of 8 4 Be is 8.0016u . Then energy evolved is : (1) 2.89 calorie (2) 2.89eV (3) 2.89MeV (4) 2.89 kJ. (2.) Obtain the binding energy per nucleon (in MeV) of a nitrogen nucleus ( ) 14 7 N , given ( ) 14 7 p m N 14.00307u, m 1.007825amu = = , 1.008665 mn = : (1) 1.2 (2) 8.8 (3) 2.3 (4) 7.5 (3.) The volume of the nucleus is smaller than that of the atom by a factor of about (1) 10 (2) 5 10 (3) 10 10 (4) 15 10 (4.) In the reaction 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 0 H H He + → + n if the binding energies of 2 3 1 1 H , H and 4 2 He are respectively x y, and z (in MeV ) energy released in this reaction is : (1) − − − z x y (2) x y z + + (3) x y z + − (4) z x y − − . (5.) Which nucleus is most stable : (1) Fe (2) He (3) U (4) H (6.) If per nucleon binding energies for 7 3 Li and 4 2 He are 5.60MeV and 7.06MeV , then the energy released in the nuclear process: 7 1 4 3 1 2 Li 2 He + P ⎯⎯→ (1) 19.6MeV (2) 2.4MeV (3) 8.4MeV (4) 17.3MeV (7.) Atomic power station at Tarapore has a generating capacity of 200MW . The energy generated in one day by this station is: (1) 200MW (2) 200 Joule (3) 6 4800 10  joule (4) 10 1728 10  Joule
(8.) The correct curve showing variation of binding energy per nucleon(b.) with mass number ( A) of the nucleus is : (A.) (B.) (C.) (D.) (1) (a) (2) (b) (3) (c) (4) (d) (9.) One miligram of matter converted into energy will be: (1) 90 joules (2) 3 9 10  joules (3) 5 9 10  joules (4) 10 9 10  Joules (10.) The curve of binding energy per nucleon as afunction of atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium nucleus. This implies that helium: (1) Can easily be broken up (2) Is very stable (3) Can be used as fissionable material (4) Is radioactive (11.) Nuclear forces are: (1) Long ranged, repulsive & charge independent (2) Short ranged attractive and charge dependent (3) Short ranged attractive and charge independent (4) Long ranged, repulsive & charge dependent (12.) In , m mn and mp are the masses of A z X nucleus, neutron and proton respectively then: (1) m A Z m Zm  − + ( ) n p (2) m A Z m Zm = − + ( ) n p
(3) m A Z m Zm = − + ( ) p n (4) m A Z m Zm  − + ( ) n p (13.) In the reaction 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 0 H H He n + ⎯⎯→ + if the binding energy per nucleon of 2 3 1 1 H, H and 4 2 He are respectively ab, and c (in MeV) then the energy (in MeV ) released in this reaction is: (1) 2c a b + − (2) a b c + − (3) 4 2 3 c a b − − (4) c a b − − (14.) In a nuclear fusion reaction, two nuclei A B & fuse to prodcue a nucleus C , releasing an amount of energy ΔE in the process. If the mass defects of the three nuclei are Δ ,Δ &Δ M M M A B C respectively, then which of the following relations holds? Here c is the speed of light: (1) 2 ΔM ΔM ΔM ΔE / c A B C −=− (2) 2 ΔM ΔM ΔM ΔE / c A B C + = + (3) 2 ΔM ΔM ΔM ΔE / c A B C + = − (4) 2 ΔM ΔM ΔM ΔE / c A B C −=+ (15.) The binding energy of nucleus is a measure of its: (1) Stability (2) mass (3) Momentum (4) Charge (16.) The binding energies of the atoms of elements A and B are E a and Eb respectively. Three atoms of the elements B fuse to give one atom of element A. This fusion process is accompained by release of energy E . Then , E Ea b and E are related to each other as : (1) 3 E E E a b + = (2) E 3E a b = (3) E E 3E a b − = (4) 3 0 E E E a b + + = (17.) In a hypothetical fission reaction : 236 141 b 1 92 a 36 0 X Y 3 n → + + Z Calculate the total energy released per nuclear fission in MeV units, Given mass of neutron =1.009 a.m.u. mass of X-nucleus = 235.891 a.m.u. mass of Y-nucleus =140.673 a.m.u. mass of Z-nucleus = 91.791 a.m.u. (1) 0.2 931.5MeV  (2) 0.4 931.5MeV 

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