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Nội dung text ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI HSG ANH 9 ĐỒNG THÁP 2023 2024.docx

1 UBND THÀNH PHỐ CAO LÃNH PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỒNG THÁP ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm 10 trang) KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 CẤP THÀNH PHỐ, NĂM HỌC 2023-2024 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 17/12/2023 Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề I. LISTENING (4.0 points) PART 1. Listen to the recording twice and write on your answer sheet with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. (1.0 point) MOVING COMPANY SERVICE REPORT Phone number: (1) ____94635550____ USA Address : 509 Clark House, 1137 (2) ___University____ drive in Seattle Packing day: Monday Date: 11th (3) ___March____ Clean-up by: 5:00 p.m. Day: (4) ____Thursday___ About the Price: Rather expensive Storage Time: (5) _______1 month________ TRANSCRIPT CLERK: Good morning, ma’am, and welcome to “Australia’s Moving Experience”! How can I help you? WOMAN: Well, I... I hope you can help me. I’m so up in the air right now... I... CLERK: Just calm down, now. Let me guess: you’re moving and it has you a little confused. WOMAN: That’s it exactly. You see, I’m relocating to the United States next month and I’m having a hard time getting organised. CLERK: Here, fill out your name and address, and let me ask you a few questions. Oh, what should I call you? WOMAN: My name is Jane, Jane Bond. CLERK: OK, Jane, first of all, what’s your work phone number? In case I have any questions about things.
2 WOMAN: My work phone is 94635550. But please try not to call me too often there. My boss hates personal calls. CLERK: So does mine, ma’am, so does mine. And what address should we ship your things to? WOMAN: My new company is letting me stay temporarily at 509 Clark House, that’s C-L-A-R-K, 1137 University Drive in Seattle. CLERK: Seattle? Beautiful city, I hear. Mountains right beside the ocean, almost. Cooler than Australia, too. OK, and when should we come pack your things? WOMAN: I guess that would be on Monday, March 11th. CLERK: Do you want any help with an after-packing clean-up? We do that for a small additional charge. WOMAN: Yes, that would be helpful. I promised the landlord I’d give her the keys back by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, the 14th. CLERK: Great, we’ll just schedule the clean-up for that day. That way, the place will smell clean and there’ll be no dust. WOMAN: Well, you do think of everything! Oh, how much is this going to cost? CLERK: Here is a list of our basic prices. WOMAN: Oh dear, this seems rather expensive! CLERK: Yes ma’am, but you’re paying for the best. We’re careful and we’re fast. Like we say, the only thing we break are speed records getting you moved. WOMAN: Well... maybe that’s so... Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. I don’t want my furniture shipped with me. I won't be looking for an apartment till after I arrive in America. Would it be possible to put my furniture in storage here for a month, then have it sent along later? CLERK: Of course, we do that all the time. A couple of other things. Here at "A Moving Experience”, we try to pack your things logically. We don’t just throw stuff in boxes. PART 2. You will hear part of a tutorial between two students and their tutor. The students are doing a research project on computer use. Listen to the conversation carefully and mark the correct answer A, B, or C on your answer sheet. You will listen to the recording twice. (1.0 point) 1. Sami and Irene decided to do a survey about access to computer facilities because _______________ A. mostly no one had investigated this before. B. their tutor suggested this topic. C. this was a problem for many students. 2. Sami and Irene had problems with the reading for their project because _______________
3 A. the language was too technical. B. not much had been written about this topic. C. they could not locate the books in the library. 3. How did Sami and Irene get the key data in their survey after having an idea? A. From face-to-face interviews B. From observation of students C. From online questionnaires 4. How many access computer centres at the university did they go to get the data? A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 5. What proportion of students surveyed thought that a booking system would be the best solution? A. 45% B. 65% C. 77% TRANSCRIPT TUTOR: Dr. Barrett, Sami, come in. Is Irene with you? SAMI: Yes. TUTOR: Good. Sit down. Right, we're looking at how far you've got with your research project since we last met. You decided to do a survey about computer facilities at the university, didn't you? SAMI: That's right. We decided to investigate the university's open access centres, and in particular the computer facilities. Lots of the students are having trouble getting access to a computer when they need one. So we thought it would be a useful area to research. TUTOR: Good. Fine. It's not a topic anyone has looked at before, as far as I know, so it's a good choice. So what background reading did you do? IRENE: Well, we looked in the catalogues in the library, but we couldn't find much that was useful. It's such a specialised subject, hardly anything seems to have been published about it. SAMI: And as well as that, the technology is all changing so quickly. IRENE: But the Open Access Centre has an online questionnaire on computer use that it asks all the students to do at the end of their first year. And the supervisor gave us access to that data, so we used it as a starting point for our research. It wasn't exactly what we needed, but it gave us an idea of what we wanted to find out in our survey. Then we designed our own questionnaire. TUTOR: How did you use it? SAMI: We approached students individually and went through our questionnaire with them on a one-to-
4 one basis. TUTOR: So you actually asked them the questions? SAMI: That's right. We made notes of the answers as we went along, and actually we found we got a bit of extra information that way as well, about the underlying attitudes of the people we were interviewing by observing the body language and things like that. TUTOR: How big was your sample? IRENE: Well, altogether we interviewed a random sample of 65 students, 55% male and 45% female. TUTOR: And what about the locations and times of the survey? IRENE: We went to the five Open Access computer centres at the university, and we got about equal amounts of data at each one. It took us three weeks. We did it during the week, in the day and in the evenings. TUTOR: Not the weekends. IRENE: No. TUTOR: So presumably your respondents were mostly full-time students? IRENE: Yes. Oh, you mean we should have collected some data at the weekends from the part-time students? We didn't think of that. TUTOR: Okay, it's just an example of how difficult it is to get a truly random sample. So how far have you got with the analysis of results? SAMI: Well, everyone agreed there was a problem, but we're more interested in what they think should be done about it. The most popular suggestion was for some sort of booking system. About 77% of the students thought that would be best, but there were other suggestions. For example, about 65% of people thought it would help if the opening hours were longer, like 24 hours a day. PART 3. You will hear a teacher giving her students advice for exams. Listen carefully and complete the passage below. Write on your answer sheet NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each blank. (2.0 points) Advice for Exams - The audience are advised to (1) _____make some notes______ as she is talking. - Food can give you energy but eat sweets or drinking cola or sugar won't help you study but (2) ______ fruit and cereals_____ will, for example apples. - Find a comfortable place, not 'too' comfortable, with (3) ______plenty of light_____ when studying. - Try and keep a positive mind and be relaxed. Have a break If you start (4) _____feeling anxious______ like going out for a stroll around the block. - Choose the (5) _____the important things______ the things that will get you most points in an exam.

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