Page number 2 Click To Subscribe PHYSICS BRO YT CHANNEL Click To download APP – – 1 Mark Questions (MCQ) 1. Why is laterite soil used in Goa and Kerala for the construction of houses? Semester-I 2021 (a) It become hard when dry (b) This soil is generally coarse in texture and poors in nature (c) It has more of clay contest in it (d) It looks beautiful when used in buildings Ans (a) It become hard when dry 2. Why are the foothills of Himalayas prime to excessive soil erosion? Semester-I 2021 (a) absence of crop cover (b) Too much of development of transportation (c) Large scale deforestation in past (d) Tourists are spreading pollutants in rivers Ans (c) Large scale deforestation in past 3. The productive functions of forests include: Semester-I 2021 (a) Habitat for the wildlife (b) Control the water flow (c) Provide various products such as timber, fuel, wood, leaves, etc (d) Producing oxygen Ans (c) Provide various products such as timber, fuel, wood, leaves, etc 4. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? Semester-I 2021 (a) Babool - Tropical evergreen forest (b) Sandalwood - Tropical deciduous forest (c) Cinchona - Mountain forest (d) Sal Tidal forest Ans (b) Sandalwood - Tropical deciduous forest 5. Name the type of Natural Vegetation that is found in the windward side of the Western Ghats. Semester-I 2021 (a) Tropical Evergreen (b) Tropical Deciduous (c) Mangrove Forest (d) Mountain Forest Ans (a) Tropical Evergreen 6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of desert vegetation? Semester-I 2021 (a) Short named growth of vegetation (b) Thick fleshy stems (c) Broad leaves (d) Long and deep roots Ans (c) Broad leaves
Page number 2 Click To Subscribe PHYSICS BRO YT CHANNEL Click To download APP – 7. Why do we need forest conservation? Semester-I 2021 (a) Forests provide food for growing population (b) Forests helps in earning foreign exchange (c) Forests help in maintaining ecological balance (d) Forests look beautiful Ans (c) Forests help in maintaining ecological balance 8. During which month do we celebrate Van Mahotsav every year in India? Semester-I 2021 (a) In December to February time period" (b) In July to September time p period (c) In March to May time period (d) In November to January time period Ans (b) In July to September time period 9. What is the term used in describe the growing of trees in various parts of the country? Semester-I 2021 (a) Re afforestation (b) Deforestation (c) Accuracy (d) Afforestation Ans (d) Afforestation 1 Mark Questions (VSA) 1. Under what rainfall conditions are the tropical rainforests found? 2003 Ans Tropical rainforests are found in areas where annual rainfall is more than 200 cm. 2. What are two main characteristics of the trees found in tropical evergreen forests? 2002 Ans Two characteristics of the trees in tropical evergreen forests are as follows: (i) They do not shed their leaves throughout the year. (ii) These are hard, fine-grained and durable. 3. Name one state in India which mostly has red soils. 2002 Ans Jharkhand is a state in India, which mostly has red soils. 4. Mention two characteristics of red soils. 2002 Ans Two characteristics of red soils are as follows: (i) They are red in colour due to high iron content. (ii) Their colour may vary from yellow to brown as percentage of iron varies. 5. Name the vegetation type found in saline environment under tidal influence. 2001 Ans Mangrove forest is the vegetation type found in saline environment under tidal influence. 6. Name the most important tree associated with type of vegetation you have named above. 2001 Ans Sundari is the most important tree associated with mangrove vegetation. 7. How does the soil of the Ganga-Yamuna plain differ from that of central Maharashtra? 2000 Ans Ganga-Yamuna plain is made up of alluvial soil, which is transported by rivers whereas central Maharashtra is made up of black regur soil which is made up of weathered volcanic rocks.
