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3 Ireland 5 South Africa 7 New Zealand 1 4 6 capital city (n) an important city where the government of a country, state, etc. is flag (n) a piece of cloth with a design on it that represents a country population (n) the number of people living in a country English around the world 1 Look at the map. Match countries 1, 4 and 6 with the words below. Australia the UK the USA 2 1.18 People in the UK, the USA and Australia speak the same language. What language is it? Read, listen and check. 3 Look at the map and read the text again. Read 1–5 and follow the instructions. 1 Choose the Australian flag. a b c 2 Complete the sentence: Scotland is in . 3 Number the countries from 1 to 3 (very big, big, small number of people). the UK the USA Australia 4 Choose the correct option. Canberra is in Australia / the USA. 5 Draw lines and make sentences. Ireland is in the UK. Northern Ireland is a country. 4 1.19 Listen and match 1–3 with a–c. 1 Erin a is from the USA. 2 Peter b is from Australia. 3 Ollie c is from the UK. BBC 24 WHO SPEAKS ENGLISH? The UK (United Kingdom): England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland Capital city: London Population: 65 million people Language: English The USA (United States of America) Capital city: Washington Population: 324 million people Language: English and Spanish CULTURE 2 Canada Australia Capital city: Canberra Population: 24 million people Language: English M01 Wider World Starter SB Global 22732 Unit 1.indd 24 28/09/22 3:44 PM Sample Material © Pearson 2023
25 BBC 5 7 Watch the video and answer the presenter’s questions. 6 7 Watch the video again. Choose the correct answer. 1 The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and a Scotland. b Wales. c Northern Ireland. 2 There are four ... in the UK. a cities. b countries. c towns. 3 People from the UK are ... a British. b English. c American. 4 London is a ... city. a small and busy b big and green c big and busy 7 Discuss in class. What new things did you learn from the video? Would you like to visit the UK? Why?/Why not? PROJECT TIME In your group, collect information about the country. Answer these questions. What is the capital city? What is the population? What is the language? / What are the languages? Find these things. a map of the country the flag of the country photos of important and/or interesting places 1 • • • 2 • • • Create your presentation. Write your presentation. Choose the photos to add to your presentation. Read and check your presentation. Share your presentation with the class. Answer other students’ questions. Ask questions and comment on the other presentations. 3 • • • • • 8 In groups, make a digital presentation about one of the countries below. Follow these steps. the Republic of Ireland New Zealand the Republic of South Africa Canada 4 This is the UK M01 Wider World Starter SB Global 22732 Unit 1.indd 25 28/09/22 3:44 PM Sample Material © Pearson 2023

I can talk about clothes. 27 Unit 2 VOCABULARY Clothes cap coat dress jacket jeans shoes skirt T-shirt top tracksuit trainers trousers 2 2.1 Listen and repeat. Find the clothes in the Vocabulary box in the picture on page 26. 8 Adam and Adele are in the gym. Are their clothes OK for the gym? Write their clothes. Then tick (✓) for yes or put a cross (✗) for no. 3 2.2 Listen and choose the word you hear. 1 T-shirt / skirt 2 jacket / jeans 3 trainers / trousers 4 shoes / dress 5 cap / coat 6 top / tracksuit 4 Complete the table with the words in the Vocabulary box. Singular: is Plural: are T-shirt, , , , , , , jeans , , , 5 Complete the sentences with is or are. Then look at the picture on page 26. Tick (✓) for yes or put a cross (✗) for no. 1 ✓ The tracksuit is brown. 2 The trainers red. 3 The dress yellow. 4 The trousers black. 6 Look at your clothes and tell a partner. My jeans are blue, my T-shirt is green and white, and my trainers are red. 7 Choose a student from your class and name his/her clothes. Ask your partner to guess the student. A: White T-shirt, blue skirt. B: It’s Natasha! WATCH OUT! ! The T-shirt is blue. The shoes are black. The jeans are blue. Adam: tracksuit trousers Adele: jacket 9 Dress Adam and Adele for a party. Write two lists of clothes. In pairs, compare your lists. Adam: white T-shirt, ... Adele: blue shoes, ... YOUR 10 Make lists of clothes you wear WORLD at school and at the weekend. at school at the weekend M02A Wider World Starter SB Global 22732 Unit 2.indd 27 28/09/22 3:39 PM Sample Material © Pearson 2023

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