Page number 2 Click To Subscribe PHYSICS BRO YT CHANNEL Click To download APP – 8. Which soil is found suitable for coffee cultivation in Karnataka ? 2000 Ans Laterite soil is suitable for coffee cultivation in Karnataka. 9. Name the type of soil found on the summit of the Eastern Ghats. 2000 Ans Laterite soil is found on the summits of the Eastern Ghats. 10. Name the soil known for its self-ploughing quality and capacity to hold moisture. Name one cash crop for which it is most suited. 2000 Ans Black soil is known for its self-ploughing quality and capacity to hold moisture. Cotton is the most suited cash crop for this soil. 2 Marks Questions 1. With reference to methods of prevention of soil erosion answer the following. Semester-I 2021 (i) Name the method used to prevent soil erosion by running water? (a) Terrace farming (b) Strip cropping (c) Shelter belts (d) Leaving the land fallow Ans (a) Terrace farming (ii) Name the method used to prevent soil erosion by wind. (a) Contour ploughing (b) Strip cropping (c) Plugging of gullies (d) Use of fertiliser Ans (b) Strip cropping 2. (i) Name the soil that is found in Central Deccan Plateau? Semester-I 2021 (a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil (c) Red soil (d) Laterite soil Ans (a) Black soil (ii) How is the soil named by you (i) above formed? (a) Formed by the deposition of silt brought down by river. (b) Formed by the weathering of laterite rocks. (c) Formed by the weathering of metamorphic rocks. (d) Formed by the weathering of metamorphic rocks. Ans (c) Formed by the weathering of metamorphic rocks. 3. Name the soil that possess the following characteristics Semester-I 2021 (i) Soil is generally confined to river basins (a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil (c) Red soil (d) Laterite soil Ans (b) Alluvial soil (ii) Soil that becomes infertile because of desilication (a) Black soil (b) Alluvial soil (c) Red soil (d) Laterite soil Ans (d) Laterite soil
Page number 2 Click To Subscribe PHYSICS BRO YT CHANNEL Click To download APP – 4. (i) Name the parent rock that contributes to the formation of red soil. 2020 (ii) How does this soil get its 'red' colour? Ans (i) Metamorphic rocks and old crystalline rocks are the most common parent materials that contribute to the formation of red soil. (ii) The colour of the soil is red due to iron oxide content in it. 5. Name the following: 2020 (i) A soil that occurs in-situ and is good for cotton crop. (ii) Soil that is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall. Ans (i) Black soil is the soil that occurs in-situ and is good for cotton crop. It is due to high temperature and heavy rainfall. (ii) Khadar soil is formed due to high temperature and heavy rainfall. 6. State two ways by which forests help in protecting the environment. 2020 Ans Two ways by which forests help in protecting the environment are After oceans, forests are the world's largest storehouses of carbon. These absorb harmful greenhouse gases that produce climate change. It provide habitats to the lot of wild animals and birds. 7. With reference to Tropical Deciduous forests answer the following questions: 2020 (i) Name two states where it is found. (ii) Name two important trees found in this forest. Ans (i) Tropical Deciduous forests are found in Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. (ii) Teak and Sal are important trees found in these forests. 8. (i) Name the Indian soil which is formed due to the weathering of basic igneous rocks. 2020 (ii) Name two states of India where this type of soil is found. Ans (i) Black soil has been formed by weathering of the parent rock material found in Deccan Plateau i.e. igneous rocks and is called regur soil. (ii) It is found in the Deccan trap (Basalt lava region) and covers the plateau areas of Saurastrian Gujarat, Maharashtra, Malwa of Madhya Pradesh, parts of Andhra Pradesh, Northern Karnataka, parts of Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh and also along the valleys of the Godavari and Krishna rivers. 9. Name the following. 2019 (i) An important transported soil of India. (ii) Soil that is rich in iron oxide. Ans (i) Alluvial soil is an important transported soil of India. (ii) Red and yellow soils are rich in iron oxide. 10. Give two reasons to explain as to why we need to conserve our forest resources. 2019 Ans We need to conserve forest resources because : • Forests are an important part of the Earth's climate. It is primarily because of the presence of a variety of plants which due to their high density produce massive amount of oxygen and enables other organisms to breathe. • Forests provide home to diverse animals and plant species which not only provide biodiversity